Your waifu has the corona virus

Your waifu has the corona virus
What to do next?

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It's being kept under wraps by the government but the cure for corona is copious amounts of semen.

Put her down.

Give her the Emperor's peace


Dump liquor on her like in rap videos.

an hero, what are you? a chad who can get infinite waifus?

She rests for a day and gets better because she isn't 80 years old

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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>hundreds of years old vampire

Stop eating curry all the time so you dont have a diarreah.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
Do you have constant diarrhea user?

It's just a meme that is being repeated on social media sites like Yas Forums's Yas Forums.

One roll a day? What the fuck? I use like two squares a day.

>getting sick

My waifu survived japanese cold. Think she's afraid of some puny, meme virus? Pfft

bring her the schoolwork she missed and make her tea

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Are you EATING the rolls?

>wiping your ass with paper towels
Someone's going to be real butthurt before long.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
user you aren't supposed to shitpost in the literal sense of the word

She either gets over it or dies and I go find a new one.

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user, just use the fucking water.

Based and diarrheapilled.

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Fucking what? I use 1 roll per month. Stop eating garbage and you'll stop shitting liquid.

The correct amount to use is about 1 roll per week.

lol the flu is worse than this shit. china literally has it under control now. people freaking out thanks to bullshit media. just sitting here laughing at all these dumbfucks

Keep stockpiling your toilet paper, me and my waifu will be over soon to collect all of it.

You can just shower afterwards if you run out.

>china literally has it under control now
Because they are dictatorship that can declare martial law whenever they fucking please with no consequences.
Western democracies can't just quarantine entire fucking cities with military force, that's not how it works here.

>Lock down entire regions
>Build hospitals in literal days
>Force people into quarantine facilities
>LOL tHeY hAvE iT uNdEr CoNtRoL nOw!
>ThE fLu Is WoRsE!

well that one looks like she's 5

so probably nothing will even happen to her lmao

>implying magic German dolls made out of porcelain can get viruses

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>everyone overreacts and goes full panic
>meanwhile the statistics have yet to lie
>and fags still post like retards
Call me again when Corona-chan and Ebola-chan do the fusion dance.

>china literally has it under control now

China can shut down an entire province of like 100 Million people can have access to everyone's phones so they can send police-and-or-drones to enforce the quarantine

Doing anything like that in any Western Democracy is impossible, depending on the Country all you will get are riots on one end or literal armed militia revolts because FreEDumB aNd FeMA DeATh CaMPs on the other

The statistics from china are quite probably lies.

I'm sorry, old bean

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gather magical glowing orbs to save her

Sinophobia has been more destructive than this flu

But my waifu is undead?

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Fuck Corona-chan.

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This virus killed more people in Italy in one day than the flu did in an entire year.

>or literal armed militia revolts because FreEDumB aNd FeMA DeATh CaMPs on the other

That sounds awesome

I've got a couple maid outfits so I can exchange services for protection and spam+beans rations

My waifu is pretty tough but I'd probably get corona with her due us living together. We would have to take a break from camping. We would lie in bed reading drinking tea enjoying each others company.

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>Doing anything like that in any Western Democracy is impossible

Wrong, europeans get arrested and put into prison if they say one mean thing about immigrants or the jews online.

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oh and i forgot "songs with banned lyrics" as well...

That seems like an accurate news source.

Buy a bidet already American

I'd probably be struck down too. But we'll both pull through, I'm sure.

Pooinloos use toilet paper?

You probably think that stuff like that isn't happening like every week or so in "western democracy's" ?

>Gay-Frogs-Chemtrail Goblins Man's """news""" site

Seems legi-BWAHAHAHA I can't even type a non-sequitur meme reply without collapsing from laughter

*cough* *cough*

At last, I truly see.

>fucking Yas Forums falls for the bait easier than /ck/ did
that's banter

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ur right that never happens in UK or Germany

Yas Forums is a very insular board, most of them aren't aware of the memes from the rest of the site.

Alex Jones is right about literally everything

Does that really count as bait these days? I thought it was just someone trying to be funny.

>info wars

Magical Girls can't get the coronavirus.


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Yep, Iran and Italy deserve praise. "Hug a Chinese" sY was a stroke of genius by that mayor in Florence.

No you all just have assburgers syndrome and will take everything at face value.

Immunity from Kung flu will only come to you if you thank Aqua sama right now and praise her, for killing the chinese.

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Why not both?

You can't be exclusive to Yas Forums if you also have an account on the wrongplanet forums


What's with this toilet paper meme?

No but you can be both aspie and insular.

>Yas Forums is a very insular board
I hope it stays that way.

>kung flu
Kek, I’m stealing that. But Aqua is a whore though.

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Everyone here is from Reddit and Tumblr

You fucktard burger