Kaguya 182 Spoilers: We NTRiangles now

Hayasaka was a feline in uterus all along.

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punished kaguya soon

This is better. Fuck Kaguya.

And 2 other croррed рics.
Shuchiin students thinking Рrez dates a gyaru; KaguyaBrother ordering somebody around.

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Spoiler from tieba taken from 2ch.

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FUCK Hayasaka right in the рussy.

Fuck she’s so cute bro’s I think hayasaka is best girl.

Second pic.
Looks like Shirogane agreed to play along?

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>feline in uterus

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Of course he would.
Also Hayasaka is a better catch than Kaguya

>feline in uterus all along
english translation pls

A bitch in heat.

Hayasaka is of course the better catch. But do I need to remind you of the series title?

> But do I need to remind you of the series title?
Kaguya want to be cucked?

Who would be lewd enough to say プ シ ー first?
Kaguya or Hayasaka?

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She wanted to be confessed to.
She confessed.
She lost and that's it, now we can move onto the greener pastures of Ireland.

Can't wait to see all the NTRfags and the delusional Hayasakafags BTFO again when the full chapter comes out.

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The delusional idiots have not arrived yet.

No one is expecting them to end up together.
It's still a fun development and Hayasaka has been best girl for a long time.

Remembering wisdom pearls of the father, Shirogane birthed gently the feline in uterus named Hayasaka, declaring o my Neptunes and Uranus!

Third from tieba possibly the same source.

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I wonder how will the people who know he's dating Kaguya take the "fact" he's with Hayasaka now.
Like Kashiwagi, Maki, Ishigami kinda.


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post cucked kaguyas

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According to meme sрoilers, Рrez' bros think he's in a love triangle now.

Hayasakafags want justice not NTR. I bet NTRfags just want to see Kaguya's emotional distress.

Why? I don't wanna see some fucking drama.

This will only lead to suffering for everyone involved, including the reptilian

Hayasaka can not do this!

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So he's pretending to be her BF to avoid the scummy brother from raping her? This better not lead to MISUNDERSTANDINGS, might be the low point of the manga depending on how long kaguya stays in the dark about it for

>we could have had some sexy kyoto times leading to them fucking for valentine's

Hide the knives

Hayasakafags win if Hayasaka becomes free from Kaguya's retarded tyranny. Making Kaguya jealous is just the cherry on the top. Nobody is really expecting NTR to come out of this.
Though making Kaguya suffer a little would be great, considering we got context about how terrible Hayasaka's workload was and that Kaguya did jack shit to alleviate her burden for more than three fucking years.

Shirogane is helping her, that's it. He's the only friend she has (Kaguya is more like a spoiled little sister).
And anyway Shirogane wouldn't cheat on Kaguya right after they got together, that wouldn't make sense for the characters and the story

>snitches on kaguya
>abandons her of her own free will
>corners her boyfriend and forces him to take her on a date

At this point if Kaguya still doubts Shirogane enough to believe he's cheating on her, then she deserves to be NTR'd.
There's being distrustful and there's being a retard with no awareness of others

She can, but she should not.

>Hayasaka becomes free from Kaguya's retarded tyranny
Hayasaka doesn't want that (read chapter 179). She wants to be free from her terrible works, but she still really love Kaguya and that's the reason se wants to resign so badly

>Hayasaka can not do this!
If she is murdered, yes.

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>there's being a retard with no awareness of others
Ice arcs is a testament of Kaguya being exactly that.

It makes no difference. She may love Kaguya, but the fact doesn't change that Kaguya is shackling her to the Shinomiya slavedrivers. It's not about what she wants but what she needs, and the workload plus the guilt and now recently her little sister gleefully reminding her every time she can that she's pretty much wasted her youth serving her, are taking a toll on her.

Upon enlightenment of the gentle birthing, Kaguya-sama's bowels erupted with vengeful fury. Those in proximity trembled as they fearfully excreted.

She's probably just mad at hayasaka for trying to move on her turf, women can be very territorial
It also doesn't help that hayasaka is pulling her stunt on the free day, the day kaguya had him to herself

Kaguya-sama ha kakkuni shitai?

If night comes and Рrez is able to show her the starry sky, it's over for Kaguya.

Shirogane is helping her escape from El Hermano, isn't he? Shouldn't Kaguya assume Hayasaka quitting has something to do with the main family instead of acting like a bitchy brat and think the only person who has been able to endure her shit for so fucking long is betraying her now?
Wasn't Kaguya supposed to be smart?

>Wasn't Kaguya supposed to be smart?
I have doubts about my budding relationship with prez, should I
>talk things out like a normal human being
>behave like a massive cunt, destroy his self esteem and wait until he passes out to realize we should talk things out
No, she's not smart.

>Wasn't Kaguya supposed to be smart?
Insecurity is a hell of a drug; sometimes the smartest people do the dumbist shit nevausr of it

>Yume was just another disguise of Hayasaka

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Hayasaka will brainwash Kaguya!

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>This guy is a dangerous person...Run away ○○○[=Hayasaka]
>Kaguya is also useless. It's terrible(cruel) that Kaguya called hayasaka ○○[=a female cat in estrus](LOL)...Run away ○○[=Hayasaka] from this person too.
>Hayasaka kept ○○[=the relationship between Kaguya and Prez] secret,right? But I didn't expect that it was the reason she retired.

Pansiron filled the blanks in the text spoilers in a previous threads.

But Hayasaka was supposed to be lesbians with F

I like Hayabaka

Thanks for posting this, simply because I knew “uterus” by the OP was incorrect, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what the actual word was

It should have been Karen seeing her OTP being destroyed.

More like Kekguya

That was editor meddling

The only person wanting that is probably the same faggot from the BokuBen threads that won't stop going on out about Rizu and Sawako

Hayasaka did betray her you fucking speedreader,
This whole arc started by showing us the reader that Hayasaka has always been a fucking snake bitch.

The random onlookers would have broke the news to her via gossip. We might have to wait for the spinoff to catch up.

I miss lewder Aka.

It just hit me that this image looks like they just got done having a threesome together.

By her dear friend who also ships prezxKaguya no less!

>slent all of the early series convinced fujiwara would be a thieving cat
>now that Aka has thoroughly shown Fujiwara to be useless, the cat is actually the one she'd expect rhe least out of

Reacting swiftly, Ishigami donned the cloaking of Man-O-War, and forcibly erected upon the scene a great pillar to stem the tide of placental effulence.

Why are we posting excerpts from ulysses?

If a thread OP has words "spoilers" in it why dont mods just delete said thread?

Posting spoilers ruins discussion of series
If Someone is allowed to post spoilers now everyone will spam those in every thread
In reality the question is why dont we find out where those people live and cut their hands off.

Is the book worth it? Do I need to read the Iliad and Odyssey first?