Why does Yas Forums hate him?
Why does Yas Forums hate him?
Most of Yas Forums is bald. They don't like characters with hair.
Ahem....Doctor stone is just ken isekayed
He's really ugly.
He can fuck any girl in the series with no issue
Why does HxH art quality fluctuate so much?
Based Hunterchad
togashi is lazy
I like him.
He is an Ass-pull on 2 legs.
Yas Forums doesn't
Makes hunter x hunter fans seethe
He doesn't feel like an actual real person, and he comes off as what an average person thinks a genius would be like.
Everything about his character is meant to make it blatant that he's the smart guy, which just comes off as lazy writing. A smart character should be shown as being smart through the characters actions, rather than superficially signalling him as a smart character.
Thanks. Can I use your text as a copypasta for all characters like that? Seems a lot of work for a description of a shounen character.
ITT: pretentious pseuds making a big deal out of how a "smart character" is portrayed in a borderline kids' show when the fact that he's "smart" has never been the focus of the story, but a way to drive the pacing of the plot.
Do you see the characters gushing over how smart he is?
going by the logic in that picture senku belongs on the left side
To me, an intellectual, smartness is sacred, you have no right to make a character smart unless you claerly explain to the audience why he is smart.
I like him as a ridiculous caricature that makes the plotline of "advance rapidly through the history of technology" possible.
I liked him better when he was called Yoichi Hiruma.
Clearly your IQ is on par with your two last digits
I would say that it is more that he is smart in the same way that shonen protags are strong. In the end, yeah, it doesn't really matter because it is supposed to be somewhat ridiculous.
This image was made by a highly intelligent person.
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started, wait
The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall (we built the pyramids)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries
That all started with the big bang! Hey!
Since the dawn of man is really not that long
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song
A fraction of a second and the elements were made
The bipeds stood up straight, the dinosaurs all met their fate
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died (they froze their asses off)
The oceans and Pangea, see ya wouldn't wanna be ya
Set in motion by the same big bang!
It all started with the big bang!
Sure, I don't mind.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to realize how dumb Dr. Stone is. The humour is extremely bad, and without a solid grasp of actual science most of the jokes appeal to the typical pretentious pseudo intellectual redditor. There's also Senku's cringe pseudo intellectual outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory(a cringe show), for instance. The fans gobble up this pretentious bullshit; they lack the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of real anime, to realise that they're just not funny- they say nothing deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who like Dr. Stone truly ARE pseudo intellectual idiots who only watch this boring lame anime because they want to look le smart XD- of course they would appreciate, for instance, the shitty """humour""" in Senku's shitty catchphrase "10 billion years" or "millimeter," which itself is a cringey attempt at appearing smart by using le scientific measurements and le numbers. I'm smirking right now just imagining those mouth breathing pretentious pseudo intellectuals thinking they're smart when in reality, I'm smarter than them since I'm smart enough to point out how stupid and lame this anime is despite it trying to be intellectual.
But my favorite anime youtubers, Mothersbasement and gigguk, said it was the smartest anime EVER
why the fuck wouldn't the A just continue under hi shand?
He's not like Lelouch
I feel like I've seen this thread before. The same posts, the same images.
lol dumb nigger
You don't need to be the smartest guy in the world to infer that Senku is a badly written """"smart"""" character, you just need an IQ higher than 120
It's imitating the equation that's written on his shirt.
wow you sure taught them
To be honest you need to have a high iq to understand Dr Stone
All I know is that he took the Boomer vs Zoomer meme way to seriously. Never watched it though.
He is not funny.
He is not cool.
He is not attractive.
He is not a chad.
He is a ‘smart’ character written by an idiot.
because his anime reeks of r-ddit
I like the show because of the premise of starting from scratch and having to gather and craft things to catch up technologically to the modern world.
However I'm not that interested in the plot since it just exists there to give them a reason to develop the tech quicker. The actual conflict feels rather forced and unrealistic.
He could have been replaced by a smartphone with internet access and nothing would have changed.
I know this is just HxH bait, but Senku explains everything he makes. He never just says "ta-da" and has something made like a magician. You actually feel like he knows how to make something.
shilling for a manga mainly known for its asspull and shit witting
I don't even like dr bazinga hxh is just bigger piece of overrated shit
Did anyone take this show seriously? It was obviously just a comedy that occasionally shows off random fun science facts to impress the young teens that watch it. Does anyone think a show with retards with super strength that run around making booze is supposed to be a serious drama?
Stonefags do
This, most of what he does is reciting textbooks. he doesn't invent anything, senku just makes things using the directions of people who did invent it.
Because they like the concept but hate that it was wasted in a shoneshit show.
Thanks, that's how brothers should be.
Overcocky, pretentious, always gets the upperhand no matter what, annoying know it all, he's a gary stu
And that's fun (entertaining).
I hate it because it's popular and reddit because you need super high reddit IQ shounenshit pickle rick pretentious bazinga and gay. Do I fit in yet?
If you are 12 sure, which is the intended demographic. You, however, are 23 already.
Honestly after enough of the series he's written decently enough that it's fun, I don't care if he's supposed to be smart, it's just a catalyst for adventures.
This may shock everyone, but his hair looks like a spring onion. That's really fucking stupid, so I hate him.
Worst Stone character?
For me it's this Mary Sue
This is the only character I liked you nigger, the others are far worse.