Dragon Ball Super

Do you think we'll ever get to/go past the EoZ?

Attached: eoz pan.png (512x683, 142.42K)

We already have, with DBGT.

Attached: MEDICAL SCHOOL.jpg (645x960, 86.43K)

What is GT.

High GoD/Low Angel tier? Y/N

Attached: Broly SSG.png (750x785, 1.11M)

Not!Ozaru Broly is already high GoD tier user

Not canon

Coming to Heroes soon enough.
Along with SSB Broly.

>still [headcanon]

Attached: Blindandpoisonedhan wins.png (1007x487, 589.89K)

Attached: Jobhan 1.jpg (592x754, 202.94K)

Nope. Oozaru transformation doesn't stack with SSG.

It does because my wallet said so

Attached: Jobhan 2.png (806x420, 182.05K)


Attached: enter chadhan.png (1024x576, 779.26K)

Attached: Jobhan 3.jpg (1280x720, 55.47K)

Who can be counted on? Krillin?

REMINDER This farmer is richer than 99% of people.

Attached: hillbilly millionaire.png (630x630, 401.32K)

>Still obsessed with Gohan after getting BTFO two threads in a row

I have a job, therefore farmer-kun should kneel

Attached: Jobhan 4.gif (500x281, 2.48M)

Attached: Jobhan 5.png (640x360, 325.49K)

Attached: CHADMAN CHADhan.png (1366x768, 1.11M)

Attached: Jobhan 6.gif (500x280, 2.1M)

>Chadhan scholar posting
Yeah I'm thinking this thread is BASED.

Attached: CHADhan smiles smugly.gif (435x498, 1.26M)

Attached: Jobhan 7.jpg (480x360, 24.78K)

It's that time again, post canonically UNDEFEATED characters.

Attached: 1582378130689.png (287x343, 54.83K)

Guess they can't handle Gohan's CHADCOCK.

Attached: ultimate CHADhan.png (755x1059, 882.06K)

>8 posters
>one having a meltdown over GOAThan
COLUMBINEhan soon...

Attached: 1505682830950.png (640x2067, 728.91K)

Attached: Jobhan 8.jpg (480x360, 20.17K)

Fun fact: if you shoot him, he dies.

Attached: ERaWErRXYAA5L12.jpg (359x624, 53.72K)

Chadest of the Chads.

Attached: Gohan (1).png (1851x3239, 1.26M)

Attached: Jobhan 9.gif (320x180, 1.31M)

>posting an edit

Attached: brainlethan.png (420x525, 185.47K)

Attached: 1582753155643.png (593x628, 345.43K)

And comes back STRONGER!

Attached: CHADhan is just getting started.gif (400x224, 503.08K)

>posting an edit's edit

Attached: KINGhan.jpg (336x515, 37.93K)

Attached: Jobhan 10.jpg (640x480, 39.86K)

CHADHAN's here

Attached: 1584119988625.gif (500x337, 1.75M)

Attached: Jobhan 11.jpg (1024x576, 59.31K)

Attached: Jobhan 12.png (728x423, 595.96K)


Attached: 1584034768192.gif (540x301, 1.06M)

>Gohan? Who the hell is Gohan? Oh, you mean that Jobtard who's liked by all the faggoty little spics.

Attached: 1583003527780.png (1280x1078, 941.3K)

>THREE (3) threads in a row dominated by CHADHAN

Attached: 1582497455191.gif (400x225, 3.42M)

BOOM Whis!

Attached: Angel one-shotter.jpg (1920x1080, 159.71K)

That’s not confirmed, also it’s free money so it probably will end up stacking.

Attached: CHADmasu.png (1366x1536, 2.1M)


Attached: 1583121815281.png (880x1300, 867.58K)

Based sequel

Attached: cuckren.png (1280x720, 878.38K)

>goku dead
>only vegeta and gohan left to face moro
which one of these two do you trust to make the killing blow

Attached: d6c8a703d6107ce78efbd874f37342a1.jpg (640x640, 83.26K)

BASED reporting in

Attached: GODhan taking out the trash.gif (480x270, 3.85M)

Attached: broly vs jiren.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

Attached: wtf.png (416x386, 55.61K)

>10 seconds later

Attached: 112.jpg (676x485, 53.77K)

Attached: CHADhan smiles.gif (498x278, 1.02M)

No. DBZ era is the most popular and profitable and will always be, better staying in the comfort zone than taking a risk by doing something new

Probably Vegeta since he actually received actually training unlike Gohan

Vegeta because of his new training, Gohan doesn’t have new gimmicks
If it were against Jiren, however, CHADhan wins.


Attached: roshi.png (1280x704, 605.9K)

You just described DBS.

Attached: CHADhan stare.gif (278x280, 468.16K)

>LITERALLY shaking after Kung Fu Panda's rape session
Why is Jobhan so pathetic?

Attached: n200213100-5-10.jpg (640x500, 156.9K)

Based Chadhan thread

Attached: CHADhan pump.gif (498x398, 300.73K)

Yes, that's right, the Cutegang. You remember them don't you Gonzales? They're superior to Jobtard in every conceivable way.

Attached: Caulifla 1714.jpg (1024x1821, 319.15K)

>Krillin is the only one who won a legit 1vs1
>everyone else ganged up or jobbed until Goku arrives
Fucking christ

Bros. What's the best Chadhan outfit and why is it pic related?

Attached: cool CHADhan.gif (500x281, 206.8K)

My wife Chino....

Reminder that CHADHAN is UNSTOPPABLE no matter what you throw at him.
4 year old with zero training or fighting experience
>humiliates some saiyan warrior who spent all his life fighting
broken neck
>walks it off like it's nothing
broken arm
>massacres Super Perfect Cell regardless
>also holds off two strong Andriods by himself
weakened vision and all alone
>humiliates Buutenks holding him off for long enough
poisoned and blinded
>defeats some interuniversal fighter that's among the strongest of his universe

Only a CHAD could completely neglect his training and still win fights he has no reasons winning.

Attached: FAST.gif (500x281, 1022.88K)

Attached: Gokek beatdown.webm (640x360, 2.02M)

Hey that's me. Kinda.

Attached: piccolo.png (1371x2108, 2.49M)

Exit TARDku
Exit JOBly
Exit BITCHhan
Exit WEAKro

Attached: Canon.jpg (500x609, 101.35K)

>thread is literally nothing but the one Jirentard spamming Gohan and a couple other retards spamming posts of Gohan jobbing

Attached: 1496094388099.jpg (363x463, 37.54K)

>h-he just walked off the broken neck, i-it wasn't the Senzu Bean that saved his life I s-s-swear


BASED af the only contender is this

Attached: AESTHETIChan.jpg (750x1140, 218.63K)

>Shitrentard babble

Don't you have a funeral to go to spic?

Attached: Caulifla 1689.jpg (1198x1764, 192K)

>Jirencuck being retarded

Attached: gohan.png (1280x720, 1.2M)

>no argument

can we have an actual fucking discussion for once

Attached: cell.jpg (480x247, 11.81K)