Holy fucking shit what an annoying character

Holy fucking shit what an annoying character.
We played Smoke On The Water too in front of our school you stupid bitch, and it didn't brought a radiant fate or whatever, who the fuck care.
How can a series ( An almost naruto rip off ) with such a shit character be popular ?

He's basically a whiny little bitch with a grand sense of self importance and a savior complex who cries and asspulls his way to victory.
Fucking hell how are we supposed to root for him in an universe with better character who shared his dream actually do something while he was handed everything on a silver plate.

Yeah i know shitty rant thread that's been made 1000 times, but holy shit.

What the fuck did he do all his life besides autistically keeping his notes and wasting his mom's money on All Might funko pop ?
In this universe a fucking regular human like Night Eye and Eraserhead can fuck up villains without using their quirks.

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Working out every day for 10 months may not seem like much. But I guarantee it's more than you've ever done you illiterate faggot.

Yeah it's also retarded to do unless you're on PPLx2 or follow a programs adapted.
And i do exercice 6 days a week, you tard, can i get the strongest fucking quirk known to man ?

He is better than your favorite series. Sorry m8 stay mad

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Not everyone here is an obese redditor like you herokek.

Why would people lie on the internet?

>flashing lights
>speed lines
>bright colors
Do you think that's good because it pleases your childlike brain?

Exercise fatso.
Everybody who respect their body do full body 3 times a week and run in between except sunday.

People who watch shounens (normalfags) dont actually like anime and theres lots of them

No substance. Boku no pico has more artistic value than this shit

>waaaaa why didn't this 14 year old kid lift everyday
Yas Forums niggers are brain damaged

Objectively wrong.

Seethe more fatass.

>deku punches another villian once and he goes down
Just like muscular
And stain
And that guy in the movie
And all might against AFO

How do people like this? Just because its colorful?

>Working out every day for 10 months may not seem like much
It isn't

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>why didn't a 14 year old whose dream is to be the strongest man in the world not lift every day

>Working out every day for 10 months may not seem like much
It's not idiot

It’s no bullshit. Just fighting. You may prefer magical battles that are more like puzzles, with hours of exposition to explain the situation.

My Hero Chads prefer just proper hand to hand fights. If he can manage to get a good hit in with enough power, the villain will go down. No naruto magic ass pull BS

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>not lift
>didnt have a job
>ran around being a fanboy
The notes he took became almost immediately irrelevant

Yeah he should have.
Stain, Nighteye and Eraserhead can beat up villains and hero only through their natural strength and skills.

If he wanted to be a hero he could have signed up in a boxing gym.
But no because he is a weak nerd, fatso like the one in this thread need to identify to, he just did fuck all and spent his day watching all might video and buying merchs.

user we need more than one hit. Every fight is the same.

Like come on look at AFO vs OFA. The villian can have every and any possible quirk combination. And he reaorts to punching all might. And then is surprised when "the hero who reserves power and punches" has power in reserve and proceeds to beat him in the punching contest

Its lazy

>My Hero Chads prefer just proper hand to hand fights.

>hand to hand
You mean hitting once

>You mean hitting once
This is not BC

Isn’t that ignoring everything that happened in those fights before the last hit?


ONE does it ironically to make fun of shonen
Horikoshi does it for real



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>Still cries 24/7
What a shit MC

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Why not sunday?

I really am getting sick of main characters that constantly cry like a bitch over everything. What ever happened to badass main characters like Ichigo

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That day is for the lord.
But mostly because rest is always good, a 20-30 minutes jog like on the day in between won't prevents rest and restoration of your legs or get you fatigued, but better be safe.

>prefer just proper hand to hand fights
Stop lying, the fights are the worst part of this series.

Clearly it isnt because this isnt what happens in BC.

Denji is a breath of fresh air. He's more like a 80s WSJ protagonist.

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>>You mean hitting once
>This is not BC
I think you meant BBC.

>Working out every day for 10 months but ONLY after you're promised a superpower for it
Fixed that for you.

>this isnt what happens in B-

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>constantly cry like a bitch over everything
That's the only time Asta has cried, believe it or not.

So, like, are we supposed to be rooting for the criminal here?
I know the point of the confrontation is to draw parallels but the story seemed to way out of its way.

Fuckin please. One Punch indulges in the verry same shit you believe is pure irony. You are the simpleton for buying that it's pure parody.

It doesn't matter, he cried over nothing.

I think my main problem with Asta is that he's so unrealistic. Who the fuck starts working out as a kid? It's no wonder he and Black Clover aren't popular, it's impossible to relate with the MC.

>oneshotting once
>happens all the time
Think and try to find the difference.

> crying because of the kindness his friends unexpectedly gave to him is nothing

Factually incorrect.

They tried to give importance to the fight with that concert, but that looked so ridiculous and petty it actually made Deku look like an absolute obsessed autist that got way over his head.

Ichigo was badass but he was vapid. His motivations were fucking gay.


He didn't one shot stain, neither muscular, or Todoroki, or Overhaul

>oneshotting once

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Seething and coping

Yikes. I knew BC was bad but holy shit.

>three bnha threads

And after all the mad shit BCfags spout, fucking embarrassing.

I'm starting to think that this moment was made to mock MHA

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fuck off

Kill yourself

>everything bad is actually intentionally poking fun at things I don't like!
Get a load of this cope.

Why do people read this again

isn't that old dude from OPM?

Nice edit faggot. No way comes after

He kicked the guy in the movie, also bakek helped too.

Oh so this is Black Clover, looks like shit.

So what you're trying to tell me is that Tabata was jealous of BNHA's success?