Is it actually any good?

Is it actually any good?

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If you watch it in broadcast order for the first time, yeah.

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If you don't skip any of the endless eight yeah.

For the last fucking time no.

It's only fondly remembered for the shity cringe oldfag memes it produced. If you're going into it nowadays you'll think it's generic as fuck and probably get bored, especially if you simp hard enough to try and get through all of Endless Eight.

Stop being a contrarian.

Don't listen to this faggot, he has terrible taste. Haruhi was a sensation when it came out, and if you watch the first season you'll find out why. It's funny, cute, heartwarming, and brainy. Amazing anime, and the girls are cute too.
The problem is that the second season had a marked drop in quality, most notably in what are called the "Endless Eight", which was basically the same episode eight times over and over, which they tried to justify with some time loop bullshit. Watch the first season and read the books.

It is very good.

why don't you niggers watch and find out and think for yourselves holy shit

I saw it for the first time six months ago and it was kino. You can call me a newfag but you cannot call me wrong. Die.

Step outside of the Yas Forums circlejerk.

That's not a contrarian take literally anywhere else nowadays. It's actually the opposite, especially after all the bullshit they pulled with pachinko and E8. This is coming from someone who was around in 2006-2007 when everybody on OG Yas Forums thought Haruhi was the tightest shit ever.

With that said, I still do enjoy firing off a few knuckle children to Haruhi herself every once in a while.

watched it two years ago and it sucked so you're wrong

how about you fucking form an opinion

I don't have an opinion

I watched for the first time last year and i really like it. Great production values, fun story, fun characters. Give it a shot, broadcast order first.


Not this

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I was a sucker for the ending for the first season.

i honestly have no idea how people can not like this show it truly baffles me

It is great when a tsundere finally decides to confess.

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I love how there's no real reason in this kind of posts besides "it's old, no one who watches for the first time nowadays likes it", that can be proven false right away.
At least there's more effort in this than the one-liners

Yes, and we'll never get those times again ever again

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I thought it was okay. The movie on the other hand is probably the best movie i've ever seen in my life and the anime is definitely worth the watch for that.

whats good about it

And I'm still waiting for that college slice-of-life OVA.

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form a pretty coherent rebuttal to everybody on here fawning over it. Remember, just because your opinion is the exact opposite of the majority doesn't mean you're being contrarian.

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Anybody who still hasn't watched this basic as fuck anime and needs to have a recommendation laid out for them needs to get their mouth stomped against the curb.

Holy shit. Like, think about how endless eight is made of 22 minute summaries of a full fucking week. Imagine not being able to sit through an hour and a half of that, when this lady had to sit through six centuries of it. That shit is horrifying. It gave me nightmares when I first saw it.

>broadcast order first
This. So here's the thing OP: the chronological order is different from the broadcast order. So first watch the broadcast, then the chronological. The show is meant to be watched twice.

Kyon and Mikuru is the only correct pairing, you uncultured swine. Fuck outta here.


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Well, to be fair she is an alien...robot...whatever.

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i-is this canon? Looks like doujin to me.
I thought the whole deal was that we know Kyon and Mikuru get together because of the birthmark thing.

Look, It's mostly loved by oldfags and people that watched it back then, personally I don't even think it's even in the top of what Kyoani has done.
There are people that watch it nowdays and still find it awesome but you know, things change and it got old honestly, the medium is much bigger now maybe back then it was loved by everyone because there wasn't so many kind of Otaku with different taste? I don't know.

You're the one bringing absolutes without backing it up at all.
>It's only fondly remembered for the shity cringe oldfag memes it produced. If you're going into it nowadays you'll think it's generic as fuck and probably get bored
Nothing more than buzzwords that avoid bringing up an exact issue, might as well say "it's shit" and leave it at that.
Now, the E8 bit is fair but if that's all you got, that's a really weak reason considering you could always skip a good chunk of it "If you're going into it nowadays "

>That's not a contrarian take literally anywhere else nowadays. It's actually the opposite, especially after all the bullshit they pulled with pachinko and E8.
Most people nowadays take it either as a retarded challenge or outright skip it, and no I don't mean people from the circlejerk as you'd like to believe. And pachinko is only remembered here and by people that are pretty into Haruhi, so that's another dumb point you're trying to cling onto.

Seriously, just say you hated it, you waste less of our time.

>I thought the whole deal was that we know Kyon and Mikuru get together because of the birthmark thing.
The fuck? That was just a stable time loop.

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nah all you faggots have horrible taste now

nigga that's before any of the time loop bullshit, that's early on in s1 when that's established

.. did you really watch it??

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user telling it like it is over here

It is and Haruhi is a miracle

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yes I did.
twelve years ago. it may be that I need a refresher.

Nah, don't.
Or maybe do, if you're on home office for the next weeks.

>it may be that I need a refresher.
Yes, yes you do.

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It wouldn't still get threads if it wasn't.

I'll take your word for it. Actually, this thread is making me want to rewatch it.
I mean, what the hell else am I gonna do while everyone's on beer-flu lockdown?

Not really, is it just known for memes and shitposting, sadly you cannot talk bad about it because the fanbase is too big, is like trying to tell people that Code Geass was a bad show, another show which only selling point was being "the first to do it", exchange Code Geass for Darling in the Franx and the result will be the same.

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Fine, You want specifics?

Cringe oldfag memes: Hare Hare Yukai, Nyoro~n, Mikuru Beam, Only God Knows etc.

Generic as fuck: They have Haruhi practically breaking the fourth wall to explain to viewers what moe is, Nagato being the most bland kuudere ever, Kyon being the most bland self-insert MC ever, Mikuru being the most bland submissive moeblob waifubait ever. I'll at least give Haruhi credit for being something a little more complex than the typical cookie-cutter Rie Kugimiya KyoAni tsundere archetype.

Code Geass fans admit that the writting is kinda shit but damn it fucking is an entertaining show

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>endless eight
It's designed to filter out people who have good taste.

It was good at the time, not really worth going back for unless you're interested in it for historical purposes. Most of the humor is poking fun at the tropes of the time, and those tropes were mostly forgotten about. You won't laugh much, you'll mostly just think it's interesting that people got the joke back then.

What kind of jokes are you talking about?
I don't remember any era-specific jokes in Haruhi.

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Exchange Code Geass for TTGL and the result will be the same desu.

When was the last time we got any good mecha that wasn't Gundam or some other old as fuck IP from the 70s-80s anyway? Even the newest season of FMP was pretty bad.



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Also watch the MOVIE, Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, it's a masterpiece

>anime will never be that good again

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Much better, although you're still being stingy with words when you can use multiple posts.
And going by the first list it looks like your problem lies in the fandom, not that I'll defend it, it's horrid either back then or right now and if you were to tell OP to just watch it and not interact with either the fans or the haters I'd second you in a heartbeat. The second doesn't really say anything, you're just repeating what the shows tell s you they're in the first 10 seconds of their introduction, I'm guessing you just couldn't care less about the characters and that's fair, but saying it's objectively shit because what amounts to an I didn't like it is dumb desu.

Clarifying my point is seething now. Jesus Christ these newfags have never seen true autist madposting which, coincidentally, the Haruhi franchise was notorious for generating back in the day.

Disappearance was amazing. Season 1 had some good stuff. The series in general? The writing in general? Ehhh.

Also, remember that time that Kyon was actually going to hit Haruhi? Like, straight-up waifu beating? Piece of shit MC, dude.

It's still my favourite anime/LN, even after all these years

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