Literally better than Madoka

>literally better than Madoka
>Forgotten by Yas Forums

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flip floppers was a disappointment

It wasn't better nor was it forgotten, but you know that.

Stop making threads that only exists to bait other anons.

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Why do you keep making these content-void, inflammatory threads? If you don't have anything to say, why not leave it to someone who does?

>one of a few good yurishit shows

there is no sexual tension in flip flappers

Kanata no Astra was better than Madoka yet you will never see a thread about it.

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>literally better than Madoka
That's not a big accomplishment.

shit was kinda boring

Because "better than Madoka" is a very low bar.

based. in the mediocrity of the year that was 2019 that show was at the top of it all. i miss space operas.

Cocona is such a pure and respectable girl, it's awful how they sexualized her at every opportunity.

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>One of a few
Newfaggots are cancer

Isn't coping this hard bad for your health?

if she's pure why she liked it?

>The characters are literal representation of Ego, Superego, and Id.
This is "symbolism" as understood by literal retards.
You're mentally deficient if you think Flip Floppers was anything but awful.

Flip Floppers had a great start but fell apart later on

who are you quoting, autismo?

>anything with that retarded ending
:>better then madoka

>lolsorandom evangelion pastiche
>better than anything

It was dumb shit for pseuds and yurifags

There is nothing wrong with this ending.
Great, now I have to defend this show because OP is a faggot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.04_[2017.01.05_23.07.20].jpg (1280x720, 110.92K)

He was quoting you from two days ago.

2 days ago I didn't even watch the show let alone make a thread

it's just you, autismo


nice b8

>literally better than Madoka
I like Flipflappers but I think that is debatable and depends on the taste of each one.
>Forgotten by Yas Forums
Absolutely, Yas Forums always forgets or even pays attention to good anime.

we know that every anime is yuri if you got your goggles on but this isn't /u/.

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>better than Madoka
That's not much of an achievement.

Anyone else felt claustrophobic in there?

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delete this

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>praising an actual mediocrity riddled with nonsensical asspulls and plot twists of equal retardation to stick it to the Madoka fans
Get rid of yourselves, contrarians.

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It was the 2010's Kaiba.
First half 10/10, second half 5/10.

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Wrong and wrong.

I would say it's prettier than Madoka, though.

>he doesn't like the second half despite it's flaws
>he doesn't appreciate Yayakas transformation, Nyu being useless, M.U.S.C.L.E., Salt becoming an actual character, Mimi wrecking Asclepius, Salts PI, the happy ending
>he thinks it "ruined it"
>he believes in the writers change

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>not feeling that writers change

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.30_[2016.11.10_22.16.01].jpg (1280x720, 92.5K)

>horrible subs

At least it's a nice change from your salesfag bait threads. Kill yourself already.

>literally better than Madoka
Nah every madoka episode was good and flip flop second half was crap

So this is crap?

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Being better than a terrible piece of trash is not hard, that said this was 10/10 material,


That does not make sense
Kaiba peaked at ep 8, just the final epsode was really weird

Speaking of bait...

post Coconass

It should've been gayer.

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flip flappers
more like
shit shatters

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There are pacing issues and the plot is incomprehensible, but the art is beautiful.
Kaleidoscopic and psychedelic overtures to a rapidly shifting train-of-thought strings it all together.

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The "Papika is actually a 30-year-old woman and not Cocona's equal" twist ruined it. Oh I guess she loved Cocona romantically ever since she was a baby, what fucking bullshit. Also the Salt/Mimi drama being added to the mix took away too much screentime from the Papika/Cocona dynamic so it didn't feel earned when the two girls confessed in the finale.

>toddler yuri
Was this the most degenerate anime of the 2010s?

Post yayaka

Everything made sense and had a perfect development, is like saying that Mami getting her head cut was an asspull.

Is really funny because Madoka wasn't even on the top 5 of the year it aired.

>The majority of Yas Forums doesn't know shit about anime
In other news, water is wet and fire burns things

> think that is debatable and depends on the taste of each one
>it's all relative, user, Madoka isn't better or worse than anything, there is no such thing as objective quality.
now, THIS is bait.

All the Madoka copies in the past half dozen years, like YuYuYu and its ilk have thoroughly killed the "cute girls but they're suffering" genre. Nobody wants to watch that gimmicky garbage anymore. That said, Fip Floppers was good, but too much flamboyant style, too little substance.

I don't like it

Madoka was never a "cute girls suffering" show to begin with.

based and chip-pilled

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