Undead Unluck chapter 9

Undead Unluck chapter 9

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Anyone wanna predict how much the first vol will sell for the first week? Look like this will be a fun wild ride

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so will Uma Galaxy unleash stars in the sky?

Funny that they call universe a penalty, seems that a lot of the penaltys aren't really that bad
Or maybe the universe is full of hostile aliens

Holy shit, Librom's here

I don't think I've ever been so hype reading a chapter that was nothing but an exposition dump. This manga fucking rules

I wanna see what's up with unburn, he can probably outright stop combustion.

Question is does he stop outside fires or keep himself from burning
Either would be pretty useful
I'm curious though are UMAs like burn linked to the very concept of burning, would fire cease to be a thing if you killed it? the quest did after all only say capture it

Fuck man, I love the world building this manga is doing. Easily the best new jump manga so far

Defeating Language leads to unification of all languages, so concept is there but penalty just makes it more inconvenient. Maybe Galaxy means that everything that currently is on Earth (?) will be randomly divided between habitable planets.

Now that would be crazy

So the ball and samurai are girls, right?

The ball definitely. The samurai well, just have to wait and see.

So wait, what is the difference between Uma and Negators?

I like this guy

They seem so. The ball is named Tatiana after all.


Looks like UMAs represent the rules of the world while Negators negate those rules.

fuckin andy

UMAs are the exact opposite of negators it seems like. The Luck UMA would be literally the Marvel character Domino, for example

I wonder if the participation count has to be followed exactly. The order mentioned that they would only do the first 3. But that requires a total of 12 participants. If they do the first and the third, which would require a total of 7, that still leaves 3 members without anything to do. Seems like a waste of resources. Coincidentally, capturing of Spoil is exactly 3.

Once you finish one you can allocate everyone else anyway.

They are going to ruin humanities chance of a beautiful night sky

That because it's intresting info dump
All UxU world changes because of reward and penalties
I have no idea dea that this manga will be this intresting
thank God, i decided to keep reading this

So this guy's "Unwilling" or something like that? Also this was a damn crazy and fun chapter, really hoping it manages to stick around now

Yeah but when you have deadlines, do you really just want people doing nothing? Or I wonder if they can allocate below the participation count. This expo dump just raises a lot more questions for me. Was there a kill quest for Unluck as well? Is there a penalty in sending people that aren't part of the Order on these quests? Would accidentally killing Eat make it so the world doesn't starve anymore? Honestly great addition to the setting.

Fuuko scooching her chair closer to Andy.

>Would accidentally killing Eat make it so the world doesn't starve anymore?
I don't think killing UMAs reverts the rule they represents. It looks more like reverting rules is part of the reward system

UMA Eat will be just an UMA with eat characteristic, like how Andy is Negator of Undead characteristics.
I dont think the concept of Eat will be gone by killing UMA Eat

So the lack of stars was caused by an ancient penalty?

UMA Star is the end boss

No, more like stars never existed and the next penalty is the one that makes them exist.

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I gotta go and reread everything now. Fuck.

Well, it won't make the concept of a galaxy exist, it'll just create a person that carries the characteristics of a galaxy.

UMA Galaxy is a penalty
Removing stars in the night sky was penalty
I don't think UMA Galaxy will just give stars back

When you think about it our galaxy is kind of like an animal
Is UMA galaxy gonna send all the other planets to attack the earth

the mystery of how exactly the stuff works is gonna keep discussion for this manga lively for a while

>UMA the size of a Galaxy

Yeah i think they will managed to finish all the quests and avoid this penalty

lets just hope that it's explained well so it doesn't end up like CSM threads, where people have to ask how shit works every 20 minutes

>Removing stars in the night sky was penalty
Was it though? The manga seems to imply that penalties only add new concepts . Like the universe is still in the process of being created.

The only thing really unexplained in chainsaw man is why a devil chooses to become a fiend, a lot of people just have contracts with the speedreader devil.

>Completing quests from their questbook lets them gain info, artifacts, or members
>The book god created things like sex, language, and death as a penalty for failing various quests

So humans might have basically been in a Garden of Eden state before this little book fucker showed up? How has humanity remained ignorant of the source of these 98 concepts which suddenly burst into existence? Does the book make everyone think things have always been this way? Maybe they'll fail this set of quests and the stars in the sky will be born.

Man, what a setting. Certainly wasn't expecting something like this when the manga began. Also, ball is best girl.

(mizu)umi da!

So is Billy the gunslinger blind or what?


Must be a rare thing for an infodump to be considered exciting. I hope Japan aren't being fags and supporting this.

Really interesting world building this chapter.
Starting to like this series.

I'm glad this manga was recommended to me. I avoided it when it first came out but I'm really looking forward to them fighting God


I mean from the pacing of the manga at the moment it doesn't look like it's on the chopping block for at least the near future. U19 series would already be introducing the main antagonist at this point but UU is still just establishing the status quo.

wow, it is actually good