It has been two years

>it has been two years
>I am forgotten

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citation needed

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yeah cause it was total fuckin shit
the show was only valued for shitposting purposes, and like all transient shitposting shows it couldn't stand the test of time and stand on its own

But there are multiple chainsaw man threads per week

i want to knit little pouches to put her horns in so they don't poke my eyes out

This Power is drawn weirdly. Anyway she's becoming more popular so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

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Not really. Just like i never forget Kirino or Asuka, Zero came to stay in my mind.

Yeah OP, is right. She's all over the place.

What's a Kirino?

We like Power now. 02 is old and busted and her anime is shit.

who is this power girl

He is the protagonist of Fire Punch Man IIRC

Read manga, normie

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what a cute little fang

Even if Franxx is forgotten Hir02 are remembered as the heroes who were cheated

"Read manga, normie" is the weeb version of "have sex incel"?

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Were they trying to be deep with this ending? It only left bad taste in my mouth
At least give us an 100% a happy one

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Shit is still pretty popular

>muh sakura symbolism
you were warned you dumb gaijins

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protip: protag couple almost always ends in tragedy. side couples are the safer bet.

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She isn't, shitty anime youtubers that don't even like FranXX are still using her as clickbait material

They're airing an episode during the 48 hour Aniplex special.

From Chainsaw Man

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>fatties still mad


I fucking wish. Every single ironic anime fan & girl weeb love 02 for some fucking reason.

The entire show makes it painfully clear she's a cunt and a slut yet this bitch ended up as one of the best waifu of the decade according to normies sites? Christ.

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>not even friend-zoned
>obese man-baby zoned

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cinammon roll and my wife

fats always lose

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Get an NPC girl to marry you

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Not really. Hack writers just need to go "hurr durr muh bittersweet so deep so profound"

not by me
I still fap to Zetotsu everyday

But everybody loves Powah, OP? Even when she's offmodel and posing with some devianart self-insert like in your pic.

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Gray Powa is great but blonde Powa is the best. Pink Powa is cute too

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Respectable opinion. How are you liking black Powa so far though?

I’ll never forget Hir02

Ichigo for best girl

Fuck ningen

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

How can you do that when you're dead, Hiro?

I like Powa as I like all monstergirls.
But stop shilling you're waifu.

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>it has been fifteen years
>I am not forgotten

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I'll never forget that foot.

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This OP being proof that franxxfags will shill just to gain relevancy. Like, just die please, your show is already replaced by more superior stuff. Like go back to playing shitty games like Fortnite instead of visiting Yas Forums or any anime discussion for that matter

>Not really. Hack writers just need to go "hurr durr muh bittersweet so deep so profound"
So if Nishigori didn’t scrap Papa and 001 for the shitty side cast, 02 and Hiro would probably not sacrifice themselves. Why? Papa inherently has a natural sad end point with the Nine’s deaths in the war. Plus, many members of squid 13 will die naturally from parasite conditions.

You’re the first Klaxosapien that tried to go inside a human’s pants.

This post reeks of reddit

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Feels bad man.
But at least I'll always be able to think of what could have been.

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>Fatoshi self inserters

she has horns and sharp teeth, right?
works for me


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