What's FloCHAD's tax policy?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Mikasa is fucking Eren in his titan.
bad dog, stop humping ereh's leg
Floch wants to fuck the boss' woman, but is gonna be joining Louise in hell pretty soon.
When will EHfags and EMfags recognise they are just as bad as each other? Posting Historia leads to "who", "whorestoria got FARMED" and that LHi thing. Posting Mikasa leads to dogposting, autismposting and dogpilling the person who posted it with le smug reaction faces xd as well as then rapid posting of EH fan art (and vice versa). When will people realise that the characters are not real? Eren will never fuck you. On the other hand, this is quite hilarious to me and presumably all the other neutralchads so please go on. The seething is delicious.
Floch isn't a cucked beta traitor like Jean.
>muh both are bad
No one was even talking about EH right now. People don't give a fuck and a lot here assume the basement is Eren having a kid, not our fault that affect the EMfags who spammed for years for a decade and a that YHfag.
No, Floch wants to fuck Eren.
>Posting Mikasa leads to dogposting, autismposting and dogpilling the person who posted it with le smug reaction faces xd as well as then rapid posting of EH fan art
Yeah because posting historia or Annie don't bring insults too
Last words we heard from him were literally wanting Mikasa...
Floch wants to fuck Historia?
Based Floch isn't distracted by roasties, he simply focuses his gaze ahead for the sake of the Eldian Empire. If he wanted to, he could drown in prime recruit pussy or maybe even some qt nationalist pussy back in the capital but he doesn't. Floch is too alpha for such petty tastes this early in the game.
I crave sex with Mikasa now
He probably has some deal with Kiyomi
Based Floch has nice taste like Eren
I mentioned Historia too speedreader...
That doesn't change the fact that both are bad and are a plague to the threads, look at the comments on the first post kek
Trust me, the one that are impacted the most by that situation are EMfags, because they basically shipped since chapter 1.
When Isayama is dropping that EHbomb chapter the fandom is going to explode.
>BOTH are bad
>reee I can't post EM fanart without the dog meme
Shouldn't you be complaining about the first post being shipping?
>Mikasa I've always loved you.....
I can't blame Floch
Can a country work with no taxes? I have always viewed taxes as a way for the elites to rob you legally.
Either way it will, but doesn't it get boring to get in the same cycle of baiting and seething? How do the EM and EHfags not tire of doing it? This stuff has been going on for almost 2 years kek. I almost don't even remember how the threads were before 107. Admittedly, it does get hilarious when someone baits (LHi/Yelena(probably)poster) and the seething they collect from that so I'm not complaining just somewhat worried about the mental health of the people here
Floch couldn't even stop Eren's wife
Are they going to have a rematch?
poor dogos, when will they learn?
I didn't complain about anything, I just pointed out both are just as bad. Please read slower.
Nice bait
Because we had people selfinserting as Mikasa for years and is hilarious seeing them hiding behind LHi now, it's amazing how a character fucking another can affect people's minds
You were complaining about the answers of the first post, just because you are hiding behind both are bad doesn't mean people can't see you are just mad you can't post EM without the dog meme
A country needs taxes in order to be sustainable for everyone as well as develop more in the future. Or maybe I've been brainwashed by the system so who knows
>Historia, let's make love. If you don't like it, fight me.
>I'll love you in a way that will make it possible to fix you up again but it might be a bit painful going to the bathroom for a while.
>it does get hilarious when someone baits (LHi/Yelena(probably)poster) and the seething they collect
I mean if you support shitposting then don't cry when others shitpost with things that affects you
You shouldn't make it so obvious you are the very EMfag who gets triggered the most
It's just one bait guy who's bait is working the more (you)s he gets the more he posts so why fuel him at all?
Don't flatter yourself
Again, I'm not complaining not sure where you got that from my post and I'm certainly not "crying". Why are you schizo's seeing things that aren't there?
I'm not triggered by anything nor do I care about shipping so like I said don't flatter yourself
Those who truly understands know that there is only one true desire, and that a flying titan sporting the WINGS OF FREEDOM
No one is fueling him though, some people don't live here and thought he was seriously talking about Levi and wasn't just another shippertard seething.
you have left is a handful of shipfags who've been reduced to shitposting every waking hour in order to cope with reality and punishing readers for a theory they believe in. It's like a girl constantly trying to make her tell her that the boy she likes didn't cheat in her when that man had been fucking another girl, it's uncomfortable
nice try """neutralfag"""
The reason people are so desperate for Eren not to be the dad is that, if he is, he wins.
>It's like a girl constantly trying to make her tell her that the boy she likes didn't cheat in her when that man had been fucking another girl, it's uncomfortable
This sums it up perfectly. Iean look at this thread, no one was even posting historia or the pregnancy and the paranoia started. If people want this to be their safe space where Mikasa doesn't get called dog (which is a meme non only shipfags use just like other characters are insulted here too) they should just go to twitter
I used it as an example not really complaining, again, please read slower
>if he is, he wins
And? Who should win then. The reason people are so desperate for Eren not to be the dad are other shippers, most don't give a fuck, remember people used to think Eren impregnated Mikasa during Marley arc
He can be the father and die though.
Yea I understand that but at the same time why do people really care to the extent that they attack Mikasa or even Annie posters (though the latter has considerably died down since the spammer isn't here) that isn't even a ship? It's tragic yet hilarious at the same time to me imo.
What are you even talking about?
Which character doesnt get attacked? Historia is called pissu and whore all the time
I keep posting because someone is wrong on the Internet
yea attack is a stretch more so baiting the poster
Stop being so sensitive. There's no character who doesn't get shit on here and called names. And you are obviously just mad people don't like Mikasa here.
For the love of Isayama I hope Jean doesn't end up with Mikasa, She doesn't deserve him after the way she has treated him. I hope he saves Kiyomi and she introduces him to the finest virgins the Auzumabito has to offer. I hope Mikasa wallows in her own self pity and dies to either Annie or Gabi after she can't kill Eren.
The only thing that can redeem this manga is the alliance betraying each other, even Eren killing them all and winning wouldn't redeem 80% of the characters being so fucking shit and unlikable, how fucking hard was it to create a likable opposition to a guy who wants destroy the fucking world?
Hence my point that no one is better than the other
Where have I been sensitive at all? I'm literally pointing out facts. Don't worry, I didn't attack your ship whatever that may be. Also why assume my thoughts on Mikasa? You should really take your meds and not play detective on a korean basket weaving forum
Floch is way too based for this world.
Aren't the visions a guarantee Historia is the only woman in the world Eren absolutely cannot cum inside ? ?
>why do people really care to the extent that they attack Mikasa or even Annie posters
You sound upset
Perhaps, but he will for sure finish the rumbling if he is the dad. Which is good.
Well I'm not upset just questioning motives.
Because Isayama wants them to wank the warriors. There is no reason for them not to just take their titans seeing how warriors are still cocky (not Reiner) and that giving a nuclear weapon to fucking Marley is a terrible idea, if you are a cuck atleast support Zeke, he is a cuck but he makes more sense to his ideology
This is not your fucking blog, stop crying just because someone called dog to your selfinsert
>how fucking hard was it to create a likable opposition to a guy who wants destroy the fucking world?
Pretty hard when he's just straight up correct.
Never. Everytime you call someone out for being cancer, they just respond with "b-but xyfag!"
>Would genocide the world for
what kind of storytelling is Isayama playing at?
Telenovela, no matter what ship wins, it will look like a shitty telenovela.
>This is not your fucking blog, stop crying just because someone called dog to your selfinsert
Based retard