What is the point of genderbender isekai? Doesn’t it ruin the point of genderbender if the MC doesn’t interact with anyone they knew before getting GB’d?
Why not just make the MC female to begin with?
What is the point of genderbender isekai? Doesn’t it ruin the point of genderbender if the MC doesn’t interact with anyone they knew before getting GB’d?
Why not just make the MC female to begin with?
In Tanya’s case it was to highlight the gap between her appearance and her inner personality even more.
But she could’ve had the same personality even if she was a woman in her first life.
>a woman
>being in a high ranking managerial position
>in Japan
Because men makes the best women.
The answer is obvious and it starts with t and ends with y.
Does it matter? I still want to fuck Ciel and Ain regardless.
Because genderbender is the ultimate form of mindbreak.
The point is to make my dick hard.
What, are you saying you don't want to be a little girl user?
Woman have no personality.
So to have an interesting female MC, she has to have the mind of a man.
>none of them have to suck dick in an alleyway to survive
Wasted potential desu
It adds to the alien factor in a way that is instantly familiar.
So now not only are you fighting in an alien world, you are in a body that is alien in a familiar way yet familiar in an alien way. You have been isekaied in both world and body.
Also this.
But if it's not a female dick then that would be gay?
>get isekai’d onto the demon continent
>have to suck off futa demon girls in alleyways to survive
That sounds gay.
If you become the little girl then you can’t dick little girls anymore
At least for Yakuza Reincarnation it's all about the contrast between "looks like a cute and delicate princess, behaves like a hardened Yakuza old man".
Yakuza reincarnation is one of the few manga here it works, usually the MC starts off already an effeminate beta to the point where characters praise his femininity after he gets isekai’d.
Gap moe is the point unless it's a fetish series, and sometimes even then (that Succubus milk one).
Is it possible for somebody to have gynophilia and NOT be a disgusting tranny-type? Like, there have got to be people out there who would like to be a girl, but only in the case that they would ACTUALLY be a girl, and under no circumstances would want to mutilate themselves or ruin their body with drugs.
There have to be people who just see the genderbending as a fetish thing, and don't actually want to change genders if they're not jacking off.
>a nine year old girl becoming an officer in the german military
This series was never realistic in the first place
Just admit to yourself that you’re no different than those post-op trans and you’re just in denial about it
It would have been highly unrealistic for a girl to have Tanya's personality. So the genderbender makes her actually more plausible rather than less.
There is also the desire of Sonzai X to humiliate the MC by putting him into a little girl's body.
Also, lolis sell and genderbender is popular nowadays thanks to trannies and such, so there is that as well.
>This series was never realistic in the first place
Well, yeah. That's how isekai works. The MC from the real world, goes into a fantasy world.
Youjo Senki is just another isekai series that would be infinitely improved by not being an isekai series.
if you want to measure it, it's a spectrum thing with more members as you go towards "normal." actual trannies are a tiny minority. i imagine some larger amount of people are open to being convinced they're transsexual but wouldn't desire it in a social vaccuum, which are coming to light nowadays. after that, maybe the people who jack off to the idea of being the opposite gender, but wouldn't really see acting on that fetish as a good idea. then there's the "i wish i could be cute" type that manifests as crossdressers but don't actually want to transition, who will act on it pretty much as a matter of how socially acceptable they think it is. maybe they'll only do it in their own home, maybe they'll find a community that supports them, maybe they're tomboys and it's already socially acceptable for them to dress that way, or maybe they're one of the many guys in VR chat whose avatar is an anime girl
I thank whatever god exists that I'm as mentally ill as they are. Some people really are better at separating fantasy from reality than others. If there was a way to turn into a girl and actually be a real girl then I'd do it. But I'd never want to be a tranny. 90% of the time they're disgusting abominations, and the more you learn about the surgeries and drugs the worse it gets. I can't even imagine why anybody, no matter how badly they want to be a girl, would do such a thing to themselves.
*that I'm NOT as mentally ill as they are
I am apparently pretty dumb, though.
You won't be able to. The barrier will prevent entry. You'll ram your dick at a steel wall trying. Plus they already lost their virginity at the age of 5 so.
They still need a male brain for self-inserting
>Doesn’t it ruin the point of genderbender if the MC doesn’t interact with anyone they knew before getting GB’d?
no the main part is them getting used to their new body
I feel like Ain being consistently treated as more feminine than Ciel by everyone including Ciel herself is supposed to appeal to some kind of fetish but I can’t put my finger on what. Either way it happens a fucking lot so it clearly appeals to the author in some kind of way.
Trannies desperately want to pass as women so they fetishize hyper-feminization, which ironically makes them stand out more due to how unnatural it comes off.
>m-muh trannies
Fuck off back to Yas Forums already, Yas Forums gender bender threads were fine until you fucks came along.
please go back to Yas Forums
It’s not hard to come off as girlier than Ciel when she’s an poorly socialized short tempered murderhobo who likes to solve things with violence.
>salaryman pretending to be an old wizard pretending to be little girl
This is too many layers of RP for me to comprehend
is that professed herself the pupil of the wiseman
What else?
i've seen a lot of series with similar premises
A lot of series specifically where the MC acts like a lolibaba?
you'd be surprised
whenever one series gets any amount of popularity twenty pop up that have similar circumstances
Someone needs to get on TLing our reincarnated Chinese nurse maid.
it's also the fact that being X wanted to take as much power as he cool to make Tanya despair at how utterly hopless her life would be from now on, but he underestimated the MC's actual wits and abitily to work with the shit suitation they have and make it into something better rather easily.
Hellrage has to be the number one series where the genderbender is absolutely fucking pointless.
Then he shouldn’t have given her overwhelming magic power.
>Japan does transmigration into ancient China better than the chinks
They're cuter too.
How can they be cute if they don't even cultivate?
I get nauseous just thinking of all the impurities in her body that she hasn't rid herself of.
In this anime it was to humiliate the protagonist. Arrogant successful dude is now a cute little girl. Point and laugh at him.
Do you guys believe their are people who are iseka’ed into our world right now?
we never left the world of old money and aristocracies running the world. but they're secretive and elusive. the super successful billionaires who are household names are isekai'd nerds who use knowledge from the far future to revolutionize the economy in the hopes that the fame will open up their harem
>hairstyle spontaneously changes from leveling up
And that's not even getting into how his entire facial structure changes too. At least make him slightly resemble his old self even a little bit, if thinner, taller, and more handsome.
It's an instant level up from 1 to 100, so the changes can be sudden. If it's level up from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 etc maybe the change would have been gradual
Is Naofumi hair supposed to be attractive now?
who are we kidding right, women would never work that hard
>what can I do to make this guy miserable?
>make him an adorable cute blonde loli, that should work!
god is great
FOr most isekai, it would probably be useless to change gender, but not Tanya. Usually men are agessive, women can get like that but the almost come off as bitchy coming off as yappy and using their gender to maximize acoomplishments, downsize failings, and use sex appeal, fugly or hot, as a weapon to get things (i know from experience) so a male can pull of that aggressiveness with not going over board. We see Tanya be aggressive but she goes over the top and looks crazy to the other characters, while a male it wouldnt. However, what I am a little annoyed with, being an animeonlyfag, is her being a little girl does really help aide or hinder her much, maybe it does in the other volumes thou.