Tkmiz keeps posting drawings of Chito and Yuuri and I don't know if he's trying to soothe the pain or rub it in

Tkmiz keeps posting drawings of Chito and Yuuri and I don't know if he's trying to soothe the pain or rub it in.

Attached: GLTfantasy.jpg (1191x1684, 428.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They are 'alive' in his new manga, its all okay.

Chito and Yuuri deserve to have lots of fanart drawn of them enjoying other worlds and eating delicious foods and being comfy.


Attached: ETKd234VAAA-tyI.jpg (1920x1080, 332.53K)

Tkmiz can draw whatever (he) likes, so long as (he) doesn't commit Japanese knife-in-gut

That's not milk.

Now that's an isekai i want

Attached: ES_G8t8U0AEl-WY.jpg (558x900, 43.15K)

Do you think it would be better for Shimeji Simulation to stay its own thing or for it to officially tie into Girls' Last Tour? As of now there's tons and tons of things that could point to them being related but it could just be Tkmiz reusing ideas.

Attached: 003.png (1114x1600, 1.01M)

i'm happy with however it turns out, i trust tkmiz to make something good

I'd prefer it to just be recurring "actors", but I trust tkmiz would find a way to make it work if it were to be a real connection somehow.

Seeing Chi this happy is somehow disturbing

I bet it feels like he killed his own daughters to make a great story and it haunts him.

Canon is one of those concepts that the Japanese don't really give a fuck about. Leaving this vague is a source of anxiety pretty much only for Westerners.


It's not really a source of anxiety for me, I just really like the series so far and I'm interested if any of these relations to SSR will end up connecting them in some way or if SS will keep to its own story with the relations just hanging there as I guess easter eggs for fans of SSR. It doesn't help that the most recent chapter was shorter than normal. I think SS's story so far is pretty interesting in its own right, and it could definitely still be compelling while staying separate.

Nothing can ease the suffering of losing a loved one to early.
1.She probably smells good
2.She is brave and selfless
3.Her attitude keeps spirits up
4.Her body is wonderfully proportioned
5.She has pretty eyes
6.Scientifically proven high adaptability
7.She gives off a sense of warmth and softness
8.She is beautiful.
9.Hair tastes good.
10.Great sense of rhythm.
11.She would keep you warm and share food with you.
12.She is good at pressing buttons.
13.She would be a good mother.
14.Right amount of crazy.
15.Knows how to operate all weapons.
16. Fat teats.
17.She is protective of those she loves.
18.She has no inhibitions.
19.She could make a great meal.
20.She is probably god.
21.She is the coolest person in the world.
22.She inspires creativity.
23.She is very strong.
24.She is difficult to digest.
25.She makes her friend happy.
26.She knows how not to embarrass her friend in heartfelt moments.
27.She always knows the way.
28.Not afraid to experiment with the unknown.
29.Well balanced.
30.Does not get hangovers.
31.Defends the weak.
32.Athletic, could have competed on an international level if the world hadn't ended.
33. Always helpful, regardless of circumstances.
34.Not ashamed by nudity, finds it to be liberating and beautiful.
35.Greatest philosopher of her time.
36.Can harness the power of the moon.
37.Stretchy and cute face.
38.Fears no man or beast, can defeat foes despite obvious physical advantages.
39.High intelligence.
40.Can discern between the inedible and edible.
41.Her body is warm and would be nice to cuddle with.
42.She is a survivor of impossible circumstances.
43.World's greatest riflewoman.
44.Quick reflexes.
45.Great at holding hands.
46.Greatest artist of her time.
47.Not too picky about things.
48.Great with pets.
49.Talented singer.
50.Can hold her liquor.

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-15 120332.png (599x875, 154.42K)

I can't take it some days.
51.Possible descendant of God.
52.God emperor of Dune.
53.Know how to FUSION.
54.Understands the complexity of human nature.
55.Cute giggle.
56.Understands the concept of death.
57.Probably fertile.
58.She would never abandon a friend.
59.Very hygienic.
60.She is extremely genki.
61.Very cute when intoxicated.
62.Defines life itself.
63.Can survive long periods without proper nutrition.
64.Understands how valuable food really is.
65.Very resourceful.
66.Highly empathetic.
67. Therapeutic, helped her friends keep it together.
68.She is very photogenic.
69.She is an excellent tactician.
70.Cute navel.
71.She is very kissable.
72.She has very nice hair.
73.She is interdimensional.
74.Hands on learner.
75.Healthy state of mind.
76.She probably tastes good.
77.She is designed for cold environments.
78.She can create culture.
79.She could be an excellent farmer.
80.She understands that somethings are just things.
81.Loves all living beings.
82.Can perform miracles.
83.She can bring people together in the name of love.
84.She sounds cute when sleeping.
85.She is very pure.
86.Very animal friendly.
87.She is very fashionable.
88.She has a wonderful smile.
89.She Is an excellent swimmer.
90.She is good at crafts.
91.She is an avid collector of fine artifacts.
92.She is an excellent dancer.
93.She has a nice butt.
94.Good vision.
95.Great taste in food.
96.She enjoys explosions.
97.She is very imaginative.
98.Can conjure items into existence.
99.She has saved lives.
100.She lived an interesting and fulfilling life.

Attached: YuuriComfortsChiChan.png (715x401, 532.42K)

Anyways, on a lighter note, I got some new Yuuri material.
101.Very nice skin with healthy color.
102.She’s an explorer.
103.Defies psychological concepts.
104.Doesn’t need socks.
105.She’s Yuuri!
106.Her skin is likely smooth.
107.Well padded.
108.She never gives up.
109.She enjoys building things.
110.She is an astrologist.
111.She would risk injury for the sake of her friends.
112.She does well with what little she has.
113.She can anticipate danger.
114.She owns the best rifle ever made.
115.She can sleep whenever she wants.
116.She is very supportive.
117.She knows how to discipline children.
118.An expert prankster, the last in human history.
119.She is an excellent archeologist.
120.She is an excellent anthropologist.
121.She has a really soothing and lovely voice.
122.She has the survival instinct.
123.She is an excellent medic.
124.She may prolong your life by a couple of years.
125.She is an outstanding waitress.
126.She is really cute.
127.She is very humble.
128.She gives off a motherly aura.
129.Fresh breath.
130.She is very polite.
131.She is very proud.
132.She can most definitely be trusted.
133.She is very honest.
134.She’s a terrific teacher.
135.Excellent choice in headgear.
136.She is very considerate of others.
137.Great immune system.
138.I love Yuuri!
140.She has a really nice name.
141.She advocates for firearm ownership.
142.Adorably goofy.
143.Can operate giant death robots.
144.Has a well-balanced diet.
145.She’s hip.
146.She has great hips.
147.She is in touch with humanity.
148.She has cute feet.
149.Brilliant ecologist.
150.Keeps her equipment in good working order.

Attached: IMG_0186.jpg (1500x1574, 290.56K)

I don't much else to say to you.
151.She’s good at remembering stuff about food.
152.She can speak various languages.
153.She’s good at digging.
154.Very strong teeth.
156.She is sly.
157.She has great dental hygiene.
159.Can take the place of society.
160.Always has something to look forward too.
161.Doesn’t mind the rain.
162.Could tell a story without saying a word.
163.She has an excellent collection of milsurp.
164.She has a very soothing appearance.
165.She isn’t afraid to try new things, especially food.
166.She is difficult to put into words.
167.She’s very knowledgeable about firearms.
168.Keeps you coming back for more.
169.Trancends all language barriers.
170.Got along with hopelessness.
171.Cute armpits.
172.Able to impede the natural order.
173.Can’t be ignored.
174.A dedicated and hardworking employee.
175.Really great at hugging.
176.Wouldn’t hurt anyone, even if they wanted it.
177.May be capable of entering a hibernation mode.
178.Skilled with bashing weapons.
179.Nice legs.
181.Really likes fish.
182.She is very sweet.
183.She is very caring.
184.Was able to kill an intelligent AI.
186.She is a hero.
187.She has a good head for heights.
188.She can wear the same thing every day and still look good.
189.She can tease without being too annoying.
190.She likes a challenge.
191.She can appreciate a nice chair.
192.She has a good aesthetic sense.
193.She is playful.
194.Finds joy in simple meals.
195.She is merciful.
196.She doesn't mind carrying things.
197.She is an excellent photographer.
198.She is an amazing communicator.
199.She knows when silence is best.
200.Rather than despair, she has fun.

Attached: YuuriHoldingCameraLandscapePhotographer.png (343x469, 40.35K)

I hope we get to see more of Yuuri in the next chapters.
201.She takes big, enthusiastic bites.
202.She doesn't mind the dark.
203.She likes to go off the beaten track.
204.Culinary expert.
205.She is open to new experiences.
206.She has chubby cheeks.
207.She understands fish are tasty.
208.She enjoys baths
209.She is a tireless kneader of dough.
210.She respects people who can read and write.
211.She is a good photographer.
212.Great gambler.
213.She doesn't mind being hit on the head.
214.She is upbeat.
215.She can invent the art of music from first principles.
216.She will never die.
217.She can appreciate a nice view.
218.She knows the importance of a pantry.
219.She can find sugar.
220.She is content with no bed.
221.She looks at her friend's sleeping face.
222.Lives in the moment.
223.Can conjure items into existence.
224.Frequently laughs.
225.Appreciates architecture.
226.She doesn't get travel-sick.
227.Compression resistant face.
228.She warns of obstacles in the road ahead.
229.She's a natural drummer.
230.She is happy to show the way.
231.She is great at stacking rocks.
232.Made an incredible contribution to literature despite being illiterate.
233.She blows bubbles.
234.She can find humour in every situation.
235.She makes a fine, big fish.
236.She would be great at hide-and-seek.
237.She's content with the road as her home.
238.She doesn't mind that her boots are too big.
239.She will never stop being Yuuri.
240.Expert Snowman builder.
241.She has a soothing snore.
242.She would make an excellent nurse.
243.She would make an excellent pastry chef.
244.She would make an excellent primary-school teacher.
245.She would make an excellent ice-skater.
246.She would make an excellent stand-up comic.
247.She is good at finding water.
248.She can find warmth.
249.She does not realize she is beautiful.
250.The cold does not affect her shooting ability.

Attached: YuuriHoldingNeko.jpg (478x620, 135.74K)

I think Tkmiz had to just establish their presence, so it wouldn't be so jarring to see them in the Shimeji world.
251.She is always curious.
252.She can find paradise in a warm bath.
253.She would be a good mech pilot.
254.She is very gallant.
255.She retains her individuality in all universes.
256.Plays by her own rules.
257.She is an inspiration.
258.She takes care of others.
259.She looks out for others.
260.She is very gentle.
261.She is easy to live with.
262.She defers to her friend's wisdom.
263.Excellent marching form.
264.She is very resourceful.
265.Appreciates the blue sky.
266.She doesn't let the past hold her back.
267.She is very versatile.
268.She doesn't like rushing.
269.Accepted into a good university.
270.She can make perfect snowballs.
271.Good at improvised poetry.
272.Bird's best friend.
273.Bird's worst enemy.
274.She contemplates the deepest ontological questions without fear.
275.Like a good challenge.
276.Can harness the power of the moon.
277.Takes pride in her work.
278.Makes every second count.
279.Easily makes friends with reclusive people.
280.Can feel remorse.
281.She really enjoys drawing.
282.She really enjoys music.
283.She is a survivalist.
284.She is an excellent businesswoman.
285.She is very optimistic.
286.Has a smile that could break hearts.
287.Finds meaning in the smallest things.
288.Quick learner.
289.She is innocent.
290.Doesn't have any regrets.
291.She doesn't cry.
292.She would comfort you when you're sad.
293.Excellent vendor.
294.She is able to find fish.
295.Discovers new species.
296.Excellent ecologist.
297.Has art in prestigious museum.
298.Doesn't fear the divine.
299.She accepts criticism humbly.
300.She doesn't hold grudges.

Attached: YuuriChitoNukoGrillin.jpg (1113x683, 320.73K)

I hope so anyways.
301.Always has good questions.
302.Looks very cute when asleep.
303.Tries to make up for wrongdoings in cute ways.
304.Inspires others.
305.She is the perfect height.
306.She has a cute nose.
307.Good navigator.
308.Doesn't judge.
309.Wants others to be happy.
310.Has a good sense of humor.
311.Is loyal.
312.Is loving.
313.Isn't easily offended.
314.Very friendly.
315.Doesn't overthink things.
316.She's a good shoulder to cry on.
317.She would be a good astronaut
318.She's a natural explorer.
319.Has a smile to die for.
320.She can be really cold when she needs to.
321.Her outfit is great.
322.She is the heroine of the story.
323.Demolition expert.
324.Hero of Sakana.
325.Devourer of Sakana.
326.Can train animals to behave like humans.
327.Beyond human comprehension.
328.Has Synesthesia so she can see the beauty of music.
329.Comedic genius.
330.Good neighbor.
331.Tries to make others laugh.
332.Good at grilling.
333.Is justice.
334.Skilled Knight.

Attached: YuuriCuteOutfit.png (187x655, 80.72K)

You always bring a smile to my face, yuufag

Attached: tkyuu.png (584x569, 408.62K)

Cute potatoes.

tkmiz's art is so interesting

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How do you know that?

They got isekai'd

>The Kettenkrad breaks down
>Yuuri drops her rifle
>They start talking about death

I can't fucking cope.

To me the hardest hitting part was Chi burning her diary.

Thank you Yuuribro

Adding the strap from a purse or a bag is clever from you Yuuanon, it does make the sweater over her breasts look more natural and the shading you added does definitely help the picture, I think if you're getting better at this!
When you said you were getting some new Yuu material I had a feeling it would be this, tkmiz really did a good job on it.
Blessed and Yuuripilled as always!

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Tkmiz has been pretty active on twitter recently. For those who missed it, we even got a new teaser. According to a /c/itizen Majime is saying "See you again at school".

Attached: ETD2nWnUwAEOPK8.jpg (732x2236, 243.25K)

I hope it's only connected in a spiritual sense with reoccurring ideas and characters, but not literally in the same universe

I got the second anthology in the mail yesterday. Really nice, even without understanding most of the text. The last story is drawn by tkmiz, with Chito and Yuu in a fantasy world, like in the OP.

Attached: IMG_20200315_222231181.jpg (1840x3264, 1.89M)

It was really awesome to see Yuuri as a gallant knight.
I hope we get to see more of knight Yuuri.

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And again tkmiz twitter art makes it into tkmiz manga. I haven't seen any scans of the anthology yet, but this looks very cool. It'd be interesting if tkmiz keeps reusing the potatoes as "actors" in manga and puts them in a different world every time, kind of like with some of the twitter art.

Attached: EDdm0XDU0AEE-fN.jpg (1920x1080, 311.07K)

Is is just the two main tatoes, or do these two poor fools get to have another appearance?

I hope they do, I love Ishii a lot. She seems so kind and smart, I wish I could make her happy

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Ishii was one of the school teachers in the specials, as was Kanazawa.
I hope Tkmiz does have plans for them in Shimeji simulation.

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Something about her voice is so nice.

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Does anyone think that the anthologies are gonna get officially translated ?
I would love to get them, but don't see the value in getting something I can't read.

Attached: tkmizback.jpg (2028x900, 440.56K)

Speaking of voice, I hope you all watched this version of the first chapters, it's really nice and relaxing, no need to speak moons to enjoy.

So little views for such a huge studio. Majime's voice is great too.

Attached: wavy.jpg (1176x1080, 46K)

As far as I know SSR anthology 1 never got an official transtlation and that came out a while back, so at this point I doubt it'll get translated and if 1 doesn't get transtlated it doesn't make much sense for 2 to get translated.
This was great, it honestly made me even happier than the latest manga chapter. I know the chances of more motion comics like this are pretty slim, but I'd be willing to pay for that.

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I remember those, they where cute and kinda fun, but I still think they really fit with SSR.

It's not only her kind of soothing voice, there's just something about Ishii that somehow really makes me want to be with her. I know that her last tour didn't go well, but I hope I get to tend to and be with her once my own ends one day.

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Meant to write don't fit well with SSR

It's hot and steamy cum

>Hanamori as Majime
This is splendid, her voice is always pleasant to hear.

That makes sense. Reminds me of how Toha Heavy Industries appears in many of Nihei's works. In a way it makes sense, but doesn't necessarily connect the works

Attached: Ng5rs5Teyqw.jpg (807x490, 290K)

inb4 SSR is a soul prequel to BLAME and the city levels were also done by TOHA Heavy Industries.

This is amazing
Simulation needs an anime adaptation

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That video feels like a confirmation we'll get an adaptation later down the line.

extremely blessed and yuupilled

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it would be added to the OP.


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Do you like it?

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The video seems too asmr for my taste. The manga itself feels kind of detached and such but I don't imagine it to the extent that it is in that video. Still cool that they did it though.

Yuuriposter, is this true?

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maybe he himself couldnt accept the ending

what's with shimeji and the crab? been seeing several fanart of it. probably came from there