The government of Japan has approved a new bill aimed at reducing the downloading of pirated content from the Internet...

>The government of Japan has approved a new bill aimed at reducing the downloading of pirated content from the Internet. The new law, which is targeted for Jan 1, 2021, will criminalize the downloading of manga, magazines and academic material with prison sentences of up to two years. Operators of pirate linking sites will also face up to five years behind bars.

>After months of deliberations, the government has just approved a new bill that aims to address the concerns of copyright holders and those averse to the more draconian aspects of the original proposals.

>The draft legislation criminalizes the downloading of unlicensed manga, magazines and academic publications from the Internet. The penalties will be brought into line with those already in place for music and movies with a maximum two-year prison sentence and/or a fine of two million yen (US$19,118). The most severe penalties will be reserved for egregious and repeat offenders.

>In a step back from earlier proposals, Internet users will be allowed to download some image-based and academic content for limited private use in order not to stifle the flow of information and education, provided that activity does not impact copyright holders. Where the precise boundaries lie is currently unclear, however.

>In the near future, to clear up any uncertainty, it will offer advisories to the public to ensure that people understand what they can and can’t do with copyrighted content to keep within the new law.

>One aspect that is perfectly clear is the outlawing of so-called “leech” sites. These platforms, known in the West as linking or indexing sites, do not carry any copyrighted content themselves but provide hyperlinks to infringing material hosted elsewhere.


>inb4 japanese laws only apply in japan

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>The draft legislation criminalizes the downloading of unlicensed manga
Wait, what? Am I stupid? Why would they care if someone's downloading unlicensed works?

Has any anti-piracy legislature ever worked?

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>Japanese Laws Only Apply in Japan
What are they gonna do? Fly to this 3rd world shithole and accuse me of breaking Japanese Law?

If downloaders will be persecuted, uploaders will have less incentive to risk.

Even Disney can't keep it's licenses out of pirate's hands. Disney. It's the kind of secondary crime that's impossible to actively enforce and isn't discovered until some user decides to burn down an animation studio.

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>It's this shit again

However, that doesn't stop anyone from just buying the manga and sending it overseas to get scanned. Most eng uploaders do this before. Not like Japan can touch outside uploaders and downloaders.

Ofc this won't result in piracy magically dropping to 0% omegalul but there's a very good chance that piracy will become harder and harder and eventually europoors and burgers are gonna take the **big step** as well.

I always say this, but if you aren't exhausting your FUP in downloading everything you can grab before the doomsday, you are doing it wrong

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the article is written by westerners
it means those material which have not been licensed in west.
This is a japan law which is enforced in japan, so the term doesn't make any senses

Dude. If they truly crack down, we will just encode shit into the color channels of images and spam it everywhere.
The problem they're facing is that we know how fucking computers work and what you can do with them.

When some faggot on the internet talks about "the west" and "westerners", one might as well just replace it with "The U.S.A."

You think "the west" is a single jurisdiction wherein some publication can be licensed or something?

It will not be a 100% immediate piracy end, but it will somewhat harm it and reduce the number of scans.

They made piracy illegal?

I guess the party's over...

In my country we have a small tax on all digital storage media that goes to an organization fighting for the interests of "copyright holders" which in practice means international conglomoerates in the music and movie industry.

your post makes no sense since amongst western countries, USA has the most lax internet laws since the gubmint isn't autistic about cracking down online """hate speech"""

>you can go to jail for digitally acquiring some wood byproducts that have a bunch of black lines scribbled on them
Capitalism was a mistake.

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From JP uploaders.
The way I see it, the only way for anti-piracy laws to work is to actually harm their own industry. Make it illegal for anime to actually come outside of Japan. That way, works can't be uploaded by people they have no jurisdiction over.

Nothing changes for us foreigners. This is only a problem for the nipponjins.
We superior foreigners still get all the animus and mangos from our trustworthy chinajin and southkoreajin and northkoreajin sources.

Capitalism? Nah. Just "intellectual" property laws

>the Soviet union engaged in capitalism over Tetris
But no one complained about that either.

The thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that this will only drive hordes of normalfags to invest more in crunchycucks

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Communism is just as bad as capitalism.

Why has the number of manga raw releases, especially volumes, been so low lately? Since December maybe? Is it really because one guy quit ripping stuff like I read here somewhere?

This one will make rare things rarer.

>be jap student or programmer and download "leaked" papers or standards that are normally paywalled
>go to prison because they're covered by the law
Nice one, japs.

Research papers are already so fucking hard to get, dunno why japs are cracking them down. It'll only disadvantage their students

>One aspect that is perfectly clear is the outlawing of so-called “leech” sites
I assume between hosting them outside of Japan and maybe using a proxy if they block them it shouldn't change much. I'd hope at least a few are already set up elsewhere.

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What do you mean? The author couldn't own Tetris because of USSR laws.

So they just assume you'll be pirating? How did that law even get approved?

>inb4 japanese laws only apply in japan
Yes, that's how laws work.

Most western countries have such laws. The copyright mafia is strong.

Nobody fucking cares

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>Communism is just as bad as capitalism.
Wrong. It's better.

Only the jews with patreon donations and/or aggregator sites have to worry about this. There's no reason to go after some literal whos when they have thousands of bigger fish to prey upon

Delete this

Why don't you move to china then?

>Only the jews with patreon donations and/or aggregator sites have to worry about this.
Dunno about you user but I much rather prefer aggregator sites than 200+ different scanlation sites that won't load the moment 50+ clients come

Sensible chuckle

>y-yes it's ran by the communist party but it's not REAL communism!

China is socialist retards you can't have a state and communism at the same time. Until capitalist powers aren't destroyed socialist countries cannot abolish state, money and class struggle to form full communism and yes I would gladly move to cuba or china

But I never said "the author." Learn to read.

China hasn't been communist ever since Mao died. Read a little instead of spouting memes.

It's crony capitalist at this point tho lol

Because communism is impossible to achieve? True. Doesn't make much difference when the government uses some communist ideas in practice.

Because I don't wanna be infected just because some retard was COOOOOOOOOOFFFFIIIIIINGG

>you can't have a state and communism at the same time
Aaaaand suddenly the USSR and Commie China vanished from history along with Stalin and Mao.


USSR was a capitalist from the very beginning then. State capitalism where the state is the only owner of everything and it does normal business with other countries and foreign companies, just imprisons and kills it's citizens for doing the same.


Because socialist countries were losing at the time and china needed trade partners to survive and thrive. In Marxism you can not jump from feudalism to communism directly you need to have some form of capitalis to survive in a capitalistic global economic system and Deng Xiaoping did just that. However CEOs and bourgeoisie of China are kept under control with state planning. So yes, they are socialists that use capitalism to survive in order to transform to communism in the end


>the government uses some communist ideas in practice
They don't. They haven't done so in decades. China has shifted its economic policy to more capitalist standards following Mao's death which is when they started reaching substantial economic growth.

The virus is everywhere now bud, you aren't any safer in Yurop or the USA.

>highlighting memes cos reddit said Yas Forums is too cool for Yas Forums

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Both never had communism? They even allowed some little private trade after WWII in USSR and Georgians were allowed to be capitalist tax-free because Stalin.


China is a militant atheist state, isn't it? It is a part of communist ideology.

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There is no problem with that besides you can practice religion but not in public spaces

>cancerous memes from cancerous boards should be allowed in Yas Forums

Most of the West are atheist states. Do you think that makes them communist?

>to transform to communism in the end
If anything China is adopting more and more capitalistic traits. You really can't call it communistic idiot.

Gee I wonder who's behind this post

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It is never reel communism/socialism until it works and takes over the world. Let's do our best to keep communism and socialism in Gensokyo then.

They are actually adopting less and less? They have a goal for 2035 which they took it backwards from 2050 as they are in much better shape to start transitioning? You don't ever read what's going on about china besides what the news tell you from time to time

>boardwar niggering
Gosh darn it! Just pull that stick out of your ass and enjoy. Whole of Yas Forums is having fun and you redditors are still up with your unironic meme critique. Shut the fuck up.

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IDK it's common knowledge here.

The date USSR would achieve communism was discussed in government several times since 20s and looks like no sane person believed in it since most of the fanatics were executed during 30s.

As for allowing business. My grandparents went to other cities to sell vegetables in 40s. They weren't shot.

>The virus is everywhere now bud, you aren't any safer in Yurop or the USA.
Yes but in my 3rd world paradise, summer will be coming in 1-2 weeks which means 40 C+ temperature and we're only at stage 2 right now. Goodbye coronachan!

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Who said it is okay?
They won't put you in a concentration camp. They let you have religious schools and grow. Chinese would imprison you or kill you if you become too independent. They basically enslaved religious leaders.

>rewrites the quran and bible to follow socialist ideologies
That sound so capitalist.

What about manga then?

>USA has the most lax internet laws
idk about that. Don't you guys get notices through your door if you're caught downloading movies?

Not going to happen exactly as it planned. Move on people.

Rare things are supposed to be rare.

Good. Mangaka deserve to actually be paid and recognized for their work.

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