
What plan will Renner-sama use to take over the Nazarik and expose Ainz Owl Gown as a fraud?

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has hitori called dibs on marus blog or can i go ahead and translate it?

She will have so many babies with climb they will take over Nazarick by sheer numbers

Wake up you fuckers, the fact that it's 8 in the morning is no reason not to praise momong...ainz-sama.

He hasn't said anything about translating the blog. He's got his hands full with the volume anyway so go ahead.

what a cute little imp

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I wonder if Shalltear will make an appearance this volume

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Are we seriously not gonna discuss that fact that 8mill of people were killed in this war?
And how Ainz was so disgusted with the nobles that he no longer cares about the kingdom. Ainz has started to like Zanac until the nobles kill him to appease Ainz which backfired.

Wait, the nobles kill zanac??

i will. Thanks for the info.


I really need to stop coming to these threads.

When is the next translation being posted?

No we are really not going to do that, nothing of value was lost. Now let's get back to things that matter, like Renner and her upgrade to an imp.

What you expect. Ainz refuse their surrender and intend to wage war. The nobles though if they offer up their king( zanac took the throne already), then Ainz might spare them. Instead Ainz just got disgusted by their betrayal

Probably in 14 hours.

>Now let's get back to things that matter, like Renner and her upgrade to an imp.
Yes, lets.
So, why is there still no fanart of her new form? Aren't japs into that kind of thing?

Are you actually looking at places where they would post such things? Moon runes are too hard.

There is no way to verify what you're saying so don't expect me to comment in it. Shit isn't translated yet

Twitter and Pixiv with japanese name

>Zanuck: I think it was a very good character personally.
Well Zanac is already confirmed dead, hard to understand the google translate of the blog but at least that much is clear. Luckily it's going to be actually translated soon.

Chapter 1: both Ainz nation and the kingdom are confuse by the attack cause by the nobles on the grain supplies destined to be ship to the Holy kingdom.
Chapter2:Nazarick declare war and both nation has 1 month to prepare. Ainz decide that each guardian should try their own methods to take down the kingdom and allow them free reign.
Chapter3: zanac and the nobles try to seek a surrender. But Ainz rejected the surrender but somehow Zanac manage to notice a more human side of Ainz. Seeing that their both only try to protect their own people and seek happiness for theiR people. But nobles refuse to accept the truth and backstab Zanac to gain Ainz favor. Ainz got disgusted and order their torture while giving Mare order to wipe out the army. Kingdom last army was gone in less than a hour.
Chapter4: Albedo fight Red Drop leader while PA faces the Armor. While Ainz watch these battles with the mirror. Ainz/PA offer to stop the war if PDL become a subordinates but was refused and escape. PA notice then it was just a Remote controlled Armor.
Ainz undead was deployed in every part of the kingdom to quickly take them out and allow the guardians to make their own decisions. As a result 90% of kingdom were wipe out. Therefore become the fallen kingdom while Renner move into Nazarick and lived on the 9th floor.

I mean does it even matter? Every one else is just playthings to Nazarick anyway. It's the reason why I dropped this shit.


Not reading. I have no bloody idea if it's a spoiler or something which you've pulled from your ass.

Looks legit.

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Baidu chinks threads were practically on fire talking about it. They posted small summaries about each chapter.

Thanks. More of a reason to hide, then.

Is she the same race as Albedo now?

Then why are you still here?

Albedo has several racial classes. While Renner herself only just became a lv1 imp demon. Huge difference

>90% of kingdom were wipe out
Gosh, I know we are reading this from the perspective of the villain but sometimes I just start feeling bad for the people of that world that just want to live a normal peaceful life.

Funny thing is judging from the picture, Hilma will definitely be blamed for Phillip blunder

Albedo's primary racial skill is Imp 10
So if Renner skills up, she can get similar to Albedo.

Do we even know what Imp race does?

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I can feel the epicness just from reading this.

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I think I heard she's fine

Brain didn't got the race change in the WN because he escaped before Shalltear could take him to Nazarick.

Demiurge is also an imp. Seems like it is the base race for demons

>As a result 90% of kingdom were wipe out.
>kingdom has a population of 9 million people
guardians dindu noffin

Probably some sort of a basic demonic class, like a dragon or human.

What happened to Enri?

I wouldn’t feel guilty about them. They were useless mouths to feed anyway. The infrastructure is too corrupted and kept their old ways of doing things. If Ainz had actually taken the kingdom, he would spend years trying to make it prosper. Albedo might die from overwork. The lands and natural resources are what important to Ainz. The Alberion hill are pretty barren while Ainz is already feeding several nations. The mountains,lake,forest and hill residents are already too much. But now Ainz could settle some of the other races in these fertile lands of the kingdom.

Another things is that they are already plotting against Ainz. Both Agrande and Theocracy are getting their grubby fingers into the kingdom and influencing them. Nor will the churches in the Kingdom do Ainz any favor. Is best to just wipe it out and show the world how serious Nazarick is. That you don’t mess with Nazarick and any attack on them would receive a fierce response in return

translation of marus blog on the characters:
>ehm...he is a good dragon?
>however, he stands at the top and is focused on his goals so he can be ruthless at times.
>well its only natural
>his powersuit is strong! but he is only a human.
>you could say that he is not weak, but level-wise he is indeed weak. The weakest in his team.
>by the way, the powersuit belongs to Azuth and not to Tsa. Why does he have it?
>i wonder if this question will ever be answered
>the original owners name isn`t mentioned here. I wonder if i have given you a hint.
>he is related to the settings at the basis of Overlord and can not exist system wise but still exists. what do i mean?
(maru might be referring to something which happens during the fight with cocytus in this volume)
>I thought about this development for a long time but past-maruyama probably had something slightly different in mind
>honestly, cocytus`second remark was unnecessary. it might actually be a pretty big blunder. The people that dont understand what i mean are normal people. those that correctly think "ah its that" are a little strange. whats up with your memorypower?
>there are few people he hated(or few that hated him) and he was a pretty good character.
I have no idea what maru is trying to say about Renner. if someone can give me a pointer i would be very grateful.
>he was a clown till the end
>well to him that is happiness so its probably a good life.
>after that he will get quite the shock but Renner will be gentle with him!
>Q:why did Renner fell in love with him?
>A: Animaltherapy. but Renner was already twisted so she couldnt become a good person anymore.
>just as Ainz is complete with Nazarick, Renner is complete with Climb.

what kind of retard kills 90% of populace and for what reason

She is alive. But if she escape without any pain is a whole different topic. Author said that 8 fingers should be glad they were spared.

>Pandora's Action
>With Albedo
All of my yes

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what about blue rose? also rip?

>kill every top noble and leave only low iq trash
>get disgusted by them
wait how could this happen????

Looking at this, I'm reminded that we dind't get Renner's alignment.
But I guess it would be obvious Extreme Evil -500

So Renner finally used her race change item? Does she have tiny wings?

>top noble
All retards. This is what happend when you don't listen to the strong.

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To reduce cost and risk. Nazarick don’t have the manpower to hold the kingdom. What Nazarick does need are it’s fertile lands and natural resources.

But is actually also a misunderstanding. Npc’s twisted Ainz orders when he gave them free reign to wage war. Nor did the nobles personality did them any favor by showing Ainz just how disgusting they were.

Gee, I wonder

Dude there's no need to justify genocide to like Overlord. Villain perspective is what we like about this story after all.

The floor guardian just having fun for the first time

>Nazarick don’t have the manpower to hold the kingdom
>literally unlimited skeletons out of ass

Well,is not like Ainz knew how the noble society works. In Ainz mind as a jap salary man, is a must that the worker are loyal to their boss and is also the boos job to take care of his subordinates. In japan a worker stay in 1 company their whole life. Switching job is pretty rare

The only smart top noble retired. The rest were already shit and dancing on his palm or under the control of the 8 fingers.

Soldiers are useless. What Nazarick need is capable manpower. Not grubs.
Albedo barely manage to stabilize E-rantel alone

Not man, but food supply.
Remember Ainz also have 3 kingdom to feed.

>Not enough man power
Ainz can shit liches and death knights. A single lich with two death knights and a soul eater is enough to take over a city if you subjugate the local population and form your own militia.

You clearly don’t know how a country operate if you think liches and death knight are what kept a nation running. The amount of problems for running a country is massive.

And even if Ainz spend a whole decade making liches he would still not have enough to run a nation nor have the time to properly train them.