Tower of God Thread

-15 days to the anime and crunchyshit has not yet revealed the voice actress of androssi.
why they want us to suffer so much!!!

I think half the budget went to her, the best girl ever made deserve the best voice ever made

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plebian side character thats thankfully missing for half the series


ok Rachel
next time born perfect like her

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fuck your spam

>tfw no gf

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After all your spamming I actually read the series.
It seems to be written for teenage girls, with a lot of the guys looking like they came straight from fujoshit, lots of edgy backstories but very little character death, and quite a few of the girls being literal princesses.
The art is honestly really inconsistent but being in color is nice and all.
Despite my critiques I've actually been enjoying it so far, my only fear is that they won't be able to answer all of the plot threads they keep pulling out.

>It seems to be written for teenage girls, with a lot of the guys looking
Dont worry user is just something new, in old golden age anime the cast of character wasnt full girl cast with only a male the MC but majority male with some best girls.
> few of the girls being literal princesses.
yeap because king of the tower idndt want marry
>Despite my critiques I've actually been enjoying it so far
based user try to reread few times the first part(before hell train) everytime you reread you will discover new things.
it's pretty funny
>won't be able to answer all of the plot threads they keep pulling out.
remember to read blog post and wiki where the author spoiler new informations about many characters.

For teenager girls and you enjoying it? Are you masochist?

She's boring.

why user?
she made hide and seek game a masterpiece
remember the red panties

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It seems 135th floor is too much for Zahard to handle (evil guardian or what was it), but why the fuck the other irregulars don't try to go there? Like Enryuu and especially Urek since his goal is to get out of the tower and reaching the top seems like a good way? Why is he just letting Zahard have his way without trying, I dunno, break through, for example? If Urek's powerful enough (and he seems to be) to take down Zahard if he tries, why won't he just do it? Not because tramp Garam asked him to, it's totally understandable why he'd refuse like any guy with self-respect and pride since it's obvious the thot only wants to use him to settle her own grudges with her sugar daddy, but because it actually gets him that much closer to his own goal?

>to take down Zahard

why the fuck the other irregulars don't try to go there?
his goal is find phantaminum before exit
he cant kill zahard
how can the author leave his project

Well, Zahard's immortal, yeah, but how about disabling him one way or another for the time takes to reach the next floor, then let Zahard who wimped out before the 135th floor, chase him all he wants if he has enough guts for that... in any case, why not do something instead of being being stuck in the first 134 floors for centuries now, that's what I don't understand.

By ranking bureau Zahard stronger, actually.

Do you ever get tired of falseflagging?

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user stop they arent in italian i cant watch them

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Here, your country once collaborate with Korea and made something better than TOG, even the Kraken is cuter than Garbagedrossi. You should be proud

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Better than Baam and Androssi

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this is a north-korean-italian anime called adrian.
the best korean anime ever created

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user she is perfect but MC isnt special.

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Jin-Ho might be a bit overrated but he is miles better than Baam

Is that char?

nope when baam was viole.
Viole was fucking perfect

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Sex with Rachel(ntr)

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How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Why is Bam such a fucking jobber? He gets wanked as super OP but he always jobs when push comes to shove

anime when

1st april user
Ready for the new golden age of animation

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No that's better than Baam

>t. speedreader
The 135th was sealed by zahard. Half of the key to open it was split into the 13th month series and the other half into the rings for his biological children.

How i can date Maschenny without die?

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Nice cock ring bro, good luck with your edging exercises

That artstyle looks dope tho. Glad they seem to keep touch with the original material.

Also, god, Yuuuuuri, they made her eyes narrower, more asian-like, she's looking so sexy. Argh. Can't wait for some Yuri action.

Btw, ToG is fairly long, you think there's any chance they'll make a long-runner out of it? The material right now could easily fill 100-200 episodes, I think. And it's like still half way.

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i think

24 episode= evankell hell first season
52 episode or less = 2 season until workshop battle

the 4 skipped movies of hell train:
white,name huny, hell floor, secret floor
(they will cut all boring things of hell train)

then a long run anime of the 3rd season until end.

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> 3rd season until end
Tho 3rd season is hardly the last one. We've been waiting for the promised Princess Ark since the first chapters and it's probably going to be the catharsis of the series. But I feel like SIU doesn't even quite now whether he wants Baam to be the Prince, or him to become the King, for him to go beyond 135 or to go outside, etc.

I think it's fair to assume at this point that Yuri cares only for him now, and that he finally has other goals in mind besides Rachel, but still so little. And it's been 10 damn years already. Sigh.

>Tho 3rd season is hardly the last one.
Baam is more stronger than rankers so Tower of God is in the late part.

>I think it's fair to assume at this point that Yuri cares only for him now
nope he love androssi and she love him
best couple.

>and that he finally has other goals in mind besides Rachel,
Rachel will kill Baam mark my words

Is Baam even the same species as Urek and Enryu seeing as how both came from Earth but Baam was trapped in a pocket dimension outside the tower?

Who is his favorite character in Tower of God?

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>Baam is more stronger than rankers so Tower of God is in the late part.
I agree that it's now more later than earlier part but please keep in mind the floor they're on ("just" 52nd out of 134), but about him being stronger than rankers that's a bit misleading. True, he can *somewhat* stand his ground against Kallavan, but remember that there exists an enormous power gap the higher you go in ranking. I may be wrong, but Family leaders are insanely powerful even compared to this monster, and all of them together are supposedly inferior to Jahad.

>he love androssi and she love him
I mean, sure, but coughs in Flood of Death OTP moments and Endorsi is like a minor character ever since years ago.

I mean, Bam is supposed to be the main mystery of the series, it's safe to assume that he's older than Jahad Empire which is like what 30,000 years old? Actually I never really got this part, since the oldest characters are like 5000 years old, but Jahad is then supposed to be dozens of thousands of years old? What the hell.

Also, errrr, Bam was born by the first guys from Jahad Team. Urek and Enryu came from outside afterwards and honestly they seem much more alien than Bam. Urek is basically One Piece's Enel, lol.

>Endorsi is like a minor character ever since years ago.
she is a princess cant declare war on zahard.
remember that zahard didnt give a shit about nothing,
>FUG a terrorist organization with the only goal to kill him join public events
>ok have fun
he get mad only if you try to touch his underage daughters harem

>"just" 52nd out of 134
yes but now test are useless for him , he is too stronger SiU will skill the 90% of floors now.
Family rankers are irregualrs like him an urek mazino.
only zahard,phantaminum and enryu are specials so 100 chapters and baam will reach their levels if he learn how to use his power ups.

Baam will never reach Enryu in power level

Baam literrally eat enryuu

What is with you people and not reading the official translation? It's literally free and as canon as it gets. This is tantamount to blocking your ears and going LALALALA

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>100 chapters and baam will reach their levels
*Gets horrible Hell Train "shortcut" ark flashbacks. *

>Be Jobhard
>Live in shitty palace with underage girls
>Some dude shows up and rapes your staff

he is an irregular himself

>official translation good
Ok webtoon
with all the money you get with Tower of God anime pls hire the company for your fucking webtoons are better and cost less money.

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I was considering picking this series up but after you spergs started spamming it in completely unrelated threads and attaching spoilers I've decided against it
now all you will receive are my reports as this is a manwha and does not fit the criteria of Yas Forums
good day, gooks

it's sure as fuck better than your retarded translation

>Be phantaminum
>assault zahard's castle to kill him
>zahard literrally ask you to kill him because he cant live without his NTR gf

fucking millenials waste my time

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arab shit
epic the real name of a king

shit name without sense
italian name that explaine adnrossi personality
>hello fellow tower of god readers
10 people tell to me that my spamming made them read tower of god
you are the only one who didnt want.
so the balance is 9 positive
spamming works

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I mean, it literally gets anime adaptation starting on April 1st, anta baka, now it belongs to Yas Forums.

Im not gonna watch this gookshit, fuck you crunchyroll

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I was actually excited to get hyped for the anime with Yas Forums but all this is bringing me is annoyance. Your spergy behavior is destroying any potential for good threads.

What a fucking Chad

>watch isekay quarted
>call tower of god shit
Ok reddit enjoy your isekay genre die against the /lit/ masterpiece plot of ToG
ok fellow tower of god reader

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hello esl gook fabricating lie after lie
your great leader is calling you back

I am italian in quarantine

Guys important what should we call each other?
towerchads ,turtlechads or clover turtles

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