Hello oldfags of Yas Forums, I have recovered a fuckton of old Yas Forums flash/webms from 2004-2010 from my old pc...

Hello oldfags of Yas Forums, I have recovered a fuckton of old Yas Forums flash/webms from 2004-2010 from my old pc. If you have any requests, I will be uploading them to this youtube channel if I can find them: youtube.com/channel/UCokojG4PTMGPHZFZHgi4cgQ

Also, fill me in on what's been happening in the past 10 years.

Attached: m.jpg (289x365, 50.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


also 2003 get

Can't you upload it all to mega or something like that?

I figured it would be much easier to upload to youtube, because it's readily available


Attached: [kilroy.fjmaps.com][47]1154589016590.jpg (750x600, 74.4K)

Seconding this. I want to have a local copy of these.

Upload them to archive.org instead (they already have some old Yas Forums collections). YouTube may delete your videos if their shitty AI detects copyrighted material.

I will do this as well

>fill me in on what's been happening in the past 10 years.

Attached: 1541621783622.jpg (960x540, 109.66K)

Cool, please don't stop at the middle.

Forgot to add that we also made a redraw of Azumanga OP last year.

Attached: 1581496581763.jpg (713x717, 87.05K)

go on. I'm feeling nostalgic.

I agree with this.

So, i'm here since 2014, and just started to frequent Yas Forums more than any other board in 2017, 2004~2010 was really that different or it was just like now but with another jokes?

People had fun back then. Do you have fun on this board nowadays? Or any board?

I'm trying to gather all the reaction pics from anime/manga and games that I can.
I'd be glad If you could contribute. I also like Azumanga Daioh. A lot. But anything is fine.

Did you just get out of jail or something senpai?

I haven't been on Yas Forums all that much, just came here to post this stuff, I lurk sometimes but from what I can tell everyone is sort of cynical but not in a fun way. That could maybe be because I find humor in different things than I did when I was a teenager. I don't keep up with memes and shit so maybe I'm just out of the loop.

Attached: 3 (2).png (466x601, 173.64K)

>converting swfs to mp4
don't do this.

yes, it's actually pretty good. and it goes better with the years, some boards that i liked are actually slower but it's okay.

Speaking of archiving, are all Yas Forums archives dying? What's going on with the scrappers?

I've been here since 2018 so I don't care

>Yas Forums webms

Attached: 1584234958835.png (255x292, 97.81K)

i can put a bunch of archive.org for you if you'd like

What do you call 'fun'? the 'fun' Yas Forums used to have back then would be now shitposting offence, it was wojack quality shitposting

Read the desu sticky.
tl;dr deprecated software that should've been replaced years ago

*old Yas Forums-related flash and popular webms

I'd be really glad if you could

Archive.org, part 1.

Attached: WHATTHEFUCK.jpg (786x1224, 211.97K)



Based on what?

I don't have an old 'relevant to my interests' bump so this will have to be close enough

Attached: Mimi's Fetish.png (702x556, 214.98K)

do you have the fun flash game where you're a stick figure and you spiderman off internet memes. I can never remember that game. I used to play it all the time on /f/.

Yes, I added it to the flash compilation on archive.org, it's called Double Memes.

Attached: internet.jpg (550x550, 127.36K)

is this viruse?

Attached: 23d.jpg (602x402, 42.95K)

No, but some browsers detect swf as bad files

Well, of course, I myself have been spooked by many swf files

Is that all of your flashes? You said part 1.

What he said, would be nice having it all in an offline archive.
Thank you nonetheless.

>Also, fill me in on what's been happening in the past 10 years.
explain yourself, OP

I am still having fun here.

The only thing I'm missing is original content. Yas Forums was much more productive in the past. I guess that's a consequence of too many people using phones to browse the website, without the capabilities to create anything.

No, more to come


where have you been for 10 years

I have a family, and a good job. I live a pretty good life, other than that not much to say. I've just been getting nostalgic over spending time as a teenager doing stupid shit on da internetz

Attached: enigma.jpg (512x384, 27.09K)

I miss that in everyplace i go on the internet, chans from my country sometimes try something and still getting on the media, but besides that they doesn't do much content.

That sounds like a real pain in the ass.

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Got any with ryona? Specifically, some harapan.

oh ok
well you missed madoka, so go watch that

>Also, fill me in on what's been happening in the past 10 years.
Smartphones happened and opened up the internet to people who have no business being on it.

Attached: 1530205982163.jpg (351x351, 30.76K)

You missed Sword Art Online, and all the ryonafaggotry that it attracts.

Attached: Ryona Art Online.webm (640x360, 1.49M)


I watched some of sword art online, it looked okay I guess.

I figured

will do

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Attached: azumanga.png (318x416, 63.41K)

For once OP isn’t a faggot.
Leave this thread alone mods!

Just don't leave /a and you're good. Most of the other boards are normalfag wastelands with the same few copy and pasted things all over.

But here, we can be comfy.

Attached: tomato.png (354x325, 55.33K)

That's good to hear, I may come on from time to time

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Attached: Desu!!.png (1426x1953, 739.61K)


Attached: BEHOLD.jpg (600x675, 49.76K)

the world has lost it's mind
except for here
it's all good

Attached: fight2.gif (320x240, 488.13K)

Fucking newcancer, I guess we need 3dpd and tons of blog threads just like then.

Oh wow, yeah. Baka to Test came out at the beginning of 2010. So many comedy animes for you to give a shot as well.

I've watched some Baka to Test, I can't remember anything about it though so I'll give it another go

I still think Yas Forums is good. Where else can I talk about a very specific niche of a subgenre of manga inspired by a cultural trends I've barely heard of? Where else will I find such a party of like minded losers and shitbags, when I can barely talk to strangers? Nowhere.

Attached: Nagatorosan.jpg (259x254, 25.92K)

Almost everything there still gets posted in /f/ daily.

Excellent dump, user. If you have the original flash files, could you upload them somewhere?

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