Fugou Keiji looks pretty fujo.
Homo quarantine
Other urls found in this thread:
>a newbie seiyuu partners with a veteran like Mamoru
I hope it goes well because his voice sounds good.
Feels kinda odd to still have these now /y/ has discussion threads.
nice ost
Do these two ever fuck later? They did nothing but cuddle in the first 10 chapters.
Rom's back and his tits are larger than ever.
Is the board that dead?
I need brown homo. Any recs?
The discussion threads are fine but there is only so many times people can re-post the same y-gallery scraps for the other threads.
>number24 delayed
Fuck this.
Fuck off. We had a thread less than a week ago.
Stop forcing threads.
it's sunday fag
God this looks like it's right up my alley, too bad with all this shit going on I'm hesitant to spend money for a while.
There's nothing new to discuss, you are literally a newfag that doesn't understand how this board works.
Also good luck surviving with that cringe OP subject.
>tfw genuinely quarantining because I had contact with someone who got tested positive
I guess I'll just go through my 90's BL OVAs backlog and dread while waiting for symptoms
I hope you die
look in the mirror
>Oonuki Yuusuke
damn, this new blood sounds great.
I hope he does well and get more roles
Thanks user, I hope so too
Grow up. Lurk more.
Say something nice to the savior of bl adaptations
I'm pretty sure the live action movies had a female lead
Fuck off
I sure hope it's worth the wait.
Are you saying you want to schedule the threads? Are you genuinely new?
>Are you saying x?
>Are you genuinely new?
I love officer Quattro Bajeena
4 vaginas
Corona BL for
Yes, he clearly is.
Too bad I was enjoying it.
>Say something nice to the savior of bl adaptations
It's this your typical 2000 BL? Honestly most BL aged like shit, I feel like a lot of recent ones would be more interesting to adapt.
>Yes, he clearly is.
Everything is shit
>BL with furigana
Huh, that's unusual
>Still no translation of this
yo, beyblade was pretty gay
The novel isn't that old, it's from 2014
Check out what's coming out on BD.
>Richard cutting all the homo
>Including the part where he specifically doesn't deny being gay
It's boring shit anyway
also no bulli for the file name pls
That brings memories. Did we ever watch it on the homostreams?
I only care about his sweaty abs though.
Projecting your faggotry =/= gay
I don't feel the main pairing chemistry much, especially sexually, but homo is always better.
The homobro vibes in burst is also pretty strong between Shu and Valt
I watched this and found it really gay by the end
Why did TRIGGERfags claim they are the savior of anime when they just do BL shit as everybody else? fucking hypocrites
Kakeru and Haiji.
Take your children cartoons away you idiot
Take off your gay goggles stupid asshole
>Take your children cartoons away you idiot
Yes, and?
It wasn't neither gay nor the savior of anime.
The art may look dated, but the novel itself is fun. I'd say it's the best jpn novel that has a translation, its spinoff also ranked in Kono Bl ga yabai
>tfw nagira yuu translations never
Cancer thread
No need to be so rude, ESL-kun
I legitimately can't, my brain has rotten into vibing mush
Fuck off spammers
Shit taste
>shit animation
>no homo
>no interesting plot
>the only good thing about it are the voice actors
Could it be the director and scriptwriter are retard