Shingeki no Kyojin

Did an Eldian king edit Ackerman biology to also be sexier than any other bloodline?

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Why the obsession with scarfs anyways?
Is it a nip culture thing?

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Someone should report this attention whore

Were the Ackerman's just created for fan service and action scenes?
Not that I'm complaining

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>That entire childhood backstory in the movie
Can't believe Kishi shamelessly ripped us off Mikabros.......

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>Eren is going to lose for real
>genocide is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
Fuck this gay earth

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>BTFOing titans to save humanity
Try not ignoring everything before Marley self inserter.

Isayama needed some characters able to do things that other" humans" weren't able to do, otherwise the warriors would have won easily (in fact they jobbed 80% of the time against an ackerman).
The result is pretty good by the way:Mikasa is not too OP (even if is deep as a children pool character wise), manlet is a better Mikasa with really cool action scenes in both Manga and anime (we now are all joking at him being crippled, but Literally the fight before being injured he delivered a great overkill on zeke)and than uncle Kenny, who was the best of the 3 Ackermans.

>we should slaughter each other because our grandgrandgrandgrandparents used to hate each other
Wow, great logic there.
Marleyans are currently the only ones acting like stupid niggers and they deserve to be deleted from existence

>eren was actually playing a leoluche all along
God bless this world.

>Some government bastards that fooled all the global population== everyone deserve to die
Let me guess, all the Germans deserved to die because of how Hitler deceived them, right?

mankasafags still saying stuff like this? kinda pitiful desu

Not that user but Marley deserve to be punished for abusing the titan system which is the most painful weapon, attacking an enemy who clearly surrendered and manipulate the masses by involving them to attack someone they have been provoking all the time.

>Just wants to find excuses to seethe
Cool your obsession friend

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The story started with the perception of humans being caged fighting the monsters byond but later on Isayama pretty much flips it with the caged people being the monsters and the ones attacking them being humanity.The story is long past that differentiation.

Uncle Zeke soon

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But as I said, it was fault of the government, not the population. (same for what happened in Paradis until Uprising arc). The point of both marley arc and that arc was to show that the source of the conflict is caused by the leader classes that cares only about their interests. In fact, the point of this arc was to show how a truce/tolerance is possible when people Aren't influenced by politicians and propaganda. In fact the only marleyan leader alive is Magath at the moment, who doesn't hate the eldians and would potentially redeem his country by being the first to put the change of getting a tolerance between nations.
And don't get me wrong, eren understood this too(as showed by his journey in Marley and probably in the other parts of the world) , and for this reasons I'm 100% sure his plan isn't the rumbling itself, but the fear it will generate, putting the word in a situation where or humanity left away all those fake government words and start uniting, or they will all die.

*Uncle and father GODvi you mean.
Cucke is just going to be mince meat under his boots soon too.

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But he can't be uncle and father at the same time...... UNLESS (he fucked Mikasa)

Despite the different situations, the same core themes and ideals are still there user.

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No Mikacuks. Eren is the father and ZL the uncles. Nobody wants to fuck Mikasa save maybe Jean

Jeanbo is a man of culture, unlike eren who like only blonde manlets/womanlets.

Levi and Zeke as the new Uri and Kenny would be kino.

Yup die like a cuck.

Eren is more attractive than Mikasa both as a man and as a woman

The freedom they seeked was something taken away from them, not the world. The world is free and ready to eradicate them.

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Cry more natalist scum

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Based Shartmong poster is back.

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Well, actually make sense.
Erwin was "humanity have to die etc..", but it was just an excuse for him to justifie the death of his comrades in order to archive his ambition (Aka discover the truth), and we have seen him felling guilty for the death of flew hundred of people,so he would be against killing the entire world population too.
Or saying that he would 100% be agaisnt eren, just that he would definito relie more on the 50 years plan instead than the total rumbling.
Ps. If you are a smart reader, I would be able to get that eren's true plan isn't the rumbling itself. It already foreshadowed multiple times and will probably be the final plottwist.

I smell the fear already

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This is the route Isayama should have chosen, atleast Levi could be himself and wouldn't need to be put to sleep to avoid insulting the warriors. A shame how Isayama's obvious favoritism robbed us from better and more interesting combinations

is it time?

>implying it ever left
Who do you think has been busy shitposting about Yelena demanding the pregnancy without consulting Zeke, Manlet being the father and EM being the plot this whole time?

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Well we got Reiner defending his waifu.

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Oh os that's why Zeke the jobber won, he could sense Reiner wanting to fuck Annie and Zeke got mad at that.

You're not getting your fanfic self inserting shipperfag. Get over it lmao.

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What killed the hype?


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EH, Anniefags

I think both you and that guy are wrong, since is clear as the sky that eren's plan isn't the rumbling itself (than if EH happened or not, who care?!)


Nothing. Just Yas Forums is the place of contrarians and genocide fags who blinded themselves for 2 years, while it was clear since marley arc that we were going full leoluche ending (he was thinking that way before joining in this hell of threads)

best ymir

>while it was clear since marley arc that we were going full leoluche ending

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I love her so much

>bitchy tomboy with good body and tsundere personality
Why you made her lesbian,isayamaaaaaaa?? !!!

Hisu is a lucky girl

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If you don't wear black glasses you would be able to understand it. Let's see al the reasons:
>eren understanding that the humanity isn't their enemies but that everything is mostly fault of the corrupted government, just like for what happened in Paradis for 100 years.
>acknowledged that there are good people who would care about eldians if wasn't for the propaganda
>accepted his role as enemy of humanity
>the themes of acceptation, "children are the future" and the entire plot happened with gaby and falco
>eren being a basement were we can't read and see his Pow (otherwise isayama would have given to him a Pow like normal in TPN, like him saying "there is no place for humanity etc.." to himself)
>showing that eren's initial mentality back in Trost arc was wrong, since his land failed in uniting agaisnt the titans only because the Reiss and the rest of the nobilty did everything in order to keep the eldians separated (and also showing how isayama's mentality changed during the 10 years of publication, since he started as an edgelord mangaka and than changed into a more optimistic person, mostly because of his success, his friends and the fact that he got married)

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>Didn't even get the whole point of chapter 100

Nice argument, dick head. I bet writing something smart is too difficult for your brain

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I got that, for succede in his plan, eren accepted his role as monster and accepted thousand of innocent for succede (just like Erwin).
That was the real point of chapter 100, the man became the monster to save the world.

Who is the blonde manlet?

> the man became the monster to save the world.

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Hisu misses Dykemiru's tongue.
Not even the farmer gave her orgasms like she did.

you can't argue with literal retards user

Thanks for confirming it was you, kek.

user, you wrote the exact reasons why a Lelouch ending was never an option.

>Erendogs are already bargaining with "muh Lelouch"

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Sorry to disappoint you, but I was for the leoluche ending since marley arc. Also, you really think that magically eren became an evil asshole who just enjoy killing thousand of people? The Manga literally showed the opposite

I will make easier for your brain:
"or umanity unite agaisnt eren and put away the hatred or they will all DIE".
in both cases eren wins.

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Yes I'm whatever boogeyman you FEAR maggot

Imagine believing Erwin would help the alliance unironically

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>he will never read the full chapter
How many times are you going to post this and how many times are you going to get explained that Erwin just wanted to see the basement

He just wanted to see the truth. He wouldn't have accepted to kill the entire humanity, since he was literally cursing himself for killing indirectly flew hundreds of soldiers. He would have stood for the 50 years plan.

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Hisu was a lucky girl

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>Y-You don't get it, Erwin didn't mean what he said!

Armin. Until the timeskip eren have alwais sucked his dick

Why do people care this much about what Erwin would or wouldn't think of this whole mess? He's fucking dead anyway and the initial setup would have been wqy to different had he been saved to make any concrete claim about how he would've handled current events, cause there's no guarantee the events in question could have ever even taken place.

>How many times are you going to post this and how many times are you going to get explained that Erwin just wanted to see the basement

Alright, so ? I never said that he would do anything else either, I just showed why people who believe that he would help their self insert would not work. He had his selfish desires, people using him as a flip flop between Eren and the Alliance are just retarded.

Yeah, this is the most likely possiblity.

He did, but the reason he wanted to do that was to see the basement. He even admitted to Zackley that the previous govt would have been good if that meant the majority of humanity would survive

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>Theo " Let's use Paradise as a scapegoat to save Marley" Maggath
>Will convince the whole world that the devils aren't bad because they licked his ass
>After getting the founder in Marley's possession.

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