
Hentatsu ep11 to air in about an hour.

Brace for a third round of Tatsuki episode 11 shock.

Attached: RIP Iguana.jpg (1200x675, 171.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


he's been retweeting every prior episode and this is likely the second to last
what is the surprise I wonder

That was for a "self-marathon" (of a 30 minute show).

He also retweeted some 2018 Hentatsu videos yesterday. Since he brought them up there, it probably means those conversations won't appear in the TV version. It's all new stuff from here on out.

Episode 11... Keifuku-san reveal? Maybe the chameleon gets revenge on Oni? I believe in Tatsuki!

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Yup, the people is already on alert mode.


WOW, that was scary for a moment.


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Were there extra credits? Seemed different.

I missed it cause of DNS issues

It said "due to certain circumstances, the content has been changed", so it looks like he really was planning something to lead into AnimeJapan2020 before it got cancelled.

The credits themselves were the same as always.

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you should be able to rewind up to 30 minutes

ah, thanks for the tip user but he just uploaded it on twitter

I was really worried they'd do a nice boat for the full 1:30.


nice boat

The conversation at the end of this episode was just like the ending of Hentatsu 2018.

How is there still one more episode left?

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They haven't announced yet how many episodes Hentatsu will get, but most people is thinking they will be 12.

It says "to be continued" in the credits, so there should be another episode. Cat also said 12 in episode 7.

But then again there's another show that ended with a boat and "to be continued"...

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Naisu boat

If anything, whatever he had planned was probably just shelved in favor of a more subdued online announcement.

It will never stop hurting.

It's coming.

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We Keifuku-san (TV anime 24 episodes) now!

Attached: Keifuku-san Reiwa era.png (800x800, 595.48K)

Nice boat trending.

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Where are you, Taremayu?

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2ch raw

テロップ : 都合により、内容を変更してお送りしています? ? ?

ネ : なんですか?
鬼 : なんか irodori って 11 話にびっくりする事起こるらしいから。
ネ : 落としたのかと思ってびっくりしましたよ。
(鬼 : へへへへ 猫 : ふふふ)

鬼 : ケムリやらの 11 話もたまたまお話がそうなっただけやで~
ネ : でも、なんとか総集編を挟まずに。
鬼 : 今期、ほんま大変みたいやからな。
ネ : 恐ろしい、恐ろしいぃ~。
鬼 : そいや、全然アニメの話してへんなぁ。
ネ : そうですよ! やれ、犬だの猫だの。
鬼 : ほな、作画監督いっちょ語って下さいよ。
ネ : ほぉぉ、あ、そうですね! 自然なキャラらしさというか。 セリフに合った動きとかを考えるようにしてますね。
鬼 : ほぉ~ん。
ネ : なんですかその顔は。 監督的には
鬼 : へんたつもこのなりやけど、アニメとして意義のある事もしてて…とか話すと何十時間かかるからなぁ。
ネ : 一分半ですからねぇ。 へんたつって何なんですか?
鬼 : ただの雑談やけどー、発想を捕まえる様というか…
ネ : 12 話もそういう心象風景ですか?
鬼 : さぁ~知らんなぁ。
ネ : ふふふ。 まぁ、こうして枠も頂けて。
鬼 : ガリも全うできたかなぁ。
ネ : う、ははは
鬼 : ほな、スタジオ戻ろうかぁ。
ネ : はい、はい。 筆も乗ってますよね、最近。
鬼 : まぁ、お陰様で。
ネ : この前聞いたやつも凄く面白かったですよ。
鬼 : ほんまにぃ~?
(鬼 : はははは ネ : ふふふふ)

テロップ : つづく

If we're going for a remake like how Kemurikusa happened, I would be very happy!

>ネ : この前聞いたやつも凄く面白かったですよ。
If it was a remake of an older thing, I don't think he would say this. He wouldn't have heard of it "この前", he would have heard of it 8 years ago.

Also, this scene in web Hentatsu ended with "Alright, time to go work on Kemurikusa". This time they're being vague about it. (Probably a bad example though, since Kemurikusa anime was already announced before Hentatsu.)

Timed, machineTL garbage subs. Plain white with black outline:


Edit, fix, re-upload however you want.

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Now we have a nice trend.



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Japan noticed there are 26 fish following the nice boat.

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It's a stretch, but it's possible. There are 12 fish for Kemurikusa in .


What do you mean, weren't you in it already?
You're getting a full two cour show and you're gonna like it.

>26 fish for 26 episodes
Interesting. I wonder if the show really will be Keifuku, doesn't really feel like it to me but I haven't really been picking up on any hints towards anything else. Then again, Keifuku-san creatures are the weird delivery service metaphor for anime and all that so I don't really think they'd quite count as "hints"

Nice anime

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I feel threatened but I don't hate it

A TV series with 26 episodes would be a first both for Tatsuki and Yaoyorozu, the limit for them has always been 12 episodes.

It would be interesting to see what they could do with more than 12 since we will never get their KF2. As long as they are given enough time, I'm sure they could tell a great story.

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>first cour Fall 2020 second cour Spring 2021
What would you say?

Doesn't Hentatsu technically have more than that at this point?

It's too risky to let Tatsuki rest in-between. Full 26 episodes Fall through Winter with them working Spring 2021 on the full length movie follow-up released Summer 2021. I got some extra Nissin packs laying around, let's get this funded.

Well, I see them as two different versions, with two different episodes count.

Yes, I think is something warranted we will get something good, but I was talking more on the way of Fukuhara stating previously that a Yaoyorozu series does take a year or two year to be made or how Tatsuki neraly got karoshi'd with Kemurikusa.

Ah, gotcha, I didn't mean to imply they couldn't do it, but that I really want them to have the time to tell a longer story. But you're right about what Fukuhara/Yaoyorozu. I almost wonder if they will do 26 half-length episodes to help with the work needed for each episode?

Huge difference between an 1.5-3 minute short and a 24 minute episode.

Thank you as always. I'll try to get a fixed version up soon, but I'm a bit busy so it might take until later today or tomorrow. I'll create a new thread with it if the current one dies by then.

Cool, appreciated!

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Why the oni so smug

Attached: hoooo.png (176x224, 90.85K)

Local oni destroys pandemic with one simple trick. Corona-chan hates her!

Attached: tips_from_oni.jpg (1221x500, 91.65K)

Because it's her time now.

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Delightfully devilish!

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How are her panties?