Im not even halfway through and I can tell this guy is going to fuck the rabbit. This is the type of racemixing degenerate garbage that zoomers swallow up. And it came from japan above all else, so much for the samurai spirit lol I hope corona wipes them all off
Im not even halfway through and I can tell this guy is going to fuck the rabbit...
>fuck the rabbit
yeah sure thing user
If you think that's bad now I don't recommend you read any further
wtf Beastars is white genocide.
You are severely underestimating Legosi's virginity power level. He has successfully -not- had sex with the thirstiest females (and males) in existence.
The wolf is a Simp and the bunny is used goods
love is love
Back to containment board, cross poster
The manga is literally about how racemixing in wrong fundamentally and creates fucked up hapas. The MC however is a self admitted fetishist and wants to be as pure about his racemixing as possible to reduce the degeneracy of his inevitable actions.
Noble and very 'samurai'
We arent nice to your kind kid, go read the manga and never use any -oomer shit nor think degenerate is an insult in here
Do you know where you are?
The main character is the result of race mixing.
Not exactly but his mother is.
Reminder that as a racist you are falling for jewish tricks, they want the races to hate each other so that they get so focused on each other they ignore the sins of the jews
Hapa isn’t a catch all for people with mixed heritage.
ok boomer
epik comeback
>he doesn't know
Paru is going through absurd lengths to redeem the Joker creatura to send the exact opposite message
Kek Yas Forumstards stopped with the "YEAH I'M RACIST SO WHAT" bullshit when reddit and twitter screencapped their posts to promote their leftist faggotry. Now they call each other "race realist" I believe
Binged the whole thing yesterday evening
Best OP of the year niggers
Take your meds user because they still do both of them because pol isn't one person with one opinion
Legosi's mother alone sends the message. Besides, La cretura wants to kill Haru for whatever reason. SURELY that is not turning into a redemption arc - SURELY
>La cretura wants to kill Haru
Nope. Never happened. You see, it was like, a metaphor, yes he said he'd eat her but he didn't really mean to basically he dindunuffin
I really don't get how some people still don't understand it
I guess it's the age old problem of the far left generally being pretty united in their views so they can't comprehend that the far right is way more fractured
Best seal of the year niggas.
If there's a single board on Yas Forums that's an echo chamber and a hivemind, that'd be Yas Forums.
It's time to take your medication user your family is very worried about you
>far left
>if you're not alt right and believe in my ebin (((meme theory))) and 100% scientifically proven race realism, you're a commie
Yas Forumstards are retarded as usual
COPE harder faggot
But I fully believe we can all live in peace and harmony as a species as long as we can remove the insidious influence of the jews
>faggots referring to themselves as racists OR race realists shows how fractured the far right is
>fuggin leftists
Leave it to Yas Forums to be this website's clowns
Yeah bro lets just ignore the massive pro/anti trump split
fucking Yas Forums is more of a hivemind than Yas Forums
Here's your final (You), hope you grow out of your edgy phase soon so you can integrate with society again
Not everything has to be a reflection of real-life issues or needs to contain a firm message in general. The Beastars universe doesn’t make a lick of sense when you look too deeply into it, but it’s still a fun experience nonetheless. Also, if anything, the carnivore, herbivore dynamic resembles the relationship between men and women rather than any racial allegory. You just have Yas Forums brain rot and it’s not endearing outside of that shithole.
Reading comprehension is for nerds, better echo the opinions shared by the characters that are shown to not have an idea what they’re talking about
>>retards believing Trump is a cuck for bending to muh joooosss instead of planning to colonize Jerusalem and retards believing Trump is the best they have against socialists despite bending to muh jooos clearly shows how diversified alt right is
this is why Yas Forums should stricken its rule about impressionable underaged retards. What makes your comment even more ironic is the ongoing shitflinging match between Bernie and Joe fags.
>muhh society
imagine unironically believing being a literal nazi makes you an a normal member of the society
>and males
im curious, which males are you referring to?
chapter 91 and this manga has had only heteronormative couples so far
If he’s mother is mixed then he’s mixed
Why do Yas Forumstards always project onto everything?
the division should have been between predators and prey rather than carnivores and herbivores
elephants, rhinos, giraffes are hervivores but I doubt they are considered weak like the smaller animals are
same with cats, mink and other small carnivores
trophic chains are varied and don't really conform to a herbivore/carnivore division in terms of "power level"
also guns and weapons exist in this universe so clearly a rabbit is not always a defenseless victim
>words trigger me
straight couples, whatever
Manga or anime?
Pretty sure the far left is just as fractured as the far right, they're just more likely to cooperate and find common cause with people outside their own special snowflake ideology (at least until something goes wrong and defensive purity spiraling ensues). The tendency to treat out-groups as monolithic is just a common human behavior, and almost everyone does it until when and if they learn not to.
We don't know for sure what the dad is so Legosi might be even more mixed than his mom.
His dad didn't look mixed and even if he was it would still be less than half like his mom
Racism is spread so that the working and middle class won't rise up against their overlords.
What if instead of talking about filthy ningen and their circus called politics we post and talk about the glorious and beautiful characters of the manga
I'm a sheep man. But good lordy slut rabbit is voiced by Lara Jill Miller
please tell me the rabbit dies
I just finished the Netflix version, is Louis dead? Where do I start the manga from?
Restart with the manga with chapter 1
>paru's self insert
this image makes me sad
i thought legom was the author's self insert
>the manga represents the eggs
>legosi represents the readers
i believe the anime ends around chapter 50 in the manga
is he the equivalent of a school shooter?
>this is the beastars audience
why does he wear a mask?
how is this not the general (american) anime/manga audience