My Hero acadamia

100 % stressed Redestro
Sad man's Parade
And Dabi vs Hawks incoming

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>Hori is actually going to draw an icarus type panel with Hawks being a fried chicken

Hawks a shit

Need more bunny cunny.

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Really Hori? Dabi's only win is going to be against Hawks? How will the hawkfags take this. They already hate him.

>not expecting Dabi to job and then get bailed out like always

If Hawks and Bakugou die in this manga, Hori will be responsible for mass suicide.

Good, fuck fujos.


Hawks wasn't even in the top 10 last poll, Fuji spam made his "popularity" overexaggerated and fake

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Why do people say naive things like this? Fujos jump ship the moment pandering stops or if they get bored before that, this isn't the first thing they have gotten into
Do you think HxH or Berserk fujos sit waiting for the next chapter? No, they are into everything that attracts their attention while they wait, they'll already be latched onto the next big thing before this is even over, only a couple of underage ones will cry on twitter before moving on

>Expecting Dabi to ever win
He was an eugenics reject for a reason.

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your shitty spam has already been posted once.

Why the fuck don't they have Yoarashi in the same team as Midnight? Their combo would be the perfect counter to Re-Destro and could bring down dozen of liberators in a blink.

>Another boring chapter

>Waaaah the villains will lose

Not so fast hero cucks

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>Shitty spam

He's almost part of the identity of this threads. Leave the autist alone. Also, it could be a Python script.



feelin' fine

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This is not true, fujos are loyal to their obsession with their ships

Yeah but they don't sit waiting for them to happen, they are into everything, you can't tell me the ones that were into Kuroko, etc just killed themselves once it was over

>these latest chapters
Holy shit, Hori, get to the good stuff already!

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Is Redestro going to have tiny robot legs in his hulk form?

Its going to take a long while till Shiggy wakes up.

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Place your bets! Is the chicken gonna get fried, or is Endeavor's experimental failure gonna job again in ten chapters?

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Mmmm, love me some fried chicken.

Twice will get mind-controlled by Shinso, and turn the sad parade against the Villains

I dunno about you guys but this doesn't look like a jobber's face to me

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is geten a man or a woman?

Dabi is just gonna job again


When exactly has Dabi jobbed? The only fight that he's lost is against Geten who was a very powerful opponent.

Most of the time he just avoids fights or runs.

I like this! I am confused about why Awase has what appears to be a furry Shmoo, though.

dabi himself never jobbed

The man's barely in a handful of chapters, compared to other characters, and his fans don't even spam these threads. What's the point of hating him to obsession?

cope, fujos

He's a little bitch

It's not just Dabi. Twice is going full sadman parade on Hawks as well. That's a very dead chicken coming up

>Dabi inherited his mother's psychotic tendencies


Hawks will be seriously injured but saved by Endeavor randomly showing up after Shiggy wakes up and the sight of him makes Endeavor piss his pants and run away. Endeavor will then fight Dabi and get killed protecting Hawks when Dabi suddenly switches targets midfight.

he avoids fights not because he's hiding his powerlevel or trying to be smart, but because he knows he's just a charred skeleton with mental problems. he doesn't expect to win against anyone.

i mean he says himself how weak he is multiple times. i think we're going to have to take his word for it eventually.

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??? Dabifags are mostly fujos.

>killing Endeavor


That is smart though

Hawks literally just jobbed by not being able to take down Twice.

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Guess we wait for korean scans in 18 hours then.

>Hagakure finally revealed as the traitor
>she takes off her white gloves and puts on black ones

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If he's indeed Touya, Endeavor will 100% not attack him, but he would protect Hawks. So he will just die acting as a shield

What's even the point of pointing fingers about who's a fujo when it's Hawks vs Dabi? Everyone who likes 90% of the characters in this manga are fucking fujos but the fan of these two are especially.

How the fuck are the mods letting you get away with posting this image?

Dabi? Yes. Hawks? No.

>Hawks? No.

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What is this face saying

oh no not the heckin fujorinos

I mean that the fujo fanbase for Dabi is much, much higher than for Hawks's.

wrong, bitch