Preview 2 is out
Best girl?
Hope this will be the Yugioh Killer.
>loli voices by Yui Ogura
>plays Necro
Literally why not just use Luna.
>finds a dusty ornate box in storage
I can’t believe they’re going this far just to rip off Yugio-
>literally finds a regular fucking smartphone in it
YGO is going as far as possible to not be YGO anymore, so they might have the right idea
That transition from hand drawn to CG at around 1:28 was well done. I can live with that.
Looks good so far.
Arisu is cuter and has a bigger forehead
White haired edgelord is going to be my self insert.
Is the blue haired one a boy or a girl?
Glasses one or pigtails one?
I wonder what's his tragic backstory will be.
I'm leaning more to boy since girly boys tend to be more common in shounen gaming series but not sure myself.
>still no info on a Nemesis/Portal character
What's the point of showing off only 7 out 8 classes? I get that it is a class that hasn't been there since the start, but it was added 2 years ago.
Those fairies. Honestly it looks pretty good.
INB4 they're keeping him a secret for now and he'll show up as the main villain of the first season then become friends with the main characters in season 2.
Did that guy just say "Ore no Turn, draw"?
I mean it's not like YGO owns that phrase or anything but's weird
It's "ore no tan".
>tfw want to like this cutie but she plays forestcraft
MC better pull off dragonmemes or it'll not be worth watching
portal is the villain, obviously
The real Yu-Gi-Oh 7
This guy will totally be the jobber.
He plays honestcraft so he will get his head bashed in while the other characters play dishonest cards like DShift, Roach and Seraph.
He probably plays royal banner
>sword is played by a braindead nigger
>runetumor and hag are arrogant faggots
>blood boy is a vengeful edgelord
They actually nailed it. I'm pleasantly surprised, this doesn't look half bad.
Mouthbreather Latham, IKEEE!!
>no Arisa
Yikes, flop of the season
Is Shadow the designated cute and funny class?
That's not his, that's the first episode jobber's that appears on the first preview
But Portal is a strong contender as the class got chronic masturbator and doll joints leaders.
MFW my main craft is a villain
>an entire season of valdain burn vs evo sword
sasuga KMR
the devs absolutely detest haven if you havent noticed by now
>9 months in a row tier 1
Shut the fuck up
He's just a mid-tier villain that turns into a friend later on. Portal is the real villain.
I guess, yeah
why are all the characters retarded class mains? the villain better be a chad that plays all classes
or if they have any creativity it will be a keeper that manipulated the story of the game into that world as a phone game
Loli shadow is great too.
At least for season 1. Season 2 will have his redemption arc.
Villain will be Portal (Nemesis in japanese), it's the villain class and it has not been shown in trailer.
>shadow players are cute goth loli idols
I'll be cringing the whole time but I'll watch all of this
the cutest
I agree
I hope this series treats her right unlike what Yugioh does with their non-Yuzu girls.
I swear to god if she doesn't say "Arisu no make da yo" when losing
They have to shill all of the classes, they have no reason to treat characters badly.
Yeah right, Blood and Portal have been shit for several expansions now and the devs keep making broken shit for Rune and Dragon. They don't give a rat's ass about class balance.
>a dragoncuck is the MC
Oh no
That has absolutely nothing to do with advertisement
Character designs look like someone from YGO is the designer. Anyone knows who’s it?
Blood was legit tier 0 just the other expansion
I swear if some fucker plays Kuon in the anime i'm going to drop this hard
Don't worry, he's playing DShift.
Is Kuon a boy?
>he doesn't know
I better see some hotblooded Berserker play.
A girl
I only watched yu-gi-oh and sadly all the spin-offs and i heard about this show is it worth watching ? how it compare to yu-gi-oh ?
Merci frérot
We don't know, the show is not out yet
>not the main story
>toddler style to get the kid audience
>the smart guy plays rune
They got this right.
>arrogant faggot who thinks and pretends that he is super smart
Yep, they got that perfectly
huh? Rune players do nothing but spam Insight and Kuon
They are the equivalent of Sky Striker players
Maisha is rotating in 2 weeks and Portal is getting 2 idolmaster leader skins. The class finally paid its taxes and will be pushed to tier 1 in WU.