Anybody here care to tell me why this series was so popular and overly hyped back in the early to late 00's...

Anybody here care to tell me why this series was so popular and overly hyped back in the early to late 00's? I tried to get into the series during my early middle school days after a friend recommended it to me. Couldn't get into it then after a few episodes, so now I look at it through the eyes as an adult and indeed I dislike it even more. The plot is inconsistent as well as events from earlier parts of the story having little to no great impact on the future plot. The protagonist doesn't speculate or go out of his way to question or uncover why supernatural Haruhi is the way she is or why these things are happening (Who? Why? How? Rules of writing are out the window) and just goes with the ride. Also, everybody besides main cast is an NPC unaware and unable to do anything to effect the main plot, which confines it all to the main cast resulting in sometimes predictable outcomes to random situations that themselves aren't thoroughly explained and solved with even less explained solutions. So why was this so appealing and what was the point of the whole story? Anyone here care to explain?

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>So why was this so appealing

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No idea. Disappearance of Haruhi used to be in MAL's top five. I remember posting here about how bored I was watching that movie and Yas Forums flipped out at me. Finished it and still didn't get the hype.

You just have bad taste user, I'm sorry.

Wad it just the autistic intro dance that built the hype or what!?
Please refute OP:s points then, because he seems to have some valid opinions around why the show didn't appeal to him.

Why would I refute him and his points? You are yourself and you just said it was boring, which it objectively isn't.

>The plot is inconsistent as well as events from earlier parts of the story having little to no great impact on the future plot
You can;t say stuff like this and forget to point exactly what you mean.

>The protagonist doesn't speculate or go out of his way to question or uncover why supernatural Haruhi is the way she
Why would he need to? He already has enough on his plate and also accepted thing the way they are, it's just not part of his personality.
>Also, everybody besides main cast is an NPC unaware and unable to do anything to effect the main plot,
Wrong, but this point I can somehow give it to you.

becuase its fun

Otaku golden era of moe+ Kyoani golden era+ the show pretty much managed to capture that style that Otaku loved back then while also adding a bit of plot to make it more entertaining, now it's mostly loved by oldfags from that time.

>Otaku golden era of moe
Moe is ever present, there isn't a golden era, just a time where the west noticed a contrast between "manime" and "moe".

Literally everything surrounding timetravel was inconsistent and a plot hole. It was a lazy writers tool to tie unexplained things together and then he couldn't even do that without contradicting himself. Suddenly that contradiction is fixed by Haruhi somehow being able to create two separate timelines that eventually become one down the line (yeah she can fucking do that to! Don't ask how!)
>Why would he need to?
Why would anybody question reality when there are supernatural events occurring in front of you and the people you associate with have clearly both displayed and talked about these supernatural phenomenon!?
>He already has enough on his plate and also accepted thing the way they are, it's just not part of his personality.
That is unsatisfactory character building as there is no development then! The only people who wouldn't question these kind of things are seriously mentally ill people with psychotic episodes!

Do not try to discuss Haruhi-shit here, Kyoani might be dead for good but the cancer fanbase, specially oldfags are still crawling and deluding themselves with this show thinking it's some kind of timeless masterpiece, let them be contained in their threads that's the best you can do.

Because some of the characters have vaginas

>That is unsatisfactory character building
Didn't know there was a set of arbitrary rules to write a satisfactory character

>as there is no development then!
But there is, Kyon is the character who gets developed the most.

>The only people who wouldn't question these kind of things are seriously mentally ill people with psychotic episodes!
So, anyone who doesn't act the way you would, is a mentally ill person, specially a high school boy who was more excited than anything to be involved in such things

>Literally everything surrounding timetravel was inconsistent and a plot hole.
Which contradiction are you even talking about?

You use the term oldfag as if it's offensive or anything.

>Kyoani might be dead
Bit harsh there mate. That studio did make some memorable series. Klannad was OK and Free! was pretty much a teenage-girls/middle-age-gay-mans summer fantasy.

You should probably first decide whether you want pass off as someone who dropped the anime early or as someone who read every single LN of the series before attempting to troll people.

State your not cancerous fanbase which you belong to so I can have a quick laugh.

this is the most reddit thing I've read all day

Sorry I'm not into wars, Yas Forums.

>Didn't know there was a set of arbitrary rules to write a satisfactory character
There are if you want to make your character well rounded and relatable. Why do you think the terms: Strawman, Mary- Sue/Stew, Two-Dimensional or Blank-Slate, to name a few, apply universally in literature.
>Not everyone would care about paradoxes, time travel and supernatural events going on around them
Yeah, we call these people mentally retarded.
>Which contradiction
How did future Kyon save past Kyon when future Kyon is already dead?

>OK, Boomer

Attached: smugod.jpg (300x169, 13.11K)

It was a different time.

>The plot is inconsistent
Not really. Everything either gets plenty of foreshadowing or is a logical follow up to previous event.

>events from earlier parts of the story having little to no great impact on the future plot
Some events are less important than others, but the majority of the stories get at least one callback later.

>he protagonist doesn't speculate or go out of his way to question or uncover why supernatural Haruhi is the way she is
He tries to understand in the first arc, but after that it doesn't matter and he doesn't really have any way to do so.
Protip: the scifi/supernatural stuff isn't what matters. It's the coming of age story.

>everybody besides main cast is an NPC unaware and unable to do anything to effect the main plot
They aren't, they do their fair share of work. Yuki does the most actually. Mikuru is incompetent, but Koizumi does a lot.

Unless you mean "people outside of the 5 main characters". Tertiary characters rarely solve situations in Haruhi. However, they have importance sometimes (to quote a movie example, Taniguchi is the one who saved Kyon at the beginning).

>Literally everything surrounding timetravel was inconsistent and a plot hole. It was a lazy writers tool to tie unexplained things together and then he couldn't even do that without contradicting himself. Suddenly that contradiction is fixed by Haruhi somehow being able to create two separate timelines that eventually become one down the line (yeah she can fucking do that to! Don't ask how!)
There's a lot of mystery and foreshadowing about it, and it comes in answer to Haruhi's character arc and growth. She wants to protect everyone while also not breaking the current normal life she enjoys, because as Kyon says, she actually DOESN'T want anything supernatural here. So you get the Dissociation of both timeline and personalities.


>That is unsatisfactory character building as there is no development then
You're not even making sense here. Trying to understand what Haruhi is as a reality warper/god wouldn't be anymore development for Kyon. Kyon gets tons of development through his narration, his reaction to the stories, and more importantly, with his realization in Disappearance and the reveal his narration was always unreliable and he kept lying to the watcher (and himself) that he always hated being with this outcast. There's nothing that trying to test god would add to his character.

>How did future Kyon save past Kyon when future Kyon is already dead?
Stable timeloops. Haruhi is actually one of the few fictions that do timetravel right and explain it thoroughly.

>Stable timeloops. Haruhi is actually one of the few fictions that do timetravel right and explain it thoroughly.
Jesus Christ, you haven't read much time travel Sci-Fi to begin with then! Ever heard of By His Bootstraps by R. Heinlein? Pick it up and then compare it to Haruhi!

"Axiomatic set theory cannot prove the antinomies within itself without antinomies!" -Yuki Nagato

That is straight up a Russels paradox. This is essentially the writers telling the viewers that there are no satisfying or consistent answers to many of the series questions. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
>Trying to understand what Haruhi is as a reality warper/god wouldn't be anymore development for Kyon
Again, the writers just want you to enjoy the ride. A realistic character would go about questioning the entity itself once he's established his own "self" in relation to "it" and the rest of the world, but instead he just goes along with it!

>Jesus Christ, you haven't read much time travel Sci-Fi to begin with then!
I'm not claiming Haruhi invented or is one of the only ones to do that. I'm claiming that the majority of fictions do timetravel bad. Stable timeloops are often used to explain timetravel, which is good. Haruhi doesn't stop there, though, it goes pretty deep into this.

>Again, the writers just want you to enjoy the ride. A realistic character would go about questioning the entity itself
First, my previous post was addressing how it supposedly made for a less developed character. It's wrong. Trying to understand one very specific subject doesn't make you a more developed character, it's a very minor part of your actions, one that can be expected of a lot of people.

Second, there's nothing to question. Kyon has already heard everything from the 3 factions. Each faction has their own theory that overlap or not with the others. There's nothing to test because haruhi doesn't know shit. And getting involved deep within the faction doesn't sound like a crazy good idea.
But most importantly, that's because this supernatural stuff matters far less than the coming of age story. It's not about how HARUHI IS A GOD and how cool it is, it's about how a self-centered girl and a guy who tried to fit in as much as possible after he lost hopes can grow. They're each other's foil, and start sharing their values more and more as time passes, to the point where Kyon becomes the one interested with the supernatural itself more than Haruhi. That's the important part.

you're arguing with someone who believes one of the best pieces of fiction of all time is about japanese high schoolers with some sci-fi bits thrown in
take a moment to consider what kind of mind would appreciate that

kill yourself

> The protagonist doesn't speculate or go out of his way to question or uncover why supernatural Haruhi is the way she is or why these things are happening (Who? Why? How? Rules of writing are out the window) and just goes with the ride.
This is the weakest argument I’ve ever seen in my life. That’s basically 99% of all fantasy stories. Haruhi has godmode powers because she just does, literally 3 of the main cast explains this to Kyon by context (“I’m here because I need to keep an eye on Haruhi”). Making this a part of your complaint is like being upset that Harry Potter doesn’t try to figure out why he has magic (he just does) or why Winnie the Pooh and his friends are alive despite technically being stuffed animals/characters in a book (they just are).

Try to at least be a little more specific before you try to shitpost.

I like the series a lot, but I remember the movie being just ok

OP indirectly admits he enjoyed it when Qui-Gon explained to Anakin the source behind The Force

Remember when everyone got upset that Alice didn’t try to go out of her way to figure out why Wonderland exists or why there’s a portal to it in the real world

Yes OP, I too also did not enjoy Toy Story when none of the toys tried to figure out why or how they’re alive despite being inanimate objects, the writers really through conventional storytelling out the window

That's not even a valid criticism because Kyon spends like an entire book trying to understand this shit, getting infodumps from 3 different parties

its complete garbage. Idk why it was so exotic back in the day

Primitive meme value. Lucky Star rode the same wave.

Came on the scene right when Web 2.0 was gaining momentum. All the short bits with good remix value like the ED dance and the concert episode were tailor-made for instant early YouTube and NicoNico popularity.

imagine being this fucking wrong but thinking you're smart
go back r*ddit or whatever shithole you came from

That's because it is.
Yas Forums is a place unable to change whatsoever, it's a frozen community bereft of any creativity, and oldfags are to blame for that. Instead of trying to transfer the good things from the past into the present, Yas Forums desperatley tries to hold onto the "old values" without realizing that there is hardly anyone around anymore who still knows what made them good in the first place.
Yas Forums is just shit in upholding their tradition, which is always about modifying them in a way they can still be enjoyed no matter the day and age. Any community unwilling to change in any regard is destined to perish without any doubt, and in Yas Forums's case, oldfags are primarily responsible for that.

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What else did Haruhi have to offer then?

The plot doesn't go anywhere and the characters are all generic archetypes that actually had been done before, believe it or not.

I was around for when Haruhi first got big and all anybody talked about was the meme scenes and how moe it was because it was part of the first big wave of moe SoL-ish shows that got official Western releases with dubs and everything. The proto-ironic weebs at the time ate that shit up.


Anything else is revisionist cope from oldfags looking back and cringing at what old Yas Forums and Yas Forums in particular were like back then.

We were worse than Reddit

I enjoyed haruhi because when youre young, you enjoy everything
Forgettable become good and good become classics
Also the fact that there wasnt much anime at the time
When i think about haruhi i think about simpler times, not the show itself
Haruhifags never grew up out of their nostalgia, they are locked with their one anime they love above anything else, looking for the same excitement of discovering something new, something they will never experience again, even if s3 comes out

>old bad
>community unwilling to change
dude do you want Yas Forums to become like Yas Forums or Yas Forums? a literal soulless general board like /jp/? give me a fucking break
Yas Forums is okay just the way is it

haruhi a cute

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post proof fagget

Tired and meaningless criticism from brainlets who can't process simple well developed themes

>even if s3 comes out
This so much.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug

>locked with their one anime
Sounds like people who enjoyed Haruhi can't enjoy any other anime and only find good feels in rewatching the endless eight, Good job user.

You stopped watching it to tell Yas Forums that you were bored, and then finished it?

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Yeah you're right! We need more shonen, naruto, wojak and basedjak generals!

At its core the show is a silly satire on anime/sci-fi tropes. It doesn't have a consistent internal logic because that's the point. The appeal is watching an endearing and well-characterized cast engage in dumb, episodic shenanigans. If you aren't endeared to the characters, then you simply won't like the show.

> It doesn't have a consistent internal logic because that's the point.
Name even one inconsistency in Haruhi.

If only we had kept elitist culture, we could have kept all the undesirable zoomers like faggot OP away.

I'm not saying that there are inconsistencies, but rather that there's no mechanical consistency other than that they are all vaguely "sci-fi related" (which I believe is what OP is referring to). The narrative consistency between them is that they all parody the given sci-fi concept, and/or tie in with the overarching themes.

Haruhi a best.

endless eight made me want to kill myself
rest of it was really good

Okay, that's something I can agree on.

did you watch it in chronological order or broadcast order? broadcast order is more interesting. its pretty pedestrian stuff in chronological order, and knowing up front that haruhi is a god takes most of the suspense out of it. try watching the movie "Memento" with the scenes in chronological order, its also pretty tedious going.

The chronological order isn't wrong though. That's how Haruhi is initially written.

Yes, but that order lent itself much better to the light novel format, in which each volume was able to fully explore their respective self-contained ideas or setpieces. I'd argue not only that the broadcast order greatly alleviates the adaptational issues of putting a mostly-disparate collection of stories into a 14 episode serialized format, but that the anime was deliberately constructed with that order in mind.

>endless eight made me want to kill myself
I think that was the point

to induce insanity in the viewer, yes
it did its job well