Why is there no Roman isekai?

Why is there no Roman isekai?

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There is this wierd bath house isekai where some japanese get transported into roman times to learn about their baths.

Because kids only like cliche trash. Anything remotely interesting won't be popular.

What's that? Reverse Thermae Romanes?

Isekai Kenkokuki takes place in a similar world with the MC essentially is the son of a mythical deity, founds/marries into a pseudo Rome in it's infancy. Pretty interesting to see the correlations between the Etruscan, Samnites, Gaul etc; There's even a Greek like city states, Carthage and nomadic Numidian people.

history is only used for theming/aesthetics in anime
Besides, getting something like Rome historically accurate in film or TV takes gargantuan amounts of autism to pull off

I mean, what exactly would it be about? Would it be an iskeai with Roman aesthetics or would the MC actually take part in Roman history? I dont think Japan really cares for European history.

There is a Plinius manga which involves an astounding amount of historical autism.

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Go read Virtus.

Noone isekai'd is stupid enough to base your entire economy based on land and stuff you conquered

Thermae Romae is the series its pretty enjoyable.

It's the most efficient method for the tech available. I figure once telegraphs and steam power is invested you can movie to a more modern economy.

The best Roma Character is here.

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>Massive unemployement problem due to slaves
>Now you want to add technologies to boot.

>superficial problems
Slaves were a luxury that weren't cheap numbnuts, they weren't like some faux documentary show like Rome or something, only fairly well off land owners owned slaves to run farms and shit. Read a fucking history book.

>wanting to self insert as a wop...

Not only they took away jobs from proper hardworking rome citizen, the nobles could produce absolutely cheap product due to slave working for free (and they can reproduce too), therefore making regular farmer can't compete with their price.


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It's done by the Thermae Romae woman, I'm pretty sure she majored in Latin in college or has a phd in it or something.

I had no idea it was done by the same person but it makes sense. The art improved tremendously.

By the 1800's Italy had been conquered and reconquered for over a thousand years by Arabs, Greeks, Slavs, Niggers etc; Current Italians are fucking mongoloids like the Chinese, barely human anymore. Just go to their country they have all the worst genetic physical and mental traits.

>market day
>ambulam down to the forum to buy my monthly knucklebones subscription and maybe a sexy ero-tablet or two
>counting my dinarii in my pouch, been waiting for the latest edition of DIANA X VENVS to release
>get to a small crossing, wave to the guard
>pretty sure that was PENIS MAXIMUS under that mask, no other legionnaire has a schlong that prominent this side of the Tiber
>turn away from this log-smuggler
>his face falls
>life is played out before my eyes by two burly men, even the scenes when I'm training my spear upon some rather comely mosaic (women in theatre? Jupiter would have an aneurysm!)
>play ends, don't bother applauding
>just see myself fall to the ground in slow motion as the sound of hooves gets louder
>of course
>final thought is how stepped out in front of TROCHVS RAPIDVS

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Completely wrong. Rome wasn't capitalist in the least and most food, wine etc; were owned and operated by the state first and run by nobility. The nobility would sell their stock to markets that were run by lower nobility or straight up plebs to be resold. The average roman who owned land would grow a little food and maybe raise some cattle to sell to those same markets at slightly lower prices. Slaves in general were like farming equipment, they'd work the fields and supervised by citizens. At best they were like work horses and barely impact "roman citizens".

>people will always jerk off to classical rome
>but forget about medieval byzantium


Half of rome at best

I'm more partial medieval Bohemia myself.

Based and wallpilled

Honestly, a live action TV series about the Byzantines trying to hold back the mudslime horde from ravaging Europe would be kino

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If it was non-Roman Isekai, then Byzantium might be worth a nod, but this is Roman Isekai, not Constantinaboo Isekai

>telling other people to read history books while being this ignorant yourselves

Slave labor fucked the Roman Republic, sure "only the super rich could afford armies of slaves" and guess what? They did. Patricians were buying up so much land and farming it with slave labor that they were driving all the free farmers around them into default through price undercutting, and then buying their land to just add to their plantations.

Which was a massive fucking problem because not only are a large chunk of your citizens how homeless and landless, the fucking Legions legally could only conscript landowners (predominantly farmers) and since all the family farms were being bought out by Senator So-and-so's mega-plantation it produced a dearth of military manpower. And right around the time when the Patricians, the Equestrians and the Plebs were all clamoring for more war and conquest (read: more captured slaves) without enough soldiers to keep the legions full while the new slaves in the workforce meant more freemen would lose their land to the mega-farms meaning even less soldiers. It was a massive negative feedback loop and such a serious problem that it prompted the Marian Reforms.

And anyone who knows anything about Roman history knows what *that* shitshow eventually snowballed into.

So yes, Slavery was a fucking problem, that's thats not even accounting for the goddamn Servile Wars

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Because Isekai is generally based on board gaming, like PnP RPGs and and Dungeons and Dragons. Those thigns are surprisingly popular in Japan, which is interesting because their video game culture doesn't do anything to emulate it.
It's not based directly on Western Medieval history, though there may be an exoticism in many Japs, just as many in Europe take great fascination in ancient China and feudal Japan.
DnD and its associates don't have many Roman equivalents.
Too bad, the Japs are missing out in the most patrician time in history.

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Most every fantasy setting in animu/mango isn't even Medieval anyway. They're not accurate to any point in history, so you can just as easily imagine the settings as Ancient Roman as Medieval European.

Obviously comedic series are intentionally not period-appropriate and throw in modern things to add to jokes, but I imagine if you happened to be a colossal pedant you could even go through a series like Berserk and find fault with all the architecture and weaponry in relation to it being set in a particular historical period; though I have no doubt at all that Miura did a ton of research.

Because the Roman Empire was the pinnacle of human civilization. Shitting it up with anime would feel like a crime.


>people will always jerk off to AD history
>but forget about pre-6th century BC

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Just play Imperator.

I want cute centurians doing cute centurian things.

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There is a cruel angel thesis video for ERE. Go watch it.

Husite or normal Bohemia?


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>barbar augustus chad est barbarbar
Est... non, non est.
Paedicator traditorque republicae Augustus est, mentula.

Go get drunk and be fucked by a pretty boy, greek lover.


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Is that accurate parade formation for a legion?

I couldn't get a better translation for "hurr durr". And this comic is cute.

70% and not including worthless areas like Britain.

>t. buttblasted fr*nk

not holy, roman OR an empire

>not Ramses II at the battle of Kadesh

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It's very simplified, but not terribly far off.

Take the 3kingdomspill

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>the most accurate medieval anime was Marie the Slutty Virgin Witch

14th century robot arm guy was the best. 2015 was not a bad year for animu, much better than now anyway.

this one?



>I have a very great friend in Rome called Biggus Dickus.

You didn't watch GATE The JSDF? The Isekai world in that is based on Ancient Rome.

Attached: roman soldiers gate.png (1280x720, 819.54K)

>I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called Biggus Dickus
I bet youw fathew wasn't even a Woman!

Oh, sir, he, he, er-
>No, no, I want him fighting wabid wild animals within a week!


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Why was the fork there? Did the Greek invent the fork?

When are we getting more 2nd punic war manga?

I miss it so much.

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Those don't look like romans in the slightest

why do whitoids jerk off the byzantines and muh shield of eur*pa when the rape of byzantium came from collective efforts on both sides?
especially when the byzantines would have thought your ancestors were inferior backward subhumans and held a higher regard of arabs.

The empire in the gate world was founded by a roman legionary group that got marooned in the gate world 2000 years ago. Obviously culture would have changed somewhat in 2000 years.

They didn't invent it since others also created similar stuff but they made it a staple of the west.

>when the byzantines would have thought your ancestors were inferior backward subhumans

This, for Byzantium, the Western Empire, and Classical Greece before that. Remember that Alexander didn't fucking bother even looking to the West when he planned to conquer the known world. No one cared about Gauls and G*ermans running around in wolf skins in their dark ass woods until they destroyed Rome and decided "We wuz legitimate inheritors of Western civilization an shit"

Even the fucking Turks would have gotten more respect. At least Steppe horseman had advasarial relationships with the Great Empires of antiquity since time immemorial.