What is the most common age for anime girls?

What is the most common age for anime girls?

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too young


too old

Do you want old hags or something?

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Around one years old.

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I'd say 15 if your talking about shounen

Too old


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Usually 14-16 year old high school girls which is too old we need to drop it down to 8-10 year old elementary school girls.

Thats the perfect age tought

The age during they love dicks the most.

>14-16 year old hags
>perfect age
If you're a retarded tastelet I guess.

Hard to say. Lolishit is as common as high school shit, so all ages?

>Lolishit is as common as high school shit
Watch more anime.

There are a lot of lolis in high school

muramasa is the hottest girl, but elf is best girl. both are are high rank girls.
actually all the eromanga girls are. second season when?

No thanks, I still want to lose my virginity before I hit wizardhood.

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No there isn't.

>that foot

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16 seems to be the most common, for girls as well as boys

the majority of anime begins at first grade of high school so the majority of the girls are between 14/15.

A lot of moe anime has lolis in high school.

Name one.

First grade of highschool in japan is 15/16

Lucky Star

That is the only one that comes even close to having lolis in high school and even then nobody referred to the Lucky Star cast as lolis.

Kirino mosaic,slow star,gakuen gurashi don't even bother replying to me if you are a definition autist.

The age they're intended to be? Or the age they look, given how they're drawn?

This year

If they're too young, you're too old.

None of those are lolis.
They are just flat teens, they don't look like children.
It's not being an definition autist to state simple facts.

Why I even bother?

Well you are right I wonder why.

Perfect age for sex

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You're thinking of 8-10.

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Wtf I didn't know the blonde one was such a slut.

She is a nudist

Cute JCs

Why do they like fat older guys so much? What do they see in them?

What is the most common age for anime girls to start lusting after dicks?

either 10 or 5000

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I'd agree that its the high school anime with the most loli like cast but considering the yurus aren't even lolis neither can they.

it is a mystery

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fat men have fat cocks. its a known fact

15-18 (a.k.a. JK age). Anyone who disagrees needs to watch more anime.

Do girls solely judge a man by his penis? I was always told it's about looks and personality.

the slutty girls want the cock. girls only want fit guys when they want someone to show off. other then if they want a actual life partner its usually a guy who can provide with a dad bod

Petite ≠ loli, retard.

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Artist's opinion ≠ fact.

Quite the opposite actually