Why do Hunterfags circlejerk over this one scene when it's not any different from Goku threatening to kill Gohan right...

Why do Hunterfags circlejerk over this one scene when it's not any different from Goku threatening to kill Gohan right after he turned Super Saiyan, or threatening to kill the Supreme Kai, or literally any of the other morally dubious shit he does? Hunterfags circlejerk over Gon not being a """deconstruction""" of the Goku archetype, but Goku's morality was already questionable 30 years ago

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Because youtube bloggers told them it's a deconstruction and super deep.

Not to mention Gon wasn't even in the wrong here.

Agreed, Goku doesn't have a real moral code. He'll kill people if he feels like and won't feel the slightest bit of regret over it, and he'll let mass murderers live if he feels like they'll give him a good fight later on.
Makes me wonder what criteria the Nimbus and the Devilmite beam use to determine goodness and evilness.

Pure-heart in Dragon Ball seems to signify a single-minded pursuit of something.

>There’s how, basically, Son Goku from Dragon Ball doesn’t fight for the sake of others, but because he wants to fight against strong guys. So once Dragon Ball got animated, at any rate, I’ve always been dissatisfied with the “righteous hero”-type portrayal they gave him. I guess I couldn’t quite get them to grasp the elements of “poison” that slip in and out of sight among the shadows.
>At any rate, I wanted him to have the sense of being that rare guy who seeks only “to become stronger than before”, so much so that it feels like “there’s no one as pure as this person”. And while he does end up saving everyone as a result of that, he himself at least has a very pure sincerity about “wanting to become stronger”. What I wanted to depict the most was the sense that he might not be a good guy at all, although he does do good things as a result.

It's not wrong to kill obviously. It's the humans who made up this so called moral code anyway.

Not really, Enma and the Gods in Dragon Ball clearly judge mortals on whether they're good or evil, so morality is objective in their universe.

and they judge Vegeta as a good guy

It's different from Goku. The orange shit head was always an asshole. Gon was not the kind of person to kill anyone on a whim, that's why this scene pops out

Nigga was seeing people die in the Hunter exams with a smile on his face. Gon was always a Goku rip-off from day one.

>character inconsistency is good
das gonna be a yikes from me dawg

because Gon is a dogshit character and that's the only time he does anything even vaguely interesting

They gave him a pass for helping defeat Majin Buu.

Eh, with Goku it feels kinda bullshit. Dragonball always boils down to two dudes beating the shit out of each other, unga bunga style.

Gon here isn't just threatening to kill someone. He's threatening to kill an innocent girl as leverage. Her life is worthless beyond being a pawn to him. Pitou, who is objectively a monster, protects this girl only out of loyalty to the king. She also doesn't care about her life.

And the Lapoof also shows up wanting to kill the girl for his own ends.

As a result, there is a real chance she may die, which makes for good drama.

>Gon was not the kind of person to kill anyone on a whim, that's why this scene pops out

Exactly. Gon going apeshit here stands out because his old self would have never done that.

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>whispercels absent from the thread

Hiatuscucks btfo eternally

There's a huge difference between dismissing the people who die and killing them yourself.

That's why it left people to wonder why he does so, i never said it was good. But it was obvious he is really pissed off here, he's not a saint, he didn't say that with a straight face.

But he didn't even kill her. He just threatened her. It's no different again from Goku threatening to kill Gohan or the Kai after years of saying killing is bad

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It's almost like people act like irrational hypocrites when they let anger consume them. Who would've known.

>As a result, there is a real chance she may die, which makes for good drama.
I don't disagree it's a good scene, but it's not any different from other Shounen protagonists. I use Goku as an example because he's the original of this archetype, but he did it also.

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Because it's completely different from any of those scenes?
Holy shit OP, are you retarded?
Are you an actual retarded person?

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How is it any different? An enraged Gon threatens to kill an innocent person to satisfy his own needs. An enraged Goku threatens to kill innocent people to satisfy his own needs.

You're just giving OP's argument more credence by providing none of your own. Congratulations.

should i watch 1999 or 2011

>Goku threatening to kill Gohan
Wait, when did that happen?

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This doesn't have the same drama.

Vegeta and Goku just want to unga bunga. Goku will threaten Supreme Kai but it would take an ounce of his strength to put him out of commission without killing him. The threat is not real.

Meanwhile, Gon has been obsessed over his weakness and failure to save Kite for months. He went through more fialurs in his training. He has fantasized about killing Pitou and avenging Kite this whole time. In his mind, he has built up Pitou as a complete animal deserving of death.

To see her healing someone, doing something objectively good after brutally murdering Kite, is in complete conflict with his feelings of hatred and disgust for her. Seeing that Pitou now has something precious to her, like Kite was to him, Gon feels justified in threatening to take it from her - even if that means killing a little girl.

That's drama.

And where exactly does he threaten to kill him?

>Vegeta and Goku just want to unga bunga.
Yes, I wonder why Goku and Vegeta want to fight? Surely it's because they just wanna fight, absolutely no character-driven motivation here at all.

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Vegeta's second fiddle bitch fit loop is the only motivation he ever has.

Do you need everything spelled out for you, user? Goku's saying he's so mad he may accidentally even kill his own son, that's why he's telling him to leave before he loses his cool even more. The only way he could be any more obvious would be by saying "Get out of here before I kill you."

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It’s not all that deep but I think it’s the best portrayal of someone who is so angry they can barely speak that I’ve seen.

Luffy is a better protagonist than Gon

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He's specifically asking Gohan to get Piccolo to safety. This is not the same as threatening to kill a little girl to get back at somebody

Because Gon, out of his rage and thirst for revenge, was making a calculated decision that would get him to his goal faster, which happened to coldly involve the life of an innocent child he did not know.

Goku on the other hand was just ready to lash out at anyone, given he had just for the first time transformed into an omni-directional maelstrom of violence that he couldn't yet entirely control. It had nothing to do with a goal, or what he wanted to do. He was just kind of insane at the time.
It's literally completely different.

>"The sky is orange."
>"No. You're retarded."

Him threatening to kill the Supreme Kai is. But that isn't the point, the point is that Gon is not a unique protagonist for doing something that is morally questionable.

>making a calculated decision that would get him to his goal faster, which happened to coldly involve the life of an innocent [person] he did not know
Yeah, what's your point again?

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misquoting people and adding capslock doesn't help you either, it just makes you look kinda pathetic.

Toriyama knows this and doesn't like him all that much. Unfortunately the fanbase latched on to that and decided that Vegeta was the 'best character' because of it.



At the end of the day, it's an engaging scene where a single life hangs in the balance. That's why people care about it more than any scene where goku powers up and someone says "HES GONNA RIP THE PLANET APART."

That's nice, but not the topic of the thread.

Nice strawman


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>Fights with his control so he doesn't kill his son
>still can wait until his enemy goes 100%

What the actual fuck is this thread? At least on /dbs/ we don't pretend that this is not pure shitposting.

You just don't have an IQ enough to understand Togashi's cipher. It's okay, you can join the shounene kiddies over at the KnY and mha thread, leave us übermensch to discuss this modern day Iliad.

Hunterchads??!! M-My knees are buckling over the weight of the True Chads of Yas Forums....

>muuuh Kek X Kek pedo moe isekai
Enter CHADren.

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>need more power to kill bad guy is different from need more power to kill bad guy

I'm not shitposting because DB is a bad series

You arrived too late Shitrentard. This "debate" is already over.

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A bad series that your garbage heap kept copying. There is literally not a single true statement about Goku itt so you don't even understand it.

Yes, a decisive DBCHAD victory

Good pup

I kneel

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>Vegeta and Goku just want to unga bunga.
Literally stopped reading right there. Next time make sure to watch the series you are talking about.

Indeed it is.

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So basically a happy borderline-sociopath right?

>seeing people die in the Hunter exams with a smile on his face.
That is not true.