It's actully really good I don't get why Yas Forums has such a hate boner for it
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yas Forums
>having taste
>garbage filler of the worst kind
>Kubo-tier cancer writing
>horribad characters (though they're somehow still better than the Wan Piss and Nurutzu cast)
>bad animation 90% of the time
>repetitive as fuck
The only decent things were the music and the voice acting
Yas Forums has shit taste.
Please tell me why and how is it good.
Once you get to heuco mundo in the anime it turns to pure shit. Half the episodes are recaps, most of the fighting is dialogue, as soon as you get invested in a fight it cuts away to another fight you don't care about and these fights are pointless anyways. They just randomly run into these dudes while running around aimlessly. They don't even feel plot relevant.
Yas Forums is tsundere for Bleach
and this is different from naruto/onepiece/any shounen of the time how?
At least bleach had top tier character design and an interesting world. If it had stopped right after the soul society arc, it would have been a masterpiece.
Say what you will about the anime, but the ost is godly.
It's not,all of these are bad
Everything after Aizen lost was garbage.
Yas Forums has a hate boner for almost everything.
Another pleb fillter by fullbring
Yas Forums is too tsundere for Kubo. No matter how much they suck his dick they just can't get enough of it and want more.
Bleach doesn't have a world half as interesting as one piece and has far fewer great arcs, and naruto at least had an end goal. bleach just went nowhere.went nowhere and di
>B-Bleach doesn't have a story structure, end goal or development!
Maybe if Kubo hadn't made the main Fullbringer look like Aizen's brother, then the reader wouldn't be counting down until Ichigo is betrayed. That still wouldn't have helped the tedious training or dull temporary skill set that Ichigo gets.
Nah, a solid 6/10
Ok pleb
Who is best girl and why is it Nelliel?
He´s agreeing with you, idiot
how new?
It had style and I really enjoyed early Bleach, don't get me wrong. But at least in Naruto the fights were over something. Bleach could have taken a more strategic warfare kind of route, which would have been great, but it didn't. What I am saying is if the aimless wondering had a point, it would have worked out. Like trying to find a good vantage point so you can spot enemy movements and there just so happens to be a guard there.
>But at least in Naruto the fights were over something
What does this mean? Fights happen because 2 characters want to kill eachother
>What I am saying is if the aimless wondering had a point
>Like trying to find a good vantage point so you can spot enemy movements and there just so happens to be a guard there
What does THIS mean? Enemy encounters are always happening in bleach
Stop spamming nigger. Let the thread fucking die
Mods dont care
>how new
Not as new as you apparently.
Damn straight. Eat shit.
Kill yourself
I actually thought it was great until midway through the soul society. I thought the fight with your guy kenpachi (I think) was pretty sweet
What changed?
It's pretty fun with tons of great characters. The problem is that it's plotless, repetitive, empty as fuck and there is the world building is terrible. Nothing ever gets explored. Basically, anything is more interesting and worth exploring than the main character and what's going on in the "plot". It's so empty and devoid of content that it ended without showing most things that were teased, such as the royal guard's powers.
Too much soul.
>The problem is that it's plotless, repetitive, empty as fuck and there is the world building is terrible
No, the problem is that you are a retarded headcanonfag
I just kind of lost interest with it. I thought it got a little bit too long for the arc. It's just my personal opinion though, glad some people out there enjoyed it right through. Was considering reading the manga of it to see if I would enjoy it more, because I honestly thought the first lot of episodes were really great. Soundtrack was fucking great too
Exploration and interaction are two entirely different things kiddo
Imagine speedreading this hard
just give me more Tatsuki, Yoruichi, Kuukaku and Harribel,
I don't need anything else
just wait til you get to to Fullbring arc
the series starts falling apart before then, but thats when the shit really hits the fan in terms of writing quality, and not in a good way
Kubo tame~~
God, look at that SOUL
Pre 2008 Kubo was a global treasure we didn't know we had until it was gone
Kill yourself Yas Forumsermin
>My post
>Your post
Kill yourself subhuman
>all the "power theft" in the series
>no woman that does it or vores/absorbs people
feels bad man
Based take
>I don't get why Yas Forums has such a hate boner for it
You really fell for the meme now, don't you.
no soul desu
Die nigger
Fullbring is the second best arc though.
The character's Playlist is also crazy good. I started listening to it a month ago. Highly recommended.
It's not. Even One Piece is better.
Shit taste anime only plebs like you should keep theith mouth shut.
>wan piss