Bokuben Route:If

Discuss the new series

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axed in 10 chapters


Uruka was a mistake.

It started out shit when uruka confessed but now it's time to see if it can recover

A cute mistake!

I love Rizu, now let's try to not get this thread deleted too

Uruka a shit

1 canon
4 Ifs

Praise sawako!

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Cute squirrel!



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We love rizu! Let's praise the winner of the second route after 1/5 ! Everyone PRAISE RIZU!

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The first arc was trash. Hope the second one will be better.

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how'd the story change is sekijou replaced foom?

the "what if" arc

As a Rizubro I am very happy for this. We did very well fellow Rizubros


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A mistake so cute that I want to marry her.

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>route where Sawako gets cucked the most

It's gonna hurt bros.

> chapter 151 no chapter 1

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i want to be her friend i got no one to stretch with


>Starting off a new thread with the exact same shit that got the last one jannied.
Also the series is still published under the same name as always. I don't know why I'm even bothering.

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I love my wife
I love Rizu too, of course! I hope we all can enjoy her route together.

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If there will be no Sawako threesome, I'll start a riot.


I'm confused why people are pissed. It's an if route, who gives a fuck. Tsutsui said I could choose so I will. If I want to ignore urukas ending and just choose to have rizu as my canon I can. Why do people have to shitfling at each other?

Incest is frowned upon user

You see the firework separated from the others? That's real end Uruka. The other Iffireworks are the rest.

They don't care user

What happened to last thread?

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yurifags get out

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>Route: If
Uruka just keeps on winning.

Janny is just butt hurt senseifag

>sawako, born to suffer

Wasn't it jannied due to a kill in oppost?

and the chapter follows the normal numbering, 151
retards will keep screaming their headcanons though

Uruka was a mistake

>Route: If

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Theres no fucking point user, you know what's coming in this thread. I hope the jannies delete it again.

I dunno chief. WSJ just didn't get the memo. Tsutsui's color pages say it out loud. Look forward to the volumes!

Based Tsutsui



If Rizu is the start of :IF it means Uruka end is the canon one, bye.

cleaned out due to maximum shitposting
Urukafags thought they're in a revenge tour after OP pic got released.


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First arc from the if chapters was shit.
Uruka was a mistake.

she looks like koto nee from senryuu

Kissing Uruka's butt!
Kissing Rizu's butt!
Kissing Fumino's butt!
Kissing Asumi's butt!
Kissing Mafuyu's butt!

I'm just glad we're done with the urunig can't wait to see how this route goes

Kangaroo semen

They're his fucking publisher you donkey, they know what hes doing next and how hes doing it.


Who cares? Everyone wins and everything is canon according to 22i. Ignore bait posts and post cute girls.

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That's a very cute Foom.


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Sooooo..... why did he add that big IF to the colourpage fillerbros? I can't come up with a proper cope help me

That's a fat cope if I ever saw one. 1/5 spamming came biting back fillernigger.

Literally killed the manga.

Thank you, user-kun. You can also post your favorite girls!

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what about their lips user, don't waste any food

Urukafags, how does it feel knowing Mafuyu's romantic ending is the only thing fans will be talking about when the series is over with?


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Same reason the last page of Uruka's arc got a big Route: 1/5 note on it

But then why is Uruka color page titled Bokuben and this is Bokuben route if. And why will Uruka's volume be titled Bokuben and this will be titled Bokuben Route:If? user please tell me I need to cope.

Uraka wins in canon
Everyone else """wins""" in their own cope what if scenario

>le pinkass

how so? you're still a 1/5cuck

>Mafuyu's romantic ending
Time travel fantasy novel is the best you're gonna get. Act more smug and you're gonna get workplace end iffaggot.


>Uraka wins in canon

Bokuben ROUTE:True

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>Route: if
You told me all routes were canon you faggots.

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nonono we got too cocky chadbros

2-5=If=Don't kiru yoaserufu purizu

Drink Kangaroo semen


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Why does her final chapter has route 1/5 instead of bokuben end?

Keep the predictions coming. I assume you still think that rizus arc is 2 chapters?


Yes but I don't see any IFs on that page. Mind explaining that

sensei is shit and non canon, cope

So IF is supposed to be an epilogue series why does it continue the chapter count?

In 8

They are canon in that anons didn't kill themselves so they still have a reality to live in. All is gone after you redditshit girl lost. Tsutsui is based.


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How can urakafags ever recover from
No need for extra words, insults, or images

Is because is a surprise user, understand, all the girls are if


Based. Uruka wins again. Foomshits and Pinkshits can seethe forever.


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Oh nonono fillerniggers, you got too cocky.

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urukafag here, honestly i want to see the other routes, i hope they are good though i don't have much trust in tsutsui after how he handle uruka, also as long as there are threads about this manga there will be some uruka posting, both good and bad, i love sensei, to me she is tied with rizu right after uruka, i am glad we will get more of her