The Japan Sensha-Dō Federation has formally issued a press release in which it announced the suspension of all ongoing...

>The Japan Sensha-Dō Federation has formally issued a press release in which it announced the suspension of all ongoing tournaments, after four members of the Anzio Girls High School team, including the team's overall commander, Chiyomi Anzai, tested positive for COVID-19. The students had recently travelled to Italy to celebrate, following the school's victory against Bonple High School in the first round of the Winter Continuous Track Cup.

>The announcement had immediate effects on the fixture between Ooarai High School and Chi-Ha-Tan Academy, which was ongoing at the time of the announcement, bringing it to an abrupt end.

Not the fucking tanks too, what am I supposed to watch now?

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Replays of the older matches. I hear there might be a screening of last years National Cup happening soon

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You can't cancel Das Finale 3 if it's only scheduled for release in two years

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Fake news.
Everyone knows these girls have carbon coated lungs.

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By the by, today is the 80th anniversary for the end of Winter War

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Anzio cant afford them

I've heard that Russians think of the Winter War as a war that nobody won. I don't know if that's what most Russians actually think, but man is that ever an accurate description. So many people died and had to experience some of the most traumatizing conditions of human history, and by the end of the day, the Finns lost and the Soviets didn't really accomplish anything particularly useful.


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I'd like to order the Fresh Whitebait Rice Bowl special.

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I have to admit, I never understood these nicknames they had

So is there a 啊!stream on next sunday?

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Hoshino is surrounded by whores

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Yes (as in the 22nd), but I guess the time hasn't been decided yet.

My boyfriend is not a whore.

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Isn't Sunday a silly day? I imagine most europoor wageslaves won't be able to make it

I guess so, I don't know why it's on a Sunday. On the other hand, because of coronavirus, everyone has remote work anyway.

Corona-chan is preventing us from working silly user

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>Saunders used asbestos for their lungs coating because Kay said it's cheaper

Not up here, us blue collars will need to work normally
I really should finish my degree so I could transfer to a comfy office job

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Blame your autism.

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Fuck sensha-do.
We /tankatlon/ now

Cancelled due to AIDS.

Shiho is so fucking hot it's unreal.

Well, she is unreal.

why are finish moomins standing in front of a swastika emblazoned tank?

Finnish tanks had swastikas on them.

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That's the BT-42 in Parola tank museum. Notably, that's the Finnish swastika, not the Nazi swastika.

The swastika in the finnish military has a longer history then the one used by the germans, if I remember correctly. Can't recall which one though, it's been a while.
Also that's a depiction of the last existing BT42 that lives in the Parola Tank Museum in Spurdoland

I want her to cum on my rice bowl.


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The Finnish Airforce used that very same swastika as their emblem up until the end of WW2. I'd imagine the case to be the same for armored elements

how did the swastika end up so popular in those days?

It's a geometrically simple shape that represents many different things. It's still everywhere in Asian religions.

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Hitler's worst crime was tainting the swastika along with all the other stuff that gets talked about a lot.

it's an ancient indoeuropean symbol for the sun there are swastikas that go back 5,000 years

Whys she smiling?

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Which Guppie would fare the best as a post apocalyptic warlord?
I know my answer

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I want to rebuild civilization with the bunnies.

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This guy face never stop to makes me kek

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Fat Chiyomi

Someone help her!

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Have someone made a webm/gif of Hosomi making the 360° turn on pic related ?

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DUWANG stream is gonna take place on Saturday 21st, starting at the same time as the previous stream (4pm UTC). Make sure you're ready for Armoured Vortex

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I have had Chant de l'Oignon stuck in my head ever since das Finale 2 came out and I'm starting to see spaces before punctuation where there aren't any. Should I be worried?



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Fuck yeah, I can't wait for all the bean chariot action!

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you know what time it is


Hitler also love dogs, should we kill all dogs too?

I'll try and get Das Finale 1 and 2 DUWANG'd too

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