Vinland Saga

This is awesome. There were always transgendered people in society and it was very brave of Makoto Yukimura to give them representation to break the myth that they are new phenomenon.
Who else super excited for the next chapter?

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NGL, Reading OP's retardation made me laugh.

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>there were mentally ill retards a thousand years ago just like today
>so stunning and brave

>before hack author drove his manga into the dirt
>hurr durr it's not historically accurate!
>just let the man write!

>It's historically accurate to have trannies in the year 1020!

I take it his manga getting an anime made him cuck out big time and attention whore like this

this is why i will just buy the first season official release, and just raise a toast to askelaad every year.
longboats forever

The quads have spoken.

Also I've noticed an increase in tranny threads in Yas Forums, /x/ and now Yas Forums what happened is fag tumblr down?

Dude it's Japan trannies are a jokefunny to them I mean just look at that hesheitthing it's a monster that you laugh at and feel pitty for being mmenta liĺ

fuck off back to Ledit poltard

Yas Forums allows free speech due to its anonymous nature. It's dangerous to let it be organic conversations. So interest groups make sure to steer the direction where they want.

Can someone give me actual, non-meme context of the image or are you all shitposting retards who dont actually read it

>interest groups

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>Dude it's Japan trannies are a jokefunny to them I mean just look at that hesheitthing it's a monster that you laugh at and feel pitty for being mmenta liĺ

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There's a tranny slave introduced in Vinand saga, most people just laugh at the hilarity but some retards like think it's some stunning and brave move.

Based Yukimura triggering retards, love this character she is great.

>most masculine badass character of the series, Thorkell
>has a tranny for a son
>Virtuous new-think MC uses feminine pronouns for the tranny character while characters that represent the horrible barbaric traditional ways refer to the tranny character using male pronouns

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Just look at the mangaka's profile picture on twatter. It's... you know.

>being nice by humoring the mentally ill fool
>being virtuous
Pick one.

To be honest I'm not upset about this character, I'm upset about this character's mother. She has no reason to behave the way she does. She should have been absolutely delighted that her son becomes a warrior and brings honor, wealth and slaves to her house.

yeah i've reread the chapter, don't worry i'll delete my shit r8 now

I can't believe you weren't baiting, what the fuck?

>Just look at the mangaka's profile picture on twatter. It's... you know.
classic case

how the fuck did this happen?

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How did we go from badass barbarians pillaging England, revenge plots, conspirations and other cool stuff to transexual vikings?

He got married and he got influenced.


you just know that bandana is hiding premature male pattern baldness that all sois seem to suffer from

It's sad and embarrassing to watch what happened to this guy and his work.

I just read Erik The Red and The Greenlanders Saga

Neither of them had anything about a tall hyper masculine tranny.
Which Norse Saga about westward voyages had that one?

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That’s not a tranny, retard. He’s acting like that because his parent forced him to. Try to read slower next time.

Is the series still going to introduce Freydis


In real life, if you try to force a non-tranny guy to be a tranny, he'll just grow depressed as fuck and, if he doesn't kill himself, he'll just try to go back to acting like a guy.
We know that because of Dr. Money's cruel experiment.

So you're saying it's a choice?!?! You fucking transphobic bigot.

>this blind to media messaging.
And "Hills Like White Elephants" wasn't about abortion.
what a dumb fuck you are.



Not a thing.

And if you encourage a depressed, unconfident and slightly autistic individuals delusions you get a suicidal, useless narcassist that thinks realizes too late mutilating his body doesn't solve his issues.


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Baldness is caused by testosterone, unless you're a lion. Are you a lion user?

I just want trannies to btfo feminists in the olympics already, so they can be useful for once.

>Baldness is caused by testosterone
I thought that was a myth, and it's genetics that determine it?

Probably, though he seems decent at hiding it in recent interviews

It is. Don’t tell me you actually believe everything anons post here.

The Tumblr Yas Forums wars never ended. The Social Justice retards just moved on to other things to bide their time until they could strike again.

Election year. Hopefully they’ll commit mass sudoku when trump wins again.

what the fuck do those symbols mean?

this is bullshit, the manga was doing well until the last 3 chapters. Grom was a cool antagonist/rival. The Baltic Sea War Saga was good.

happened for NO god dammed reason.

Who made this retarded image? If people want to chop their dicks it's their choice. This is as superficial as "plastic surgeries are bad!!"

I respect retards like you more than the cunts that demand ‘muh equality’, because at least you are open about your retarded agenda.

The people who say everyone else need to "go back to Yas Forums" are actually faggots raiding Yas Forums from tranny discords because these mentally ill retards think the internet is srs bzns and they can normalize themselves if they spam anime traps often enough.

Who knows, maybe it will get killed off soon. Sure, it’ll be played as a tragedy, but at least we won’t hear about it anymore.

b8 and/or underaged

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Honestly I encourage trannies to mutilate themselves like that, most of them off themselves at some point or ruin their reproductive organs so they don't contaminate the gene pool with their inferior seeds.

High test in young men is specifically correlated with being hairy, a balding young guy tends to have fucked up hormones. I'm pretty sure it relates specifically to prostate problems, the same drug used to treat an enlarged prostate is also used to treat hairloss.

Thought he got married before the series started if not when volume 1 or 2 came out in Japan.

a lot of this tranny stuff is engineered mental illness though.
Their genes aren't the problem, they were fed drugs and brainwash from an early age.

She’s cute!

Can be other factors, knew some guys who's hairlines receded in no time from having a fucked up sleep schedule over the course of 6 months

This manga is unrecognizable now. I remember marathoning it late at night with the blood and gore and base cruelty of their age leaving a lasting impression. Things started changing from Farmland but that arc was still okay. But this...

I thought trolling outside of Yas Forums was a bannable offense?

Hox knew this would happen and that's why he abandoned ship. Writing was on the wall all through the Baltic Namek Saga. Vinland Saga is dead.

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>The Baltic Sea War Saga was good.

I liked it, why didn't you like it?

It lasted 4 years and turned into a comedy for some stupid reason

not that user but pretty much skipping
well EVERYTHING going from the Baltic down to Constantinople and then back really was basically the author seeming to say "okay fuck it, I just want this to be over"

I hope something happens soon, it's been a bit slow lately

Hox is a retard and so are you

the whole premise of the MC's ideology is retarded though.
Some people are not virtuous and don't care to be.
You can't just run away and leave resources/good land to the evil. That just rewards evil behavior.

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ugly women exist in real life