
Sally is best girl

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Maple and her friend sally!

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user she has a girlfriend, Sally doesnt have time for silly threads.

syrup is kill

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what is going on here?

Syrup lives on in our hearts

Sally warming up Maple for me. She is a good friend.

Sally's making her Mofumofu go dokidoki.

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You wish faggot

>a good friend

That's what Obi Wan said about Anakin

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how the fuck a level 5 Chrollo Lucifer wannabe manage to wipe several guilds?
do they just let anybody in these events?

She wished actually

ramen collab in akihabara

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Why did Sally choose a skimpier swimsuit than her friends?

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wait.. is she wearing.. a thong leotard? i thought this was a children's tv show

Those are made by Iz

Yeah I’m thinking so too.

With those magnificent thighs, she definitely is.

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Kanade is best girl

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I don't think she's layering 3 shirts.

90 million views / 10 episodes, pretty good run

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Pretty damn good indeed. We should get atleast an OVA like Oresuki did

>raid with Sally
>raid Sally
Tough choice

>ywn do sumata with them

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When will Sally become the redman?


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What about Nekopara or Darwin's Game?

She's a slut.

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She's not as fat as the others.

Bring Syrup back


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.18.396.jpg (1920x1080, 580.67K)

To better show off her vagina bones.

Less fabric means less drag = more speed.

not avaiable in China
>Darwin's Game
smaller site pick it up, get 30 mil views last time I check

The LED cube is expensive.

>Fgo 91 mil
>Bof/u/ri 90 mil with half the run and 10 episode

>most popular anime of the season

*In Chinkland
Not overall.


This kind of makes me hopeful for a future of China shitting out hyper-jank open world MMOs for a year or two.

>sorry Sallly, but she's just a way better tribbing partner than you

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Don't use Ika chan for your shitty shitpost.

If we can get more cute girl doing fantasy things anime like Bofuri and I Said Make My Abilities Average I'll be ok with that

OK, teenager.

That’s a silly way to spell Mii.

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w-what are you doing to the empress

Makes me want to go back to Koikatsu. Anybody know of any yuri mods?

I already forgot Noukin and I'm slowly forgetting Bofuri. Why would you want more of these forgettable LN adaptation instead of studios making more quality originals?

>sasuga sally

ok quality original cute girl doing fantasy things
but if the studio doesn't have the money for it then I'm fine with just adaptions like those

Most of us have 4chanX and know how to use the archive. You do know deleting someone's post doesn't make them go away, right? Of course not, you've been a janitor for less than a week.

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Is there a way to share the model?

Yo, why is my post deleted, it was on topic

>Janitors applications are being accepted for the next 48 hours.
There's your answer.

>This show is generic and bad, what is the appeal
>Post deleted
lmao, how fucking butthurt are you

>Wtf why are people saying things I don't like on an anonymous imageboard
How butthurt are YOU? You can make exactly the same sorts of posts in literally every other thread on this board. Only Bofuri has a dedicated janitor showing bias.

>Yas Forums prides itself on anonymitiy and lack of censorship
>Also this show has a janny that will delete all negative comments on it


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