Iori sees your dick.
Attached: shrimp dick.png (946x738, 660.37K)
How can she see it if I'm behind her?
Attached: 1583628075036.jpg (1240x1748, 1.27M)
Takagi author needs to stop lewding my wife.
Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-14 at 11.32.29 PM.png (735x678, 434.54K)
Attached: uNkB0Lw.png (1122x900, 764.32K)
Attached: fmhgj,.png (761x603, 382.07K)
no im pretty sure thats a shrimp
Yayoi is dying from the coronavirus and her family can't afford health care.
Attached: sleepy yayoi.png (800x453, 361.56K)
You know the drill.
Attached: 1557590078736.jpg (2000x1409, 551.17K)
Attached: 3ppF7QP.jpg (1198x984, 647.45K)
Attached: 88350794e0ff573160df0cb8124c3213.png (496x700, 345.83K)
Attached: 1527515812940.png (926x880, 690.31K)
Attached: ANAL.png (299x650, 86.69K)
Healthcare can't do anything anyway. Once you have it, you just need to wait until you die or not die.
remember when iori was the forehead idol and now she's the anal idol what happened
Attached: iori.jpg (1910x870, 580.58K)
I don't think her frail little body's going to make it.
Attached: 1579372421801.jpg (1280x720, 152.52K)
Memezou and TTOMM happened.
You can land a chopper on her 5head
Attached: 1577670975402.png (473x576, 269.46K)
She owns a chopper.
Attached: iori is dissapoint.jpg (660x719, 71.1K)
Call yall cut it with the anal jokes already
I like her forehead more than her butthole tbqhdesufampai
Attached: lBpRH8F.png (786x275, 91.72K)
cum on her forehead after anal sex
My wife my life
Attached: 14b35fc197c85fbb39247d4ab0aef1af.png (1800x2528, 2.31M)
>tfw can no longer enjoy anal doujins thanks to getting hemorrhoids
Attached: [VON] My Hero Academia - 11 [1080p][FLAC][BD].mkv_snapshot_19.00_[2017.06.02_23.22.40].jpg (1920x1080, 226.3K)
last post for makoto
Attached: 1576897441863.jpg (1024x576, 37.4K)
Last post is for anal
Anal Idol Iori
This is Kotori territory now
Attached: f19ddc54e4163f16ce5a670d6d32f931.jpg (609x800, 431.93K)
Attached: SMUG ANARU IDORU.jpg (724x720, 94.57K)
Me as Charles.
Attached: 1398533591755.jpg (500x638, 65.44K)
I don't get the anaru meme where would it come from
Miki, nano!
Attached: Miki smile 22.jpg (1200x675, 157.07K)
>where would it come from
Iori cums from her anus being pleasured.
Are gacha idorus allowed in this thread?
Attached: 154115346712.png (716x880, 426.63K)
Attached: 1575376927335.png (600x600, 23.41K)
Did someone say iori?
Attached: x20.png (754x1080, 1.06M)
Attached: yayoi guitar.png (1634x1125, 1007.81K)
When it's just an anus on a white background it looks really strange.
Attached: ES_luyAUMAACIHv.jpg (1191x1684, 239.75K)
Will never join RK nano
Attached: miki a slut51.jpg (700x998, 441.57K)
Just because they can't remove the virus doesn't mean they can't help you stay alive.
Symptoms....Your 100% square cringe...
Diagnosis....take one bacherlorette party doll a fortnight of pornhub
Some tissues and a bottle of oil
god she's so perfect
wanna put my face in that cute butt
She doesn't have to, she's more than talented enough to stand on her own. Plus there's Project Fairy.
Attached: Miki good job.gif (500x281, 856.84K)
only if you can prove you've played the game
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Attached: [Coalgirls]_The_Idolmaster_05_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[B44D48DF].mkv_snapshot_06.36_[2013.02.28_05.41.01].jpg (1920x1080, 115.99K)
I thought you weren't supposed to play gacha, only look at the art
Attached: 1584226776146.png (800x800, 468.29K)