>At the end, I really felt the wind blow
Act-Age 105 Korean scans
Cute slut
Rick thinking their performance fits better since you can feel Princess Iron Fan's love for her husband.
>went back a little to show ox king Araya
Wow, he looks so loving.
He's sad because he thinks he won't get to perform in Japan again.
>I want to kill and be killed by a woman like you for the rest of my life
>afterglow face
Shiraishi talking about how it makes sense and he fucked up again.
>pushes hair back to resemble the Ox King
Characters noticing Rick's intervention will look scripted now.
Because of her memories of the man she loves resurfacing she stops wanting to kill them.
Komodo dragon.
good guys b team
Kuro asking to change the performance to match team A's.
This is a really cool turn of events and also ensures that team B doesn't simply take their victory by default.
Talking about if the Monkey King would do that.
Who Hanako couldn't forgive isn't el padre but herself who keeps loving him in spite of everything.
>It was all me. I did it. Im truly sorry.
>Kuroyama used the play to teach Hanako something about herself
Heh, similar name too.
Nice, can't wait for him to pump and dump her again, but this time, Hanako will orgasm twice as much.
>Princess Iron Fan isn't a story about anger, it's about a woman who can't accept her heart being given a push by Sun Wukong.
>It's a story about salvation.
>Nice one Kuroyama but tch
Looks good, looking forward to the official translation now.
>Those lit up eyes, what's Yonagi's fixed her gaze on is---
Well, that's it. Nice conclusion.
Determined Kei
yeah cool why do they keep delaying Kei's nude scene?
>We will never have a cool TL user like CSMbros so we're always stuck to Viz's mistranslations and fuckups
Why must we suffer so much?
Yonagi doesn't have the money to hire translators.
Because we're good boys and not degenerates.
So they literally did the same thing to compete with team A properly? Wow.
Woah she looks beautiful here
And Chiyoko doesn't look bad either.
Holy shit, they're such bros.
No, they copied this so Rigu's doesnt get #cancelled by legitimizing his fuck up at the ending scene.
Oh wow Kuro's being a hack again
Based Araya is a Rickbro now, he knows the #meetoo movement all too well.
JP -> KR -> ENG speedtranslations aren't exactly accurate either.
I think the Viz translations are mostly fine. It's just pretty stiff and lacking the characters' individual speech patterns and honorifics.
E.g. pic-related, you could never make out that in the top panels it's Kei talking and in the middle ones it's Riku continuing her explanation. I guess English translations are prone to that in any case.
Im sorry to inform you all that the that due to the recent spread of COVID19, the double casting project has been cancelled.
>no refunds, though
>teleports behind you
>el padre
don't know who came up with this but it never fails to make me laugh.
Someone post the power level chart.
Mexicans from /dbs/
Overall, I'd still give the victory to team B
This, while reading Team B's performance was underwhelming their play is indeed more cohesive.
Yep, I feel the same.
Based. Stars faggots need no apply.
>Premiere of team B ends and Akira is still not here
Damn. Should've known Corona-chan is very popular in airports.
>I'll be there for your permorfance
Author just forgot him again.
He sent Chiyoko a text before the play so he did likely run late rather than just being ignored by the writer.
Cute pro
But he said Kei and Akira are his favorites. Provided that didn't change.
>taking the Hanako/Riku/Yonagi clusterfuck and building it into their interpretation of the characters
Team B top crazy
>Araya will never look at you with those eyes
Why live?
>making your favorite characters the most boring one.
What did he mean by this.
Kei has something to say.