Is this some Freudian thing I'm not understanding?
Magia Record (Meduca Meguca SS)
Magia Record.
Dunno man, Shimbo is weird.
Pretty sure this is InuCurry weirdness
I don't remember this shit from the gacha game, but I'm no Shimbo newbie and this kind of shit is pretty much a staple for adaptations he's in charge of.
Would you?
Why is Mifuyu such a sassy bitch?
Why is this loli cow so erotic?
smug whore
Do not toot it!
InuCurry is the one responsible for witches, labrynths, runes etc. for all the TV anime, movies and MagiReco game. Also the writer and director of this anime. Shinbo is only the animation supervisor.
It's Yacchan's fault for fucking so many middle school girls.
I didn't know New Zealand men could become Magical Girls.
Of course not, bucket-sama.
Praise the ti- I mean the bucket!
That fight against that rose witch was so lame and weird. Also, its minions stole tea cups to cut them apart?
I guess they just cut anything that's not roses
How are they so big?
She need big orbs to see the future and crystal balls are fragile
Fuck they weren't kidding when they said they made Mifuyu a bigger cunt in the anime
Did they? That scene with the twins last week was cute.
She's a bigger cunt with Yacchan.
They're showing off multiple facets of her personality in the anime, which I really appreciate. Mifuyu by nature is a kind human being, but she can veer into darker territory in certain situations. If you've played the game, you should know by now that Mifuyu's past is not exactly of the comfortable sort, and joining the Wings of Magius def brought out those negative traits of her even more.
they even hinted at her bitchiness with the shrine rumor
>2 weeks until mami kino
Fucking hell this show is a chore to watch.
Inu Curry should really just stick to making abstract animation because they can't write for shit.
I'm liking it.
Getting really good now. The Magius are appearing.
Oh lord, this perspective makes it look like Iroha is on the toilet!
drop it
and people still say magius isn't a meguca supremacist group
Don't drop it. It's getting good.
There are people out there who deny they are Meguca Nazis?
Oh god this episode was so fucking good.
I feel like I already know what happened to Yachiyo's team after people pointed out those portraits in her house and how they disappeared in the next shot.
Shaft is really killing it with the direction.
As an advert for the mobage's story, the show's not been really that good, to be honest. But this week's episode was better directed than last week at least.
The fact that it's being run by two high-IQ sociopaths who believe in meguca supremacy and one total wacko who would kill to preserve her own art only makes it sound even worse.
>last week's episode was hot garbage
>this episode was great in comparison
Goes to show Yachiyo is the only interesting character in this story
It gets even worse in Part 2 when the successor group is run by two pathetic losers.
Really liking how they make the Nazis look like losers in Arc 2.
Moreso, with how Mifuyu is with Magius now and their goal is to save magical girls.
Is this show really for 2 cour? I think a lot of people really slept on this because everyone thinks they're dragging it way too long for a 1 cour show but if it were a 2 cour show, it makes sense to dedicate like 9 to 10 episodes to introduce characters.
To rub salt into the wound, the two of them even used to be Black Feathers. Talk about scrubbing the bottom of the dregs, huh.
Either they end the story abruptly like the stageplay or they've split the story in two halves. One for S1 and the other for S2.
The latter makes more sense as they don't have the excuse the stageplay had. At the time it was being performed Arc 1 hadn't finished.
InuCurry mentioned they'll fully adapt up to CH10 for the anime.
And Magireco's supposed to have a stage for AnimeJapan before it was canceled for coroners
imagine the smell
I'm surprised that with the coronashit, SHAFT still manages to shit out good drawings except for long distance shot which i am fine because meduka
I expect them to announce a livestream in the next couple of days.
It's for the best. Tom Hanks got corona. Wouldn't want to have it happen to our girls.
what a fucking whore
>Mitama, target Israel
oy vey!
Her hair looks fucking stupid, is she a cow or what
>We are about to get based Seyiku saving the day
Holy shit.
those are her flip flappers
It's interesting how they toned up her negative traits more in the anime whereas they went with the opposite with Momoko where her friction with Yachiyo got dropped thus making her look less bitchy/petty by comparison.
Also, why did Mifuyu never attempt to recruit Momoko and Rena/Kaede, let alone convince them to join their cause? I can understand Mifuyu's fixation with Yachiyo (and jealousy towards Iroha and co), but what about her views towards Momoko?
Well it's fair Mifuyu is a real bitch
I'll clap
I believe the technical term is "flippy wigglers"
I love the lesbian drama
was this scene really neccesary?
now if somebody would just edit this eroha and replace the goat...
>tfw Mifuyu is the most interesting because they changed her personality from the game
I cummed hard on this scene. I fucking love scenes like this.
Not entirely changed, just a magnification of her negative traits. She still displays her good side every now and then.
Someone tell me more about this "Eroha" because I don't see it.