Why does Yas Forums hate Shield Hero? I think it's pretty good (esp the main characters)

Why does Yas Forums hate Shield Hero? I think it's pretty good (esp the main characters)

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The Spirit Turtle Arc is the new Goku x Frieza battle.

I mean they also think Dr Bazinga is a great show, why are you so concerned with others opinions? Why don't you give yours instead?

He got over all of his problems by like episode 6

It had an ok start but by episode 2, it started to become a generic harem isekai

I, too, would like to have sub-70 IQ to enjoy Taste no Yuusha.
Both are shit anime funded by Crunchyroll, you biased retard.

Cute tanuki

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It's pretty stupid.

best isekai for now and I have seen almost all of them

don't worry user you 80 iq is still low enough


There's nothing wrong with shows being "generic" as long as they are enjoyable.
There are ideas and themes that have an universal appeal.

It’s good, but I still prefer No Game No Life.
Season 2 when?? :(

This. Rocky Balboa is a generic underdog story but it’s still kino.

>talks about IQ yet can't grasp user isn't praising Shield Hero either.
Boy it must be tough being you.

dunno i still waiting too for both show

because they aged the loli up

Bofuri is better but Shield Hero is also good.

Only thing I don't like about SH is some of the character back stories not making sense and some pacing issues

I have yet to see it, that and death march, so I can't tell you if it's better or worse.

>Only thing I don't like about SH is some of the character back stories not making sense and some pacing issues

for example?

It kind of dragged a bit in the middle after the bird was added.

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it's idiotic though it's somehow not that painful to watch

I've only read the manga. I don't hate it but I dropped it because it just feels like a 15-year old's fanfiction.
Old enough to throw in some rape accusations and not make the main character absolutely overpowered, but inexperienced enough to fail at creating a single relatable, real-feeling character.

Its generic isekai trash

psychology of the character, not all are intelligent.Plus Filo is a child (and all the others except Naofumi) do not forget it

i liked the first 5 eps but then it got extremely painful to watch

Yeah, just pure contrarianism out of sheer spite that this hing is popular with normalfags. Nothing to do with heroes being a bunch of fucking retards, trash plot, boring moustache twirling villainess/king, the MC's non-stop self-pitying, he MC asspulling through every challenge with his rage shield, 3DCG dino, etc.

It's not the worst thing in the world, but after finishing S1 I don't want to bother with S2.

you described the reasons why he's a good anime, you just have shittaste

Okay ESLtard

corona-chan plz gtfo

Corona-chan has already entered your home


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you gave me

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spics and tripfag ruined the threads

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I don't think you even existed before the anime was a thing.

I've been bantering with Shieldbro years before you started spamming, anittripfagfaggot. Him at least I can filter out if I feel like, which I can't say about your worthless posts.

Fun is a foreign concept to people that only have faux elitism over niche foreign cartoons as their peak.
Just watch it and let them be mad.

Why are you so mad? Did he kill your mom or something?

Numero el uno: disgusto.

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Pure mediocrity.
Only became popular because of crunchyroll normalfags

Textbook definition of generic garbage, basically invented the isekai bingo.

as if being famous were synonymous with garbage

I want Crunchyshit shills to leave. You can't even tell what's so good about this mess.

Spoken like a true shieldfag. I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW. PLEASE DON'T WATCH IT PLEASE!!

>you have faux elitism if you refuse to watch literal garbage peddled as entertainment

Post filo's feet

Zoomer's first attempt at morality and revenge. The main character is an insufferable faggot that relies on having cartoonish evil people around him to make bearable. I used to read the manga and couldn't get past after the queen dropped all charges against him. The LN makes him even more of a insufferable incel that keeps sperging every single he can about his adopted daughter sharing the same biological sex as the bitch princess as if that'a even remotely relevant to anyone.

I'd enjoy it more if I were 14 but thankfully I spent my teen years watching FKMT shit instead.

Like everytime Yas Forums start to cheer an anime and then hate it when it became popular on reddit.

And also because Filo is shit

El numero dos: gusto.

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Everybody acts like a cunt for no reason. Everybody's goals are vague or don't make sense. It's a fantasy world, but also a video game, and also parallel universes... because that's the only way the author knows how to keep it interesting. But's wait! It's ALSO a web novel, a manga, a real novel, and a cartoon, all with great differences and theoretically unlimited alternative routes and spin-offs, causing much confusion and allowing the author to just pull whatever he wants out of his ass.

But god I wish I had a loyal raccoon lass.

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He's incredibly autistic, but he'll answer literally any dumb question you have and tries to actually discuss things so he's ok in my book. There are much worse tripfags on this board.

I want a loyal raccoon that can't be disloyal because slave spell but not really slave because she wants to.

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>Filo is shit
How about Sakura

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>best isekai
That's not saying much
oh and also you're wrong, Digimon Adventure is objectively the best isekai


I dunno about everyone else but I'm fucking done with animes set in an RPG world. And I don't just mean isekais, I mean fantasy anime set in a generic Dragon Quest world complete with RPG mechanics like skill trees and leveling up and whatnot. It's trite, the Japanese equivalent of capeshit.

>Tfw no loyal tanuki GF.
Why exist?

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Only correct answer

She has soul! Well, her soul is the exact same as firo's.

I for one liked the ost

Overly padded and repetitive first half. MC has kinda shit dynamic with anyone. Anytime the series tries to have him develop as a character beyond being as bland as drywall they just have him fall back into being jaded. I don't hate the show, but MC and all the shit involving him was boring as fuck. Some of the fights made no sense as to why he was the expert while the other heroes were full on retards. It's a world based on videogame shit. He was a book-fag while everyone else actually knew videogames.

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It's the issue with a lot of the authors nowadays being just nerds that played videogames their whole life, as sad as it sounds delivering NPCs and delving into rpg mechanics is the only thing they understand and can write about. This is why most of the good manga/ln authors are either super boomers or girls(who spent their youth in more meaningful ways and can write compelling characters because they actually interacted with people during their school days).