Combatants Will Be Dispatched! Novels by Konosuba Author will get an Anime Adaption!
Based scum getting his own anime.
Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! Anime
Excellent, love this series. Best Bantz Brigade.
>everyone else: spit take
>Alice: not again
>Grimm: god I wish that were me
>Konosuba author.
Well that's an instant watch.
That's like three different series yet konsuba only has 2 seasons. Why?
why? his other wrestiling work was also fucking shit
meh he apparently has connections now after hitting jackpot with Konosuba otherwise this is pretty mediocre to be getting an anime adaption
who would be the best VA for the "Atrocity points have been added" notification?
I got 5 it's going to be the grand sage from slime. Has the author tried to do anything new because it seems like he's trying to corner the market for asshole with cute but inept girls in Isekai land stories.
>the better Konosuba finally gets an anime
Hell yeah.
Just write more konosuba you hack. and make them give me season 3
Grimm is best girl
Well we all knew it was a question of when and not if.
>Ahaha, look at them! They're terrible people!
Was funny in Konosuba, but definitely overstayed its welcome with the furry wrestler.
Can't this guy write about anything else?
Please no Deen and please no Kikuta.
It was great. But anyways, the writing on that anime wasn't his. Not for most of it. Because it was mostly filler so it could be an ad for wrestling because they had some nip wrestiling organization in comittee who wanted to use the show as a wrestling ad
But both are good
Furry wrestler anime wasn't him
Well Kadokawa's in house ENGI is doing Uzaki-chan and some boatcolle thing.
Konosubafags on suicide watch. Isekai Quartet threads are going to be funny
why would they be on suicide watch?
This series is actually older and the mc being bad is integral to the plot
Konosuba fags all love this series too
Because they're already having mental breakdowns on Isekai Quartet threads. Not all of them. I talk about some extremely obssessed people who are obssessed to the point they keep watching IQ even when they don't enjoy it just because it has Konosuba in it.
Those people are already raging and seething because they feel Kadokawa is spiting them or something by not making Konosuba S3
And now this (from the same author) is greenlit. So those people might start losing their minds even further
i see
As I said, I was thinking of the group in IQ threads avatarfagging with Aqua (or weird edits of Kazuma fucking everyone). I was just thinking of their mental breakdowns and how they fear everything they see as a potential "replacement" for konosuba instead of Konosbua S3
desu some of those posts are so hysterical im convinced at least half are falseflaggers
Konosuba confirmed dead now desu
>they feel Kadokawa is spiting them or something by not making Konosuba S3
This is literally talking about me, but dont worry a few more months with no konosuba news and im killing myself anyway
yes it was
It was decent for an Isekai, It had it's funny moments, At least he tries to make overwrite cliche'd settings/stories with humor.
the studio ruined it
The source. Not the anime. Because the anime was mostly filler to lead to the wrestling tournament finale. Why? Because a wrestling organization was in the comittee and wanted to use the show as a wrestling ad
The studio had their hands tied the moment they had to make it more of a wrestling ad (instead of following the source) because the comittee had a nip wrestling organization in it.
so at the end the root of the problem are the producers
The KonoSuba anime is worse than the LN. I would be completely ok with the movie being the last KonoSuba anime. They should instead make an audio drama for all LN volumes. It would be leagues better than an anime sequel and KDKW is already starting to make more audio content.
>i want less content
The anime was great even if it was not as good as the LN. they could easily do two more seasons
The furry wrestling anime was half original filler written by someone else.
So it will have the same animation as Konosuba?
Now that I look at it, his dick is sufficiently big to please any woman. And it's not in morning woods mode.
Even the cover looks like konosuba.
So is this the replacement for it or what?
fuck yea
>muh anime was shit
nice damage control, konosuba is trash too, repeating the same joke 100x
Sure, why not.
Better premise, better MC, better girls.
>better girls
Say what you like about the comedy because its subjective. But Konosubas girls are masterpieces that will stand the test of time
Yes, konosuba novel is close to end
The girls in this one are literal whores.
Dunno, aqua is way way better than snow
megumin is way way better than chimeraloli but alice can contest
grimm is way better than darkness
And 6 is way better than kazuma, sentoin just need to develop a good supporting cast
Anyone is better than Snow.
what is wrong with you? the anime was a disaster, plain and simple
Fuck yes, animated Heine bullying!
>another attempt at topping konosuba
Konosuba was lightning in a bottle and other comedy isekais will all just get compared to it and always come up short
Snow is just big titty Jew cat
>haha explosion btw i'm chuuni ^_^
>haha i'm a masochist
aqua is literally the only good (and funny) character of the three, and even then it just repeats the same jokes every time.
And that's all of them. Animated Grimm should be pretty fun.
Zipperman > Kazuma > Genzo
They will still be popular for years to come
Hurry it up.
Do you remember when we didn't respond to shitposters and trolls? Probably not, because you post like it's Twitter.
Is that a?
>room temperature IQ understanding of character personalities.
Snow=Darkness, Alice=Aqua, Grimm=Megumin, Rose=Iris.
Idk what kind of speedreading you need to do tobe confused about that.