Have any anime or manga you want to see translated? Translators fuck off after a few chapters? Never translated before? Post the anime, manga, or w/e and a short description of why it should be translated. Winner will be silently chosen and if raws are available, will be dumped in a thread next week. Shorter, newer mangas are preferred, but anything goes.
Translator looking for project
Other urls found in this thread:
Promise Cinderella
Why? i need some age gap romance to read and other some anons recommend this as being good
Agnes Kamen, It’s old and completed I own all the volumes in Moon runes so I could send them to you. Also is wrestling
are you trying to do wholesale scanlation by yourself or do you have a group?
This has like 3 chapters left.
Would be thrilled to see Hibiki - Shousetsuka ni Naru Houhou get finished. There's still around 60 chapter, literally more than half. Raws seem pretty easy to find. Thanks!
Oh and there's links to the raw here:
Kakuchou shoujo-kei trinary
I'm fucking baffled at how this shit hasn't been translated, I think the episodes are on YouTube actually
Can you translate salaryman kintarou. The anime was fun to watch.
I will typset it(or other manga if you need help) if you can translate and someone else who can clean
Cat Shit One '80
Because it hasn't been translated and I just want to read it
I assume it's shit considering the mobage they created the anime for shut down after a year
>This thread again
Why do they die so fast?
Because the translator is not willing to compromise and translate Shit Isekai #646785579853245
Probably because OP doesn't bump his own thread
This please. I beg of you.
Does translating manga actually help making you get better at japanese?
t. need to study for jlpt1 but dont where to start
>Yas Forums translation
I recently found out about High school kimengumi, but the anime has only two episodes with sub and those two were good and fun enough to make me want the rest of it
Of course it does, but I don't know how much it'll help if you're already that far along.
Both are pretty niché and scanlation for these has been nonexistent for months. Some other user and I wanna put out more it. The anzio one is a 4koma, pretty short per chapter. Pravda is a bit longer. Would really help out the guppie fags on Yas Forums if ya could do some translations
You're wasting 80% of your time on useless logistical work instead of getting good reading practice. Don't waste your time on ungrateful EOPs if you're looking to maximize your progress.
Did Boku no Shotaiken ever get translated beyond the first two chapters?
Are we going to get more of pic related?
Mods do you fucking jobs and delete these shitty off-topic request troll threads already.
Mods do you fucking jobs and ignore this faggot ^
Hibike Euphonium
Someone pick up Witch Craft Works again, I want to read the next chapter!
There hasn't been a new scanlation in so long!
There are 5 chapters to cover, that's 200-250 pages of material!
If you don't know hwot study for N1 you're probably N5
>This post is advertising or begging.
the thread
OP is doing it anonymously and for free so it falls under neither.
Rewrite: Cradle's Tale
just the script translated is fine, I can probably do the rest, I know my way around SiglusEngine
still angry sekai wont do it even though for them it'd be trivial
there's no such exception
you can also view it as a request thread if you want, but the conclusion is the same
do it
Nothing ITT is getting TLed, you're being baited like mongoloids you are.
But what if OP delivers for once?
Yoshida On's Bikko stuff
I don't care either way, I just think deleting threads is stupid unless they're spamming or posting something illegal.
Alright, then according to you, drawfags asking people what they want them to draw are advertising and begging, and should be banned.
For it to count as advertisement, there has to be a product or service clearly from someone towards which people's attention are drawn. OP is anonymous so there's no such attention.
For it to count as begging, OP would have to have some sort of renumeration. As far as I can tell, he's doing it for free.
Maybe. But that's not the point here.
It's a request thread that belongs on /wsr/.
>request thread
Calling this a request thread is like saying that just asking "should I buy McDonald's or KFC" is a request.
He's literally requesting manga you mong.
He won't because if he was serious it would be trivial for him to back his shit it up. He's an EOP spamming shitty troll request threads.
Drawfaggorty is being tolerated because people actually deliver making it a fun addition to the broad.
Not only can it be seen as a request it's also off-topic in the same vain that scanlation threads get 404ed, on top of that it's bait/trolling because OP won't deliver.
It's a request thread in the same vein that the very act of asking where you should eat your next meal is a request.
So if you're saying if OP delivers it's allowed here, and if he doesn't it's not. So what kind of proof would you be looking for? An N1 cert?
Akuno Himitsu Kessha
They would still be against the rules. They just might be tolerated as a worthwhile addition to the board. As stands this thread is garbage, that worthless shiteating leaches, also known as mangafags, are latching on to.
Nobody cares cares about shitty tests, all he has to do is be willing to TL 5 or so pages anons throw at him as proof he at least knows nip. There is plenty of anons capable of calling him out if he tries to fake it.
Fine, "tolerated", not "allowed".
>all he has to do is be willing to TL 5 or so pages anons throw at him as proof he at least knows nip.
Fair enough, but that still relies on him coming back to this thread first.
>Fair enough, but that still relies on him coming back to this thread first.
Yeah, it's a real mystery why he bails after making the thread.
Ryu, the Strongest Man on the Face of the Planet (地上最強の男竜), kinda like a trippy 1970s OPM, with some very unusual paneling.
Short overview with spoilers: tokyoscum.blogspot.com
Raws (two volumes, most of the pages have little text or no text at all): mega.nz
>unusual paneling
I mean, look at this shit. The author was clearly tripping balls.
Someone please pick this up!
Just waiting for suggestions of what to translate. I mean, if I really wanted to translate something totally random and didn't think of proving my credentials, I'd do the same thing.
All these years, and all Bikko's mags get is the shitty end of the scanlation stick.
The Bikko Comiket "series" by Yoshida On. Rarer than burnt steak. All of it's mostly one-shot spinoffs of On's first work featuring Bikko, "Kesson Shoujo" from 2004 which eluded the scanner for 16 years. Most expensive doujin on Suruga-Ya.
Ran from 2010-2016. 11 mags.
C93 and C94, he released two collections of all the doujins, with added content from older works including Bikko.
Keijo only has like 6 chapters left to be translated.
I have an editor who's interested in typesetting this as well if it helps, as well as raws.
nude.zip: seiga.nicovideo.jp
>The author was clearly tripping balls.
Well, actually...
>As a manga artist, Kaze Shinobu has a pretty unique approach to his trans-dimensional material. He opens up his subconscious and draws what appears to him without plan or pause. It's a kind of automatic drawing. Maybe his editors press for changes later on in the process, but fundamentally that's his method. Apparently he holes himself up in a purpose-made cardboard pyramid to give the astral juices a chance to flow. With his psychedelic color sense and oddball drawing habits, you might reasonably suspect that Kaze's creative processes are chemically assisted. But that's actually not the case. His trances are naturally induced. To reach them he lives a healthy – almost monkish – existence.
Also, check out this kino one-shot: samehat.com
Momo translator just dropped it recently. Would be great if someone picked it up.
How about Mugen no Ryvius Picture Dramas - 01-03 and Mugen no Ryvius Light Avant-Title - 01-03 from animeraw.org
How about Mugen no Ryvius Picture Dramas - 01-03 and Mugen no Ryvius Light Avant-Title - 01-03 from animeraw.org
Please translate this ongoing space opera isekai webnovel. Three groups dropped the series already for some reason. Basically, the whole story is revolving with some twink from the 21st century who got hospitalized due to some kind of gastrointestinal complication and woke up in a spaceship from a universe where humanity doesnt have any knowledge about a planet called earth.
webnovel link: ncode.syosetu.com
please translate isekai ojii-san user. i'm really like that manga