
Did they really run with their tail between their legs? How about their duties as adventurers and Lakyus's noble duties to defend humans against monsters?

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Other urls found in this thread:

0bin.net/paste/1R5dBhFRB76k378S#2PXDIfe UC1RKt2XMPBHSH8fiDqn1ia6cc8i0d6eLMd

They do defend capital until it's overrun.

She's gonna died too, right?

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That's actually why they know how much they are fucked up.

>Blue rose
>I REALLY wanted to kill them...
>Maruyama is so tired of novels where only the girls get rescued.
>i also hate it when more girls get added to the protagonists group and think"urgh a girl again?"
>Add more bizzare creatures to the group! Let me read a story about a minotaur, an ork, a ratmen or something going adventuring!
>I wanted to kill them.
>And i had the intention to kill them while writing Vol 14... ah so vexing
>however, using my authors privilege to make characters act out of character is unforgivable, so...
Don't worry, they are 100% going to die. Hopefully we don't have to wait for the last volume to see it though.

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Neia's parents defended their posts until their death. BR should be ashamed of themselves.

Is the author a sociopath?

Look on the brightside, at least they ain't in GS's universe.

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What gave you that idea? His infant-cooking twitter posts or volume 7?

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What prevents other lvl100 players from pulling what Ainz did?

Yes, here orcs would have to be threatened by death to convince them to rape human girls.
His natural and acquired autism.

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nothing provided they are of equal skill
but his skill in pvp isnt ordinary
hes specifically stated to be an effective pvper

Overlord is actually a typical hero epic, we are just reading the prologue from the bad guys' perspective. It will inevitably come to a point where Remedios, Climb, PDL, Rigrit and other hero characters join force, form party and level up to save the world from Nazarick.

So effective in fact that he managed to hold his own even with a shitty RP build.

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How do you know it isn't a red herring or the editor won't prevent him?

ye p much


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Demiurge would laugh at the goblins in GS and criticize them for how ineffective their methods are.

he kinda fucked then, and making post like that doesnt help either. makes him look like fucking egdelord who aims to kill them without any good reason besides "want to kill them" beacuse of nogf syndrome

Man, do I seriously need to write the same exact thing for the third time? You can kill a whole enemy team in the counter-strike, if you are a good player and opponents are noobs. But you never will win against good players.

For some reason, I feel like you would answer something ignoring Albedo estimation of maids having bigger raw-power.

It's his characters retard author can do whatever the fuck he wants with them.

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You are in the wrong thread, your shonenshit is over there.

>Laughs at Goblins
>Teaches them to start a industrial level "Reproduction" factory.
Holy Shit, that's Fatal Pulse levels of fanfic.

Attached: Yuriabouttofreakout.png (344x135, 19.76K)

who is this chick ??

>wanting threats in a war conquest series is shounen
Kill yourself retard.

so-bin' next waifu

Yout hopes have not been crushed yet?
How much you will resist humiefag?

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But why kill this? Send her to Shalltear to become a sex slave instead.

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reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weres the update i just want to read in this lazy Sunday

Sound like she is going the big bad plaything route.

She hurt Entoma in more ways than just one.
Well his first waifu was Clementine so.

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Too bad Entoma needs a new voice.

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This guy is a legit retard. I hate how isekai tards enable shit writers like him to feel like they matter.

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Nah Maruyama is Japanese Tolkien. You're just a butthurt normalfag, assmad about shit-tier waifu being killed off.

>Aaahhhh I hate generic crap!
>writes edgy MMO isekai

Also, a lot of his skills are awe inspiring that can flex on the NPC mentally. I am an effective pvp player, I only played Korean mmo for the pvp but that does not mean my builds are effective against npc because of the difference between pvp and pve. In pvp you can do a lot of things that fuck with them not just in the gameplay but mentally. Sure I can Dodge, bind, turn invisible and heal my entire health bar back in both cases but only against player can I trick them with positioning and their point of view Against NPC, you only have stats and other normal skills not those kind of skills
Though since they are real people now, that changed things

Start writing then bitch.

Reading this gave me flashback when Nigel is doing the TLing.
I wonder is he reading this too.

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Well he does matter since he's the one writing the story

It's dnd retard.



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It's a fucking video game inspired by DnD.

Overlord isn't a game retard.

Again, how do I use those codes? I'm far from programming.

i hope so he def earn it just sit back and read

>video game stats
>used to be an MMO

Fuck off.

So? The world is real now and it's DnD more than MMO.

It's time.

0bin.net/paste/1R5dBhFRB76k378S#2PXDIfe UC1RKt2XMPBHSH8fiDqn1ia6cc8i0d6eLMd

>used to be an MMO
>used to be
Hmm, what does he mean by this?

I fainted.

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>DND not a game

A bunch of direct links in a comment.
Close, but no cigar. Translator-sama only posts hash.

/tg/ isn't Yas Forums retard.

if you played 5e you wouldnt think the same way

You need to go back.

>still no Imp Renner pegging Climb fanart

>played 5e
why the fuck would I do that?

Even when you move the goalpost you're still fucking wrong, DND has been made into numerous videogames.

And then directly into Overlord skipping Yas Forums. I accept your defeat cunt.

> Rodeo
> Renner climbs on top of Climb, starts doing the deed
> transforms midway

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smelly dress