Did you see the movie in theaters Yas Forums?

Did you see the movie in theaters Yas Forums?

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I did

I wish I could've.
Aqua a best.

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>impregnating members of your party
not good from a strategic standpoint

think long term

>they stay at home to raise their kids and expect you to earn enough for everybody
Doesn't seem good from a strategic standpoint.

Crowd I was with was fantastic. Everyone was laughing out loud and none of them were obnoxious. I loved how into it we all were. Watching anime movies in theaters like that is a treat.

still my favorite konosuba pic

I would've if I could.

I don't get it. Why would Aqua care if Konosuba knocked up the other two derps?

Both showings.

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Watched it on pornhub

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this was the last movie I saw at a theater. I loved it so glad I went.

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Because he didn't knocked her up.

>the two other derps are knocked up and out of order for the next few years at least, doing the stay at home mom
>meanwhile konosuba and aqua can go adventuring without that kind of ballast. for the next years!
Yeah, I don't get it.

no, watched the camrip on youtube before it was taken down

> movie tickets are 30 bucks now
What the shit? I remember when people were complaining about 11 bucks, though the last movie I saw in a theater was Pearl Harbor.

So Aqua is basically mad they have a beer tummy since they've gotten to drink all the beer they want and she hasn't.

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Ahhh, now I get it. Fuck, I'd be pissed too.

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But then you could go aventuring with actual competent party members

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>Had a Japanese Test at 8am the day after the movie came out and hadn't studied yet
>Had to leave class early to make it to the theater, despite the fact it's my favorite class with one of my favorite professors
>Still go to the movie and it's fucking fantastic.
Can't wait for the movie to come out on CR. I'll rewatch it at least once a day for like a month.

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more like
>Aqua: "Kazumaaa! Get your hikki-neet ass out of bed! We need to lynch the low-life filth who knocked up half the party!
>Kazuma: ".....I never noticed"
>Aqua: "What do you mean you never noticed?!"

Aqua can't get pregnant because she'll just purify Kazuchad's sperm won't she

Aqua doesn't want to adventure, being stuck at home and pampered would be her dream. Until someone reminds her she can't drink.

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>2 x General Admission ($13.25)
>One ticket is $30
read nigga

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In theory yes, however she's a braindead moron and would probably forget it. by the time she remembers I imagine a demi-god fetus would have some immunity to being purified

I'm waiting for the Bleu Ray.

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You can't drink while pregnant or you get misformed, disgusting creatures like the explosion midget.

Yeah I noticed that afterwards, ignore me I'm a retard.

This is the chinese translation of the Dust 6 spinoff: A knight’s vow to you
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

What the fuck is the purpose of this post?

Went to see the movie twice.
Pure fucking kino, i nearly didnt go aswell. So glad i did what a great movie

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That post looks like a funny meme edit.

its real

Just saying.

yea i did it was pretty nice

Doesnt change the fact that its a real tweet.


I did. Took my girlfriend to it.
Got weirder looks because of that than the dude with the megumin daki a row behind us. Movie was awesome, was totally worth it to see at full cinema quality

I saw it with my gf and we had a great time. Ordered some sushi instead of popcorn so that we wouldn't distract eachother with the crunching, very worth it cause I could smell the fish and imagined it was smellovision for Megumin's pussy. Can't wait for it to be released so I have better quality references to draw komekko pregnant

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>ITT Niggers

Yeah, Aqua's movie was pretty great, alright!

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I saw it when it came out in Japan. It was amazing. It even made the normally silent and stoic Japanese audience laugh out loud multiple times (Japanese movie theaters are normally silent as everybody is trying to not cause a disturbance to other people, resulting in people suppressing their reactions and emotions while they watch the movie)

Theaters are a scam. I'll see it when the BDs are out.

Fucking kung flu gonna fuck with the blu ray sales. Fuck china
Hopefully kadokawa arent complete retards and dont think its because its not popular. you never know with them

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based suicidal aqua poster. now, take a deep breath. relax.

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stop it

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