Dragon Maid

Which dragon has the best eyes?

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Is this even a contest? Quetzalcoatl.

The most unusual and unique eyes belong to Lucoa (both the upper...and the lower pair).

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Why do they look like they are about to summon their Personas?


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But why is she the best?

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Fafnir. Easily.

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Dragon eyes>Human eyes

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Is Fafnir a chorogon too?


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But which eye is the best one?

But the those eyes are made for deadfish eyes.

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She's the best maid

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>reading ToG
>in 2020

yeap there is the anime normie

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What would Kobayashi's eyes look like as a dragon?

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Bestest maid (no cosplay).

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1 = 3 > 4 > 2

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I do enjoy the flaming intensity of Tohru's eyes, but I love Lucoa's more.


Good thing he hasn't been forgotten.

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This. Loli dragon > the rest

I wish COOL gave him more attention

Fuck off back to your shithole you cancerous NORMALFAG.

Im actually still mad they gave her kawaii uguu eyes in the anime. Her deadpan circles from the manga fit her character better.

This but the complete oposite

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Cutest chorogon.

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Ok, but why doesn't lucoa have eyes as a dragon?

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The sleeve changing colours always bothers me

Why would she need eyes if she can perceive the entire universe all the time.

Why did you have to say that?

Blue Eyes White Dragon

Fret no longer.

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thanks, user

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Fafnir bf when?

His electricity bill is probably bigger than Kanna's

Black and yellow

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Lucoa. She's got 4 things you can just lose yourself in.

Holy shit, thanks, it has bothered me for three years

Best dragon confirmed. I'm glad we all agree.

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I like those fiery eyes too.

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Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

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Tohru's. They really make her stand out. Probably the best part of her design.

They would look very beautiful.

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>that one doujin where lucoa fucks shouta so hard he becomes a dragon and gets eyes like her

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They already are beautiful

dead fish eyes>lucoa>all
I have a thing for "ugly" or plain girls with small irises in anime.


What a cute daughter they have.

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>three years

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cute family

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who´s the top between Takiya and him?


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Yes, Kanna loves her mum.

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Elma's are my favorite color but I think Tohru has the best design