Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia

What's your opinion on the latest episode and Mommy Tiamat characterization?

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>Morton's Toe
I thought she was supposed to be perfect?

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After she had already given up

I can't decide if 19 or 20 were the worst episode. 19 rushed through most of the important moments of the climax of Babyonia, but it didn't do a botch job with each of them. 20 had more freedom and less moments to work with, but somehow it botched them all.

Anime nonsense.

Fine, if you wanna go by the actual game, Ea is what finished her off, atfer you and the others all wore her down

Animation and story aside, those 2 moments with Eresh and Tiamat really hit me, had the tears welling up. Ere left without saying goodbye as well

Lol wat the fuck is even going on right now

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She's a bad dragon

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Mommy canon wants Fujimaru dick

Damn who must've braided Tiamats hair? And who made that swimsuit to scale

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List of things that were different from the game
>King Hassan didn't gave up his Grand Title to fight Tiamat or bestow "death" upon her
>King Hassan didn't cut Tiamat wings to send her down the underworld
>Tiamat's Saint Graph didn't got nerfed to regular servant level
>Jaguarman got removed
>The underworld never buffed anyone with blessing, Eresh just enabled everyone to fly
>The Elite Lahmu were not divine graph tier in the game or demon pillar tier either
>Nega Genesis worked IN THE OPPOSITE WAY compared to the game
>Gilgamesh didn't speak to Tiamat before blasting her

Extra things the anime added
>Eresh lasted WAY longer before dying
>The whole Fujimaru running into Tiamat with a dagger (proto Rule Breaker?) was NOT IN THE GAME AT ALL
>Fujimaru sweet talking Tiamat into suicide was not in the game either
>King Hassan eating lamuhs

Anything else?

Absolutely dreadful. We go right from "Guda has to save the day! (which was dreadful) to "oh no, the moeblob is dying, please feel sad" right back to Guda running with epic music playing. The tonal whiplash was so terrible you'd think this was the director's first job.

What a shitfest. This made LE look good

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>steals all of Tiamat's shit

DW screwing up with the playerbase as usual

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Papa Bones will have your head if he has to chew it off

>>steals all of Tiamat's shit
She came first retard, she didn't steal anything

I want more ryona. I loved the scene where Leonidas made a big hole in Gorgon’s tummy,

At least this is a thing.

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Was her appearance in Foxtail really before JP Babylonia (Dec 2016)?

>Ishtar's ass was whored on almost every single episode

What's so special about her ass?
Why it needs to be featured so much?
Is not even big or plump

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She's weak there


She had Tiamat's stuff before Tiamat was a character in Fate.That's like complaining about Melt stealing Artemis' shit.

>Medusa Lily super tsundere, but the quiet kind
>Gorgon super tsundere, but the loud "I'll kill you, go away" kind.
>Regular Medusa easily bullied thot
Why is there such a difference between Adult Medusa and he other 2 forms


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>atfer you and the others all wore her down
indicate by Roman only needs one final push, any filler beam would have done the trick. The heavy lifting was to get her there.

Thats what I said. Enuma Elis didnt do anything that any other full strength Servant could have done at that point. Hell, if Ishtar canonically had enough strength to use it, her NP could have finished off Tiamat at that point


*couldnt have rather

The hilarious thing is that this is drawn by Miwa Shirou, Brynhildr/Sigurd's artist

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All the ass focus whenever a chance showed up was the best thing about this show. Ishtar, Mash and Ana all had plenty of ass shots.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.29_[2020.03.14_18.26.28].jpg (1280x720, 220.02K)

So did Ishiwaka and Quetz

There's no point in ass shots when all the asses are flatter than Guda's character.

>that any other full strength Servant could have done at that point. Hell, if Ishtar canonically had enough strength to use it, her NP could have finished off Tiamat at that point
Nope you couldn't just have any full strength servant. You needed at least an A++ or above NP to have finished her off. Ishtar does count at least.

Amazing how Ritsuka kinda destroy every character possible by making everyone sucking his tiny dick except Eresh as she already sucks his dick from the start and Kingu as he prefers Gil's, which is a miles better dick

Asses not being gigantic rapper-tier blobs of fat is the norm in anime anyway.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.52_[2020.03.14_18.10.18].jpg (1280x720, 76.49K)


There's nothing that says that anywhere. Hell I'm certain Azrael could have finished her off at that point

>Self-Modification: EX
>Tiamat can remold her own Saint Graph using the Black Sea of Life.
>Her body can grow from its standard Saint Graph (Femme Fatale) into that of a dragon over 60 meters in length.
>Once Tiamat becomes a dragon, attacks against her of A++ rank or lower are nullified.

>You needed at least an A++ or above NP to have finished her off. Ishtar does count at least.
No, A++ and below are completely negated by her dragon body.

Only A+++ and EX have any effect

Which is why only Gil had a chance.

Except thats invalidated by the fact that Papa Bones used Azrael to sever her wings

Papa Bones didn't use Azrael, and he was using the Saint Graph of a Grand at the time, which means he was well beyond the class of an ordinary servant.

Mashu's is decent here but they could be better, in particular Ishtar's. It doesn't have to be sheboon tier but a bubble but shouldn't be too much to ask for. Ana is understandable because loli.

She's so sex!
Why did she only appeared briefly on today's episode.
I wanted to see more of her.

Grand doesnt downgrade a Servants NP, just their base Parameters. It even says that in his profile in the FGO Databook

Ishtar looks to be on the skinny athletic side so I feel that her butt made enough sense.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.18_[2020.03.14_18.02.01].jpg (1280x720, 150.72K)

Asian women have no asses.

Kyrielight and Medusa are not Asian.

It makes me want to roll fo__. Oh yeah she's not summonable. ;_;

But they are drawn by asians, so it’s what they’re used to. Also, I want to point out that white women have no asses either.

>Once Tiamat becomes a dragon, attacks against her of A++ rank or lower are nullified.
>No, A++ and below are completely negated by her dragon body.
Well her NA profile says "In her Dragon form. Tiamat nullifies any attacks BELOW A++ rank." Is that a translation error?

What did Merlin's Garden of Avalon actually do?

Break the game.

Yes. She stopped her Nega-genesis.

But getting one-shot by Ea has nothing to do with that. That shit was ridiculous.

>indicate by Roman only needs one final push, any filler beam would have done the trick. The heavy lifting was to get her there.
As always, you retards to this out of context. Yeah you needed one final push. After all the efforts to delay for time, getting her down to the underworld, removing both her immortalities and finally being able to fight her directly. Yes, you needed "one more push", but that's not the same as "she's near death". Merlin got his ass kicked and Mashu was seconds away from getting consumed by the chaos tide. She was far from beaten, and nothing says any beam would have done it. You're just far closer to your goal than you were at the start.

>A++ rank or lower are nullified.
OR below, meaning both


>She was far from beaten
If anything you were about to lose for good as she was just a short distance away from making it out of the underworld which would have activated one of her immortalities.

Its funny that this is what the nips are talking about the most from this episode.

Not just any beam yes, but as stated ITT already all that was needed was an NP with above A++ power so it could bypass her protection. It's simply that with Gil around Ea was the obvious choice. Ishtar's could have worked too but I'm fairly sure she couldn't use it again.