
What's the appeal of this character, again? It seems like blind nostalgia at this point.

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She's a cute little dork, like many many 90s and 80s gals

She's my waifu, and a real man accepts his waifu, no matter her flaws.

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What's the appeal of this character, again? It seems like blind nostalgia at this point.

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People sometimes happen to like girls with a personality and that aren't just submissive girls with cow tits, head over for heels for self-insert-kun

What's the appeal of this character, again? It seems like blind nostalgia at this point.

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I think this was supposed to be a Slayers thread, fellas...

can it be a thread about greedy gluttonous violent angry vain arrogant girls?

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It might as well be, no Slayers thread gets over 100 posts anymore. Plenty of room here for bad women.

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Top tier design and voice. Oh and her personality.


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>a personality

Sure, if you can't handle them at their worst why should you deserve them at their best right!

Okay, but what if she's always at her worst?

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you forgot to mention she is as flat as an iron board

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Ahh yes, back then when anime had soul

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goddess. Yas Forumsfags are just too inept to deal with a girl who's complacent 100% of the time.

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>What's the appeal of this character, again?
This. She is amazing.
I am nostalgic for some '90 anime, but most of their heroines were hardly memorable. Half of girls was just boring or annoying brunch of cliche, even if plot was good.
But Lina is fucking brilliant.

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Everything you just listed

Wasn't the ending of Next just Gourry listing everything bad about Lina, but rescuing her anyways?

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>listing everything bad about
>rescuing anyways.
A typical siblings dynamic in work. Obviously, it's reminder that Gourry does see her as his waifu.
Waifu can eat people alive, but you will never tell her that this is bad. After all, this is what makes her special. It's one of the things why you love her.

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I like Lina because I like to I M A G I N E things given her height and weight, and also know that she can fit four hot dogs in her mouth while still being able to chant the spell for Dragon Slave.

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>she can fit four hot dogs in her mouth while still being able to chant the spell for Dragon Slave.
She can fit four hot dogs while still asking for a fifth and would chant the spell for Dragon Slave if she doesn't get enough

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It's Lina's imperfections that make her perfect.

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Is Lina an innocent virgin or turbo-slut? This is an important question.

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You've convinced me to read the GitS manga, thanks.


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Rui's a god.
MY god.

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That's one of my favorite tropes: someone listing off all the negative things about the person they love, but realizing they love them anyway.

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I wish some one scaned both Black List doujinshi.
There are a lot of Lina's butts.

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no broblems
also read the Slayers mangos

Why must it be either? Where is the gray zone?

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Yeah heheheh >:^)

My canon is that Lina's had sex, but ONLY with Gourry and she can't have sex with anyone else after his Sword of Light destroyed her insides.

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>someone listing off all the negative things about the person they love
It's sound like a toxic relationship signs and shitty excuses, not a romace trope

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>$83 on ebay

what in the goddamn

how many butt pics are there in that thing

Pretending your partner is perfect is a recipe for disaster.

Lina and Gourry complement each other, though. If he wasn't there to harass her, she'd get bored too easily, and having someone look up to her despite her being under five feet gives her the ego boost she needs. He also needs her in his life because he suffered an existential crisis and being able to travel and protect her gives him a purpose in life.

They bring out the best in each other.

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>she can't have sex with anyone else after his Sword of Light destroyed her insides.
You are a horrible, horrible person.

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if Zell was drawn realistically he'd look like he's got a horrible fucking skin condition

He'd also look so feminine he'd practically look like a girl.

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with a horrible fucking skin condition

I did not write anything against the relationship of Lina and Gaurry in the canon .
I just said that your vision of "love" is terrible and toxic.

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What do you expect from anime fans?

At first in novels, it seems, he had horrible skin condition. But this has changed for the sake of the fanbase

Zelgadis is cute. CUTE.

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Gourry saving Lina in Next was so wholesome.

I don't see it as being toxic at all. We might be on two different wavelengths here. I'm not talking about saying, "He hits me but I love him anyway!" What I mean is more along the lines of, "He's a slob and has a dead-end job, but I love him anyway!" Or, "She's a greedy glutton with a temper, but I love her anyway!"

There's a difference between loving someone despite their faults and excusing abusive behavior.

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>She's a flat-chested tsundere, but I love her anyway!

Gourry is a good puppy.

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you don't get it?
She is the PERFECT greedy, gluttonous, violent, angry, vain and arrogant female character
all the others greedy, gluttonous, violent, angry, vain and arrogant girls PALES in comparison with her

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So... Lina is so perfect in her faults that she goes full-circle and becomes perfect again?

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>Calls her a flat chested little girl while knowing that she hates it. And most likely, Lina doesn’t grow at all and has a complex about it. So it's a sore spot.
> do it in public. humiliates her.
> says how good the other women are
>compiling lists of her personal flaws.
>She beats him constantly
>says what an idiot he is
> And on top of all - user objectifies her body and wants to dispose her insides if Lina dares to fuck with someone other than Gourry

Oh, I forgot that this is considered as romance among some animefags.

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Whenever my girlfriend tries to berate me in public I throw her over my shoulder and walk out of whatever establishment we're in with a smile and a wave to everyone we pass. If she's gonna act like a little girl, then I'm gonna treat her like a little girl.

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is this in the manga? because Slayers is one of the few "anime" that people tell me to stay away from the "manga"
maybe that's one of the reasons ... in the anime, cases like this are always comic relief and isolated

No, that's fan work done by another mangaka.

The various manga stories are either retellings of the light novels or anime, or original stories that are chock-full of Lina and Gourry shipping. No matter the writer, the manga will always push Lina and Gourry, either for humor or romance.

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