Why is Kirito so intolerable and Maple so likable even though they're both overpowered?

Why is Kirito so intolerable and Maple so likable even though they're both overpowered?

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They are both Mary sues, so they are both unlikeable

I think I dropped both by episode 6.
GGO Alternative is better

>another bait thread

explain how kirito is overpowered

Maple is cute and gives no fucks and there are no high stakes in her game. You don't die for real if you die in the game so there's no need for any pretentiousness.

Kirito is fine with no harem antics



They're completely different stories. Maple's power is largely meaningless because she's there to have fun with her girlfriend, which she would do perfectly well as a useless scrub. Her stumbling into superpowers is just more fun to watch.

Hes not, he stat boosted his character before SAO became official in his world.

>anime is about overpowered MC
>complains about mary sues
You're missing the point entirely. Shows like Bofuri and One Punch Man are meant to be about mary sues

what is the point

Because SAO is taking itself seriously

OP male characters are boring; they've dominated anime for the past 30 years.

Let's say you have pond of goldfish. If you release a piranha (OP character) into it, it's fun to watch the disruption and mayhem it causes among the goldfish. Which is why mary sues like Maple and Saitama are interesting to watch.

So Do I need to turn my brain off to enjoy it then? Hard pass

Read my second post here -->


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This is retarded as it sounds. No wonder you like this trash

One punch man is not mary sue.

go back faggot

The difference between one punch man and maple is that there are no rules or limits when it comes to saitama and he is shown to despise his power. He is a flawed guy and ironicaly normal guy. And maple is shown to break all set rules and get everything handed to her by luck. Than everything get played of as "XD maple is so cute and random XD". Everyone loves her and she can do no wrong.

Maple just wants to have fun

t. speed reader/watcher

Did you get your info from a summary or something?

Well explain yourself then. Instead of just throwing around buzzwords.

He's the prime example of an OP character. Like a mary sue, he easily wins every battle he fights. The only "problems" he every faces are more like minor inconveniences. Like insecurity about his baldness or being unable to beat King at video games.

because Maple is cute&funny

She's having fun and Kirito is a tryhard edgelord.

There is no rule breaking going on. You would know if you actually watched or read it.

Kirito was okay when he was a girl

imagine how much she farts IRL while she's playing like mmmm I wish I could smell

Kirito isn't overpowered, he's just always right

>lol what if I eat this demon lol

>according to these spreadsheets if I distribute my points this way I have a 0.5% increased chance to save Asuna from the Rape Gangs

Thats the point, he is "One punch man" of course he wins every fight. But mary sues are perfect in every aspect. Their appearance is perfect, everyone loves them even their enemies. They never fail at anything.

>Killing bosses solo without any damaging abilitys

Evidently bite is damaging move

The comedy/pathos of OPM is that Saitama is berserkly powerful, but it's a hindrance.

The comedy of Bofuri is that Maple is berserkly powerful, but it's completely by accident. She's retarded and guileless, so her OP nature is retard moe.

The thing about Kirito is that his skills are not played for comedy or pathos. He's just good enough to obviate challenges that are presented as adding conflict to the story.

Saitama being OP causes problems. Maple being OP allows her to contribute to problems (and sometimes causes problems). Kirito being OP obviates problems.

>muh Maple is a sue
>was never the best in events
>had to drop out of certain events
>failed to kill certain bosses

Why does the tank learn the move bite?

As expected of a speed watcher

This is VR, fucking everyone knows the move bite. Just like how everyone knows the moves punch, kick, headbutt and throw.

Okay, name 3 (three) Mary Sues user.

Kirito can kill Maple.
Change my mind.

>what is hours of chip damage

> got third place with no effort
> kills a almost unkillable boss in a duo and gets the perfect pet
>always get the perfect skills and equipment

Syrup > Yui

Of course he can, his plot armor will give him some defense-ignoring ability whenever he needs it the most.
That is after he stops being a braindead cripple.

Different genres. Bofuri is healing animu.

The problem is that they're both examples of people who wrote series about video games but don't actually understand the games they're writing about. It's like Ready Player One shit where the author thinks he got some clever hook but any real gamers would have broken this shit immediatly.

It comes down to their wives. Asuna always has to get saved from getting raped. While Sally is the one who does the raping.

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I would say Kirito is an edgelord who is supposed to be cool for being a loner try hard faggot without any friends. Maple is just having fun and we have fun with her.

>muh pet, and implying it's just Maple, not knowing it was how the drop worked
>some major skills literally are at odds with each other
Failed again

>didnt watch the last episode where maple had to go all Titanfall on the other niggers to save Sally

Good luck "breaking" SAO.

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This picture gets posted every goddamn time.

And I still love it.

this, SAO takes itself seriously wheres Bofuri and OPM do not. That's fine if the plot makes sense and the characters are good but you can't say that for SAO.

Also I've gotta laugh at people who dismiss the show for being a "turn off your brain" anime, aside from a very small number of titles every anime is basically a "turn off your brain and enjoy" ride, it's a fucking cartoon designed to entertain people who work 25 hours a day in nipland lmao

did you literally only watch the first 2 episodes of SAO out of 89?

Because it's perfect

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Every single fucking time.

nope, i watched season 1 and 2. doesnt change that kirito is an edgelord londer without friends. He gets some cheerleaders, yes, but still no character development whatsoever.

Waiter, I ordered fresh pasta