
Rank the singularities

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They're all trash fgo is absolute garbage

Haven’t watched the newest episode yet. How bad did they fuck up Gil’s NP?


Ea is a laser beam, they fucked up badly all the rest
Poor King Hassan

It's a generic red kamehame wave.

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What else is EA supposed to be?

It's supposed to break apart the world and reveal the "truth", aka world before genesis, a ball of magma.

Hate to break it to ya but it's Sieg that cucks Fuji.

I just missed the other FGO thread so this will do.

Why could they suddenly fly in the underworld?
And how did Gil evolve into Archer Gil? Did he summon himself? Is it because Enkidu was RIP so he can access the full power of gate of babylon?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.16_[2020.03.14_16.21.27].jpg (1920x1080, 247.93K)

pretty sure it could also be used as a beam since UBW you cunts

>Why could they suddenly fly in the underworld?
Explained in the last episode.
>And how did Gil evolve into Archer Gil? Did he summon himself?
Who knows? He calls himself a servant, but in the interludes that he appears in that take place post-babylonia it's strongly implied he's a ghost.
>Is it because Enkidu was RIP so he can access the full power of gate of babylon?
this shouldn't have anything to do with it

I thought it was wind rotating super fast.

>Siegkek this assblasted

The charge up looked good, the actual attack was just a beam. Nothing special but better than FZ version.

Episode itself was decent, not as good as 18 but way better than 19.

Gil died, and was able to come back as a servant. Since he came back as a servant he was able to come back in his Archer form

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So i'm guessing the "beam" is stronger than the "vortex" form? Cause I definitely prefer Deen's take on it.

The wind is what breaks the world apart.

it was so fast we saw it as a beam of destructive light, but it was a wind that rip the world apart

Ishtar has nasty farts

>Super Lahmus were supposed to be as strong as a demongod
>they bodied Ishtar, were throwing Mash around like a doll and even gave Hassan trouble
>they instantly die to Gil swordspam
That was retarded

Demon Gods get completely stomped in the Time Temple anyway, they're not that impressive. Ishtar & Enkidu destroy several despite not even fighting them, just from the collateral damage of their own fight. Mash can solo them.

We don't even know what type of weapons those were, they could've had demon slaying properties or something.

>carefully choosing his weapons
they all looked identical because the animators got lazy lmao

>carefully choosing his weapons
When he's facing tiamat, one of the strongest beings in existence? You can bet he's going to use some high quality shit, even against her superpowered minions.
>they all looked identical because the animators got lazy lmao
Agreed, it was basically UBW in this ep.

Episode was good.

I mean, Enuma ELish here looked much better than that shit we got in Zero but really they should have just used their resources on Gil instead of Questz

>Quetzchads got the last laugh

did i misinterpret what was happening or did papa hassan just start fucking biting lahmus apart

cause if so thats fuckin metal dude

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Ea fucking evaporated Tiamat jesus

How can wind do that? Don't say magic.

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I'm calling the counter-force on your ass, nigga.

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Sumerian mythology is full of wind-based powers.
Shamash sends 13 winds to rip apart Humbaba's protections. Marduk is a lord of storms and uses winds to kill Tiamat from the inside.

Subtle but fuck you.

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0, 8, 10 and 18 were the best episodes
4 and 11 the worst
The rest were okay

Thank you.

5 was good as well.

so what was that little dagger from the gate that gil gave to fujimaru anyway?

anything special or just a generic high class gil projectile?

that's because gil is the strongest servant

I doubt we'll ever know

Gilgamesh has a shit ton if bonkers weapons in his arsenal. Unfortunately we’ll only see them actually used if SF gets an anime and that shit is never happening cuz Narita wont finish

can we please avoid this dumb argument this time

>gil suddenly manifests himself as a servant without a master

wait what the fuck

So did the episode trend once again.

19 was one of the worst too

Holy shit, that was a bad episode. I can't believe this is what we were waiting for. Even after the whole rest of the season being so terribly mismanaged, I can't believe they blew it so hard.

It was just a rule breaker vs Sakura parallel
Nasu or the person in charge of the episode must have though it was smart


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.17_[2020.03.14_18.23.08].jpg (1280x720, 133.78K)

I have no idea about FGO and you guys hyped up King Hassan so much last week.

He looked weak as fuck here. He isn't supposed to be that way by the way you guys hyped him up right?

Ok, for me in this episode:
-I felt sorry for Eresh, now I start to understand a bit why she is so loved. Also that fate of all lancers in nasuverse...shit, not again...
- They decided to use cgi on Gramps...in fact, I want to grumble about this, he looked more badass when was drawn, but they already have done this with Gorgon and Tiamat, so OKAAAAAY, screw this
- 15:32 What. The. Fuck. Is. This? Gramps decided to be a bit of a wild beast and just BIT OFF A HEAD?!? That’s both cool and...kinda stupid
-....no cosmic air during Enuma Elish....Not epic at all..Also what kind of sound is this? Sounds like approaching train~
- Summonable Tiamat when?
Also what they are going to animate in this last episodes? Ok, the ending of Babylonia Singularity, that’s obvious, but what else? The beginning of Time Temple battle and Solomon fight?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.52_[2020.03.14_18.10.18].jpg (1280x720, 76.49K)

they pretty much butchered him in this episode after all the build up, the attack that gives tiamat the concept of death was just random lazers for some reason and they completely cut hassans lines about giving up the title of grand assassin for this job

also it wasnt clear from the animation but he also severed her wings entirely so she couldnt fly out of hell anymore

He stripped Tiamat of one of her invincibilities, he also fodderized multiple bel lahmu, which every one of them is equal to Demon Pillar. He's strong as fuck.

Masshu is very important

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 20 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.24_[2020.03.14_18.10.57].jpg (1280x720, 110.69K)

Nah, not at all.

Number 3 worldwide for a few hours.

Go back

Nasu said the 11 Lahmu were as strong as Goetia's 72. They are legitimately divine spirit level, not meme-tier pseudo like Ishtar was.
Fuck no. Babylonia's Enuma Elish got the charge right but fucked up the execution, Zero is actually the best example of how Ea is meant to work. The stars shining behind Gilgamesh is what happens when he rips the texture apart. Instead he never did that here and the retard animators put it in for flavor without it meshing properly into the scene. It's the same fucking problem with Kingu's Enuma Elish.
>Copy from the game
>Don't actually make it impact the environment in the way it should.
Fuck these lazy assholes.

He is the strongest bitch


How strong are demon gods, anyways? Compared to divine spirits. Not talking about Servants who are divine spirits since they are restricted by the size of their seraph container.

GENSHO WO KATARU and other chuuni recitals were cool and all and the weekly ishtar and mashu ass shots were nice, but if this was seriously the best arc in FGO then boy am I glad I never wasted my time on the mobage.

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Demon gods are just A rank servant tier without NPs. Strong enough to give Mordred and Siegfried a hard time, but no more than that. 1 Bel Lahmu is worth like 11

>Compared to divine spirits.
Well during the Solomon section Ishtar and Enkidu weren’t even taking 8 demon pillars seriously and we’re more concerned about killing each other.

Yes, what about him?

Bruh, Zero's EE was just a shitty red wave and nothing else. The ony reason you say it got it right is because it was used against a RM.

But EA has always had different modes. In both presentation and animation this was better. It just wasn't amazing, which it should have been

Divine spirits are insanely variable and it's impossible to tell.
Low tier is shit like Euryale and Stheno, complete shitters.
Then there's ones that are meant to be big deals like Ishtar, but we never see her at he full strength because lol pseudo
Quetz is a Big Deal but due to this being Fate, never accomplishes that much
Then we have Rhongomyniad, a complete Nasu OC that is apparently way above most divine spirits for some reason? Who the fuck knows.
>but if this was seriously the best arc in FGO then boy am I glad I never wasted my time on the mobage.
Lostbelt arc as a whole is better but it has its ups and downs as well. LB1 is probably the best FGO story but it still suffers from the same problems as the rest, the blank slate self insert MC can never be interesting.

Ea is supposed to be like the Thanos Snap an NP above all others. But quetz second rate np felt it had more impact even though lore wise it didn't do any damage to Tiamat

It is, but somehow, fucking somehow, the anime managed to be worse than the game. I can't wrap my head around how but they managed it, by making the worst possible decisions. Almost entirely on the basis of poor direction and shilling characters beyond their station. Ereshkigal, Ishtar, Gudashit being the worst offenders. Solomon will be the next shitter to fuck up the anime. Small but impactful scenes were skipped over. Scenes that could have been better expounded on lose impact because they played it straight.

That Tiamat scene at the end was very nice, but now imagine if they hadn't skipped 99% of foreshadowing and references towards her before all this. Now imagine it wasn't Guda speaking to her, but Gilgamesh, who actually did have important lines before killing her in the game, about how his people were angry but didn't hate her. That he pitied her and was going to make sure she wouldn't be disturbed this time.

The writers could have easily done this, but they refused, retconning even Nega-Genesis for an opportunity to shill this shit MC. Even though they contradict themselves right after, when King Hassan literally got in the barrier and could have done it himself.

>each of the lamu's were equal to demon god pillars
>tiamat could have made a practically infinite amount of them
>tiamat did all of this without a brain
And people say she's weaker than goetia.

>Bruh, Zero's EE was just a shitty red wave and nothing else.
And that is literally better than a shitty beam, because a wave that targets the world and not the individual is how Ea's full power works.
>The ony reason you say it got it right is because it was used against a RM.
RM didn't matter. It would have worked that way on the world itself. Gaia would just repair its own textures, as shown in Tsukihime.

>Divine spirits are insanely variable and it's impossible to tell.
>Low tier is shit like Euryale and Stheno, complete shitters.
Stheno and Euryale are not low-tier divine spirits, they are complete outliers.

Jaguar Man is a low-tier divine spirit, and even in a pseudo vessel, she beat the shit out of two servants.

literally who is King Hassan

>Jaguar Man is a low-tier divine spirit, and even in a pseudo vessel, she beat the shit out of two servants.
She was empowered by the jungle though, outside of it she's not as impressive.

The first Hassan.


Tiamat can only make 11 of those Lahmu, but they are meant to be equal to the 72 DGs as a collective.

Shit, the MC being the only one able to enter the field was anime original? That's some dumb shit right there, I thought it was weird that King Hassan was able to get into the field, but I figured it was because he's Grand Assassin and all, even though they didn't say that in the anime either.

They actually gave Aoi something to say beyond AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Now I really want a tiamat servant.