
Last thread got pretty toxic, let's keep it civil fellas.

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alright men everybody go to the baidu thread and start using picture autotranslators, well fucking get a shitty translation before the discordfags

Ainz's soon-to-be head wife.

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What would the other nations say if the Sorcerer King's head wife was a child bride? Not a chance.

They would think the Sorcerer King is pretty based.

lol they maybe speedreading cucks but lets just let hitori give it a good go

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Based humies.

Is this going to get translated now when Nigel is dead.

So what happen to Blue Rose? Did they surrender or ran away to PDL nation?

Why does Azuth have a gun?

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Yep. We also need to promote inclusivity, just like in SKoAoG.
Do we have any chinks, gooks, jews or niggers in the thread?

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does overlord need a fucking news pastebin or are people just pretending to be retarded

Probably nothing as they too have their own child wives

This vol is fucking stacked.
Humie kingdoms coming in hard and not even all of them.

If ainz did go on a berserk path like the 8gk, he would have gotten destroyed with all the surprises everywhere.

Nah, 8GK fought among themselves and already took out a great deal of the dragonlords.

Ainz might not able to fight them alone, but his Nazarick forces alone could crush any resistance. His library is stock full of high tier summoning monsters. Along with his resurrection system as long he ignore the cost, his guardians along could crush any enemy.

The dragons can kill Shalltear a dozen of times and it wouldn't matter.

I will update it form time to time

The king really look like a warrior for once. Seems like he still has some backbone left. Reading v10, i would have assume he would be in a pitiful state

its apart of his mech suit that came from yggdrasil

>Phillip, or one of his subordinates, being absolute retards, attacks the SK
>pisses off Nazarick so much, that they straight up went into full out war instead of using trying to peacefully annex it, killing 90% of the population
>Hilma's face when

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Ainz must be confuse as hell when it happen.
>Ainz:.........what is the plan??

Money, ainz will pull out once it gets too costly.
The world should be stronger than 600 years ago too since it has other systems other than wild magic and yggdrasil.

Memes aside, is new guy working on the translation?

The world has actually gotten weaker. Tier magic was never explore beyond the tier 6 spells and even the greatest spells was only up to tier 8.
While wild magic got distorted and the new dragons can barely use them.

Don't forget. Ainz guild is the only guild in the game that had 11 WCI items. No other guild has ever gotten more than 2 in their possession in the ranking system.

Players has helping Ainz weakening this world for 600years now. With every 100year invasion, the world grow weaker in strength.

You need to ask Sol to help with your chest first, Flatchest Airlines-san.

>killing 90% of the population
How the fuck does that happen? that was no war that was an full blown genocide

Yes and he is doing a very good job. Check out the 0bin and see for yourself.

>How the fuck does that happen?
I mean, the probably just pointed everyone in Nazarick the direction of the Kingdom and said 'Go nuts'
Humiefags BTFO

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>humiefags BTFO
Its the opposite. Now Nazarick will face the combined power of the other nations and the DLs. This doesn't bode well for Nazarick.

>90% of the population killed
The Sorcerer King did nothing wrong, the Kingdom was in the wrong for being weak.
Being weak is a sin, Justice is strong.

Based Neiaposter

Rate his design.

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>implying anyone except the Theocracy that isn't already friendly/subservient to Nazarick is going to give a shit that a bunch of humans died because their nobles went full retard

based Philip


They are only going to see an undead monstrosity slaughtering the living in mindbogling quantities and are going to feel threatened, which is why they will band together and look to PDL for protection. And as a level 120 he will absolutely stomp Nazarick.

would be 10/10 if his wing doesn't looks like a white flag.

He's already beaten Nigel's crap by a mile just for the fact that he doesn't shoehorn crappy memes into the translation.

>90% were killed necause of some retards fault
Holy shit ainz.

11/10 best design in the series so far.

Reminder that dragon emperor will be even stronger than PDL if he's still alive.


Dragon emperor should be around level 150 or something.


What nation? City states is too damn far away. Kingdom is gone. Empire and dwarf is Nazarick lackey. Holy kingdom is fighting each other. Theocracy is stuck fighting elves. Dragonic kingdom is with one foot in the grave. Agrande is basically alone if they intend to fight.

Not even enough for Nazarick to pick their teeth with. The kingdom fate is a warning to any nation who is stupid enough to pick a fight. I bet most nations now are scared shitless.

For how long would Nazarick be able to survive until Basedplex wipes them out for good?

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>defending retard humor while calling others retards


So, which spoilers are confirmed?

>city states too far away
Citation needed.
>kingdom is gone
There will be resistance among the peoples and the nobles, who might possess powerful heirlooms
>empire and dwarf
They will join the resistance if given the chance
They can just use zesshi, who is at least as strong as rubedo and the black scripture, who are all hero level humans with yggdrasil divine gear and wipe the elves
>dragonic kingdom
The people will rally against nazarick once they know their genocidal queen is hiding there
Several DLs and possible guildweapons at their disposal
This doesnt bode well for nazarick.

Startlingly versatile, staggeringly strong, the Autobots last line of defense... a mighty instrument of titanic destructive force. Extremely modest about his achievements... berates himself for not doing more. In robot mode, he can lift 70,000 tons, has shoulder-mounted twin high-energy maser cannons and omni-directional receiving and transmitting antenna. In city mode, has helipad and fully equipped repair bays that can handle four vehicles at once. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. Scamper is sports car with side mounted electro-blasters; transforms into robot, uses high-energy particle beam pistol. Six-gun is small robot, has ion-pulse rifles for arms, twin surface-to-air guided missile launchers on back, acetylene pistol. In battle station mode, uses all these weapons and twin disrupter rays, laser lances, powerful anti-matter projectors.

>humie fags already in this thread.

And is it in story?

Dragonic Kingdom's queen is hiding in Nazarick? What the fuck? Citation needed. Why would she be there???

He is. He's also the one who stomped Russia. You mad?

Im basing this off the spoilers we got yesterday. If this turns out to be fake, the DK will indeed not be a danger to nazarick.

Oh on which volume? Russia what's that? Why i do need to be mad?

Where did you find these spoilers because it doesn't make any sense for their queen to hide in Nazarick

I kinda missed their clinical retardation.
>this doesn't bode well for Nazarick
Has almost become a staple

They were posted on Yas Forums yesterday. Lolibaba allegedly attempted to use her magic to kill the beastmen but instead massacred 3 million of her people and fled her nation for nazarick.

>Look at the map about City state
>kingdom is gone. weakass survivors vengeance means nothing
>Why would Jircniv even bother? Or dwarf? They weren't force to join and are fine how things are
>Theocracy might not even fight Ainz byt instead ally themselves with him
>The dragonic spoiler thing is fake
>Agrande: they can use guild weapon. Only the original guildmaster can. And guild weapons max strength is only at divine grade. Can't go beyond that

Was that a side-effect of her magic or

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Is fake
The people who had read the book, say there was no mention about her.

What happened to Climb?
Death by snu snu?

So you're making shit up because you haven't given any citations. Got it.


>Using toxic unironically.

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wild magic is fueled by souls

I just got here, what happened to EvilEye?

The puppy stay as a good puppy. A clown should stay as a clown

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>look at the map
We dont know the scale so its meaningless to look at the map for distances
>weakass survivors
You dont know if they have an ace up their sleeves
>they weren't forced to join
He indirectly threatened them into joining him. Don't you remember Vol 10?
>theocracy might even join him
They literally said an undead ruling over land is unforgivable and are planning to overthrow him.( source: intermission vol 10 or 11)
>spoiler is fake
We dont know yet
>only the guildmaster can use the weapons
There might be other people like Nfirea
>strength is only at divine
That is wrong. When ainz spoke about the staff of AOG he said that its power approaches that of a WCI. Source v3 when he preps for the battle with Chair.

Welcome to /overlord/ general!

Save by PDL and escape. While the nation get annihilated

She confesses to Momon

So now what happens to adventurers when the Sorcerous Kingdom just murdered a whole country and their top ranked adventurers and effectively controls the other guilds? What happened to Momon?

>Strong as Rubedo

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