Iruma kun thread

This user Still haven't posted the Q & A translations

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>A week after anime ended
>already forgotten

Clara a shit

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It was forgotten long before that, despite being one of the most fun shows of both of the seasons it aired in. But what can you expect from Yas Forums? The population of this board is only capable of latching on to a handful of titles per season, and many are content with repeating the same threads about decades old shows until the end of time. It's sad how dead this place is these days.

its a shounen that relies on being entertaining to viewers/readers rather than relying on harem elements or power level wankery.
Of course Yas Forums doesn't want to discuss it.

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Didn't see there was all ready a thread up. Was wondering if Clara's mom was an Idol in her younger days. Kinda explains all the singing anyway

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I was interested in Iruma's harem though.

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Weird that tall succ with the long horns was featured in the op/ed as much as she was and served no real role or had any episodes dedicated to her.

His harem has very little focus compared to the other aspects of the show. For Yas Forums regulars it wouldn't be enough to grab their attention.
Even the evil glasses guy got more time with Iruma than many of the girls

my volume set just arrived and after reading through it, I think that the adoption may be slightly better than the source

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How is it that babies have a sexiness level of 3%?

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I can't imagine picking one over the other. You get cute panels and cute frames that are unique to either, so both can be enjoyed greatly.

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Theres 3% of pedos who would find baby sexy.

I think the anime has better flow, it also actually seems to have more content for each chapter it covers, rather than cutting down on things.

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It's a comfy series. There is no conflict to discuss, and everyone knew that clara is best girl anyway.

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That's not really his harem. If any, only Clara and Ameri are interested in Iruma, and only Ameri is the only one who is doing "serious" advances towards him, while Clara only cares more about his friendship.
Like other anons have said, the focus of the story is not romance, but more about Iruma's shenaningans and how he has to deal with everyone withtout people knowing he is a human.

you're forgetting someone user

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Third from the left is best

To be fair, Alice is probably a more serious contender than Clara.

They know how to succ tits.

I honestly like Az as a contender more than Ameri. Az seems to be genuinely overjoyed to be with Iruma and their parts together are more interesting. Ameri only interest in Iruma seems to revolve around her shoujo fantasies and "He's interesting because he's human"

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>Second season out next year.

Gone but not forgotten.

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I just caught up to the end of the school festival arc, holy shit that was an unexpected twist. I've ended up liking this series a lot.

Is Opera male or female or both

purposely ambiguous, it seems

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they're the obvious pair, of course. But meh

That was initially her reason for being interested in Iruma, but after the Student Council arc, it became much more than that. Alice is great, but I feel like his relationship with Iruma is too uneven to work. I think Alice works best when interacting on someone from the outside because it's always to see how other view his relationship with Iruma.

I read a sad, short fan comic on pixiv where it was Az as Iruma's best man at his and Ameri's wedding. Az was in deep regret about not confessing to Iruma and not trying to move their relationship deeper, which seems like the most likely end (given that Az actually has any deeper feelings).


That sounds pretty interesting. Link? I am curious what Nishi's plans are for Alice. His relationship with Iruma feels so different from any other in a shonen.(Unless I'm completely blanking on some obvious one)

I didn't bookmark it, so I'd have to dig through the now hundreds of iruazu stuff to find it again
I think that the author is going to put alice together with clara in the end

Oh, alright.
I like Azu, I just hope he gets a satisfying end.

What I thought is most interesting about Az's relationship with Iruma is that he's constantly doing things he wouldn't otherwise do with Iruma in mind. Playing with clara, dressing up as a girl, handling fish, etc.
It makes you really want to root for him.

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Was it ever explained why Eiko also wanted pictures of Amelie? Is she a shipper or something?

>ywn be told this personally by Iruma-sama

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>you will never open your bedroom door to this

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she is my guess. went with the girls only hroup in for the amusement park

Clara is a fucking work of art. She is chaos incarnate and it shows in her design.

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Everything refers to opera as sex unknown
The girls only line was referring to just the students

>Sabnock was originally going to be a manlet
What a horrific timeline that would have been.

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From the fanart this gets I really want to know what proportion of the fanbase are fujos

you just know

Finding Clara was such a great gift. I don't think I've ever seen an anime character that just radiates hyperactivity in the same way that she does. Also I pretty much like everyone in this show. God bless this one being adapted by NHK. Hopefully we get a shit ton more seasons.

Really good decision. I like the contrast of him being imposing but also just being a really good fucking bro.


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chaotic stupid

With a character like Alice, and the main girl love interests being a goblin and an amazon, it makes sense.

If I recall correctly the author posted on twitter that Opera originally had longer hair and was "probably female", but the design was changed and now they're not sure. I've seen one fan joke that Opera is male on top (shoulders) and female below (legs). The real answer is probably cats.

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>Hopefully we get a shit ton more seasons.
hell no! ufotable remake when?

He's coming

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>He's coming
is going to be a disappointment

Seems like a guy, honestly.

I hope the story doesn't become harem-focused. Usually when that happens, the story always low its quality and becomes way more dull.

Evil Iruma foreshadowed it.

Will Iruma-kun secure the future of the Valac bloodline in S2?

The one thing that was definitely improved are the Clara scenes

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I wouldn't worry about it. Most harems are self-inserting trash. This is written by a woman, so I'd be more worried about it going full fujo than it becoming a harem.