What even is the point of watching anime after you have seen the best anime of all time?

Finishing this series altered my judgment, in comparison to this series, something like Boku no Hero Academia is garbage.

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That's because it isn't really anime, OP. the moment you watch good anime do you realize that all the moe k-on! shit that Yas Forums loves is complete shit.

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Pic not related? Code Geass has an interesting synopsis, but its all ruined by:
>awful characters
>shit writing
>school setting
>fan service
>shit worldbuilding
It's amazing that the ending of R1 resets the series, rendering almost 50% of the entire show pointless.

>in comparison to this series, something like Boku no Hero Academia is garbage
>>Compares a middle of the road shounen to a master piece
If you want to compare, do it at least comparing to another master piece like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

BnHA is garbage. but TTGL is an embarrassment to all of fiction.

>TTGL is an embarrassment to all of fiction.

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Was Space Basket worth it?

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>that eventual callback

Space Jam, you mean.

It's fun, and its filler is even more fun, unlike legend of the gay lactating homosexuals that cockblocks its audience out of actual conclusions to more than double its necessary runtime.

You feel like Alexander.

You weep, for there are no more worlds left to conquer

Am I speedwatching retard who doesn't pay attention or did Reuental's rebellion not make much sense?

>loyal to Reinhard his whole life
>Reinhard even pardoned him when he was fucking an enemy woman
>gets accused
>"I'm innocent, I've done nothing wrong"
>"I'm innocent, I've done nothing wrong"
>"ok fuck you, I'm guilty and proud of it"
>somehow was able to get millions of troops to rebel against their Kaiser

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No, you're fine. And for all the people who pretend to idolize this character and praise this storyline... ask them if they would like to be one of his soldiers in his fleet. If it's such a worthy cause, they wouldn't mind joining him, right?

I had the same feeling when I finished it. I spent the entire month of october 2017 watching it. After that I just couldn't get into the next show, because of the difference in quality. The next time I finished something was January 2018.

LOGH is not that good. Only teenagers put it on a pedestal like it's never guilty of bad writing or stupid stuff, but LOGH is, in fact, quite guilty of those. It's still really good and unique, but claiming this "altered your judgement" makes you look like a retard who has never read a good manga or watched a good western series/movie.

>no hot guys
??? The series probably has the most fujoshit in its genre.

This made me want to join the military as an officer, I studied so hard, lost weight and built up my stamina for the officer selection board only to end up accidently calling my interviewing officer fat and getting rejected

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>LOGH made you WANT to join the military

Because humans need variety. Although I guess you can always just switch to another entertainment medium, like books.

as an officer and no Im not a burger

I've been enjoying it.

One of the main themes of the series is that people in the military are retarded and end up killing everyone despite their best intentions because War is fundamentally evil.

I wouldn't mind. It's not every day you get to fight under a guy who fought off an axe-weilding scoundrel like Schenkopp barehanded.

mein kaiser inspired me to be a leader

First of all, the best anime of all time is Cardcaptor Sakura.
Second of all, MHA is garbage even if you don't compare it to a good anime.
Third of all, watch more anime. Cherrypicking the most praised series from online databases does not give you a good view of an entire medium.

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But you'd die. And for what?

Even if you were completely correct in your assessment of LoGH, thinking that only the very best of something is worth watching is a pretty shitty way of thinking. Not to mention what comes in through individual taste where you may consider a good series a masterpiece because it appeals to you heavily.

LOGH is shallow as fuck faggots who praise it barely even watch anime. The fact you are comparing it to fucking shonenshit for 14y olds is all the proof necessary.

sorry user but I don't watch 4:3 boomer anime

I've been wanting to start this but don't get the order
Should I go with the release order including the movies or should I take the chronological plot order?

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This series doesn't hold up at all. I rewatched it last summer and couldn't even bring myself to finish it

Try using VEG next time.

The glory of the Empire.

is there any reason to watch the movies after you've finished the show?

I didn't realise until after I had completed the 110 episodes that you were supposed to watch the movies first

it was stupid but it was kino

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How do you people even remember to breathe?

More content I guess. I watched My Conquest is the Sea of Stars after the series because I hadn't thought to watch it first. I watched Overture after watching the first few episodes too.

Even before the incident, he toyed with the idea.
>post incident
>I could try explaining this, but even then Oberstain probably insists on stripping me of power and keeping me on house arrest until the end of time
>Reinhard, did imply that he wants a worthy advisory, perhaps I can be that advisory?

But yeah, his revolt was half-hearted and had no real reason. He also insisted on dying without the surgery for no reason.

>entire series anti-war
>Yang Wen-Li wanted to reach a stalemate and make peace so that Julian didn't have to fight
>Reinhard wanted to unify Galaxy and thus bring an end to the war

There were some hints but even after it's over the show seems to imply that this was just a dumb case of clashing egos and that because both were too proud to work out their differences a lot of people had to die.

How can Spiral Labyrinth not be completely subbed?

Militaries are necessary for a soverign, there's no such thing as eternal peace that was also taught in the series

Didn't Reinhard enjoy war though?

He loved being on the frontlines and enjoyed challenging his enemies

old image

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>What even is the point of watching anime after you have seen the best anime of all time?
To remind yourself of the superiority of LOTGH.

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Nope, ask Switzerland and Iceland
Did he enjoy? I thought his motto was:
>if there is fighting, unlike those decadent emperors before me, I will not sit in my palace drinking wine when people are dying, I will fight in the front line with my men, if emperor doesn't do that they aren't worthy of any respect

>what is WW2
no peace lasts forever, even the roman empire, one of the largest empires ever, had fallen and to barbarians none the less. This is what the show was about, even thousands of years later when humanity progressed so much war still existed

Technically, if the Alliance had surrendered to the Empire, early on with the condition of retaining the same autonomy it received in the end, a lot of lives would have been spared.

no The regime was totalitarian. There would be no autonomy.

Magical girl anime are on the same level as shonen, you might as well have said that MHA is the best anime and it wouldn't have made your post much different.

The sharingan thing ruins it for me.

>somehow was able to get millions of troops to rebel against their Kaiser
That shouldn't be hard.

During the rule of goldbalm? Fat chance they'd all be executed for not being aryans or forced to live like 2nd class people

>"Mittermeyer, you're late"


Reuental's actions in and of themselves are in character. what I agree was wrong was that seemingly all the neue land forces went along with his insurrection when most people are happy with the Kaiser's rule. it's one of my favorite arcs of the show, but there is some inconsistency there.

Machiavelli encourages the usurping princes to dispose their supporters instead of rewarding them and pardoning their enemies.

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It may be the next LoGH. Though it's usually badly written garbage.

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>What even is the point of watching anime after you have seen the best anime of all time?
Being bitter and smug about it.

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>somehow was able to get millions of troops to rebel against their Kaiser

Claimed Obertein and Lang were trying to usurp Reinhard's authority.

Reinhard said it was okay to rebel against him.

>watch first episode
>stop watching
Why does Yas Forums always recommend terrible anime?
Why does anyone watch this? At what point do you get any investment in the series and you want to find out what happens next? Just some generic dudes talking about irrelevant boring shit and ships going ''pew pew pew.''

All the books have been officially translated.

The first couple of episodes don't do a very good job at introducing things. The Overture movie is better at that. Different people find different things boring though. I didn't find LoGH boring really ever. You still have to take your own tastes into account when looking for recommendations.

You have objectively shit taste if you don't care about the exact number of men and ship during each battle, and know the names of all 1000 recurring characters (this is what we call the thinking man's anime).
Also, disappointed they never touched on Reinhard's tax policy.