Fire Punch Volume 6 Continued

New thread to finish volume 6 because we weren't going to make it.

Volume 1: Volume 2: Volume 3: Volume 4: Volume 5: & Volume 6:

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How is such levels of BASED allowed on Yas Forums?

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That fucking smile. It's coming


Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p133 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.84M)

literally a trigger word


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Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p135 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.34M)

fuck i missed it

I mean if you keep in mind that Agni is mentally retarded and also a 16y/o boy you can see why he wants to fuck his sister


Nice nitting

Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p136 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.4M)

If I was Agni I'd want to fuck my sister too, did you see Judah's ass?

he's not retarded, he's just got a few screws loose

Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p137 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.35M)

why the face? I never understood this scene

Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p138 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.12M)

Chan chan!

Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p139 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.39M)

I feel like each time he is acting only 1 of his eyes shows. when he tells the truth like in the first panel here and then in the second panel where he says "luna" is his sister his whole face darkens


harem acquired

Attached: Fire Punch - c056 (v06) - p140 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 78.88K)

fucking weirdo

god damn you beautiful weirdo

Looks like his face gets dark when he starts to act.

Everyone he gets close to dies / gets fucked up in some way, so he’s asking her name knowing that she’s more than likely going to die.

Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p141 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.53M)

I hope Agni kills that roastie fucking bitch.

The dark face is the darkside of character.

His obsession of wanting a sister is so fucking sorrowful.
Absolute unfiltered Kino

>I am the onii-sama now

Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p142 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.19M)

Who else completely forgot all of their names after finishing the manga?

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Judah is cute!

I already forgot their names.

But that's Luna.

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You could grind meat on those


There are only two names you need to remember anyway.
Togata and The Fire Punch formerly known as Agni.


why is she crying bros :,(

Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p145 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.32M)

Some filthy refugees killed Doma, it's really tragic.

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I hope Brother gives them what they deserve

Because... in the next episode

That quite terrible, good thing they have Agni there to protect them from Doma's killers

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agni let one of those kids doma took care of run away, right? is that going to come back to bite him in the ass?

Adorable retard!

It hurts


Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p148 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.62M)

the kid that brought him on top of the frozen lake? that was him hallucinating luna

that wasnt one of doma's kids. it was a halicunation of luna

wait, the ice melted?

that wasn't one of doma's kids, that was me. I'm gonna snitch on big bro!

>trying to predict Fire Punch
haha hahahahhaha

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the tree made it warmer for a while

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Every time he starts bullshitting/acting in this scene it goes dark. It's very obvious on this page.
The first thing he says is genuine, the second is a delusion.

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what a fucking unit

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one fucking job

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Is this a Made in Abyss reference

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There's literally only one screw left, holding everything together. And even that one's pretty loose and ready to fall off any second now

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Kinda weird how he is thanking himself there.

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don't post black and white pages mid dump

I honestly thought this was another hallucination, Agni needs to find a better tard wrangler to watch her before she walks off a cliff or something

What do you mean user? those are 2 different character, don't you see that one is completely on fire?

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i mean, the maga is still good in the current arc, but i miss this parts so much, the true kino

D-don't judge him guys this is his version of healing

what agni is doing is not healthy

Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p158 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.46M)

excellent page to start a thread with.

no shit

>This shit is still going
Shonenshitters ban when?

Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p159 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.33M)

Underrated page.

Attached: Fire Punch - c057 (v06) - p160 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.82M)

>Agni can't feel any heat or warmth at all
>every second sentence is a lie
So they're still strangers, huh?

lol jesus christ

just as bad, if not worst

jesus christ

nice acting there brother

You should dump a manga you like, user.

Attached: Fire Punch - c058 (v06) - p161 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 2.3M)

Jesus Christ

>hunting a deer with his bare HAND
what the fuck

Holy shit

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He has no more problems killing anymore, does he?

I'd grind my meat on those if you know what I mean

Realistically speaking, that could've been the last doe left on Earth. My god

Attached: Fire Punch - c058 (v06) - p162 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 1.01M)

>runs down and strangles a deer to death
Have we considered that he actually is a god?

What a sweet smile. Surely this means he can be happy now.

The strong.

There hasnt been a single time a deer has brought something good.

Nice fake smile

Attached: Fire Punch - c058 (v06) - p163 [dig] [VIZ Media] [danke-Empire].jpg (1725x2475, 2.08M)

why lie? is he just doing it for the fuck of it now?

Why did he lie about that?

why does he keep lying?