Murenase! Seton Gakuen

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time to give her what she deserves

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ugly bitch

You gay user

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Damn, Jin's wife Miyubi is such a cutie

First she steals Jin in front of everybody and then she attempted to steal the club. Now she is stealing all their food. There will be no end to her mischievous acts if Jin does not do anything to discipline her.

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Jin "disciplines" Kurumi every night in his room, if you know what I mean...

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loli sheep will win the jindere bowl

The cooking club's dishes would not have veggies in them if it weren't for her so Jin just lets her off the hook. And besides, Jin has some cat food stored in the club room for her to eat so it is not like she steals food all the time.

That is some mean panda they got there.

Why would he do it in his own room?

sleigh beggy

what’s the best chapter and why is it 60

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I like the small detail of sloth appearing last

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Jin lets her get away with it because he will be in deep shit if he angers his cat waifu. She is not as harmless like Lanka. Kurumi is capable of coercing with the entire school to hunt Jin down using her purring powers. Jin was actually lucky that he only got scratches on his face when he pushed her off the cliff.

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Ranka's voice is so fucking good
And I hope Beluga becomes a regular, I like her expressions a lot

I want to see this animated, but I also don't. I don't think my heart can take it.

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Cat a shit. Wolf the cutest and best overall

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>I hope Beluga becomes a regular
user, I...
She appeared again in the most recent manga chapter

Maybe in 10 years. She was cute tho.

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cute panda

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Says the wolf who is predominantly a cat.

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I thought aliens were interested only in cows.

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I wonder if we'll get alien girls at some point, even as an imagination spot gag.

my're wife dog Rlanka is very talented

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You are wife's only talent is screeching like a goblin.

There's also her licking everyone.

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Goat a qt

I am only interested in alpha female ferryl

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and she is only interesting in Terano sensei
Are there any datasheets anywhere for character sizes? Her height seems to change even more than Lankas

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She's 4.5m tall canonically or 15ft. Jin should come up to her knees, the arc where they go meet her father is the only one where the artist got her height right. (that's where the pic comes from)
I think she appears in some later chapter at the end of Arctic wolf arc. She was canon height there too. Pic related.
Since then no appearance and am close to dropping this turd as well as anime.

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let's go crazy

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You missed something

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lanka stronk

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So your a main fag. You basic bitch

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how come only ferryl becomes huge while their mother is average human woman size?

We've not seen their mother yet, but it is explained in both the Manga and Anime as being due to Bergmans law

As kids Feryl would lend Lanca her coat so she would stay warm which meant to she to grow to an enormous size in order to stay warm

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yeah but that means the mother grew up in those temperatures meaning she could also be a giant but judging by her hand size, she's average size unless she and the wolf moved over there after marriage and had the two daughters but then how did lanka end up living somewhere else at a young age?

For me its lanka>sloth>bat dont care about the rest

It doesn't mateer its just an excuse to cater to sizechads like me

Presumably Lankamom didn't have to give her warm coat to any siblings as a kid.

We know Lanka lived somewhere that wasn't a frozen waste as a child as she's seen in a daycare centre with Jin


She's better than many main girls, but still not the best in this, and Jin doesn't even use her properly. Fantia has another free version and another paid one

Watching this show makes me a little sad because Ranka reminds me of my deceased dog

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Jin will lose his harem to hitomi enjoy while it lasts

I'm sorry user, I know that pain

My cat died a few days ago. This show is both healing and torture for me

If it makes you feel worse Lanka irl is extinct forever so not more little Japanese wolves

What chapter does Miyubi cry? I've seen a page where she cries "aaaaai, aaaaai" like a sloth in front of Jin and dies.

She has her own harem: Yena, Anne, bonobo(s), seal

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Thanks Satan, I'm sorry for your cat too.

Chapter 60.

60. Jin looking out for sloth was really sweet

it is possible to impregnate them?

Satan is a cat person?