Looks like the Coronavirus took down ‘ol Pops. Who do you think is next?

Looks like the Coronavirus took down ‘ol Pops. Who do you think is next?

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>Zeni dying to anything other than choking on Lupin’s cock
As if.

Merely pretending.

damn i can’t believe pops is fucking dead

really nigga

Should have stayed out of Italy.

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Preposterous. The virus has no change against such a healthy, athletic and virile man.

Pretty sure Pops is the same age as Lupin (he was in the manga); they just call him Pops to piss him off.

>overworked japanese man who smokes alot
No he's in the danger zone.

Why are there more cases in Italy than Japan?

Japan is just ignoring it and hoping it will go away by the time the Olympics are on

Because Italy went full retard

italy is more up to date than any other country on their infected count and has taken much more aggressive measures. chances are it’s the same in a lot of other western countries
plus italy has a lot of old people

Italians aren't really known to be smart.

Many old people and north italy has many chinese. But you know when you don't look for it you won't find anything. That's probably why there are no cases in africa yet.

Yeah, I'm sure other countries have similar situations but are fucking slow on the uptake or are trying to the real numbers because they fear an economic crisis (which will happen anyway).

With all the deadly shit in Africa, Corona-chan is just another Tuesday.

Isn't it just because italians kiss on the cheek to greet each other?

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*trying to hide

>(which will happen anyway)
Which is happening as we speak

Other europeans do that too.

The patient zero that infected a dude from Codogno (patient one) was from Germany.

>Less old people than anyone in the world

Please. It's all an act to get Lupin to show up to his funeral, lamenting the end of their cat and mouse game. That's when Pops jumps up and slaps the cuffs on him. Unfortunately it turns out Lupin was an unaware carrier and that would be the last good laugh they would all ever have.

I think Italy has the most old people in all of Europe.

they do, outside of meme states like San Marino

Pretty fitting considering what’s going down in Italy.
What’s their deal with Lupin anyways

Lupin is an honorary pastanigger

Sono residente in Italia e non posso uscire di casa, l'intero paese è in quarantena. Vi prego mandate aiuto!

No idea but I guess they have good taste. I would have thought France loves it but something about copyright ruined it.

>character literally named Lupin
Of course it would have copyright issues in France!

Anche io. Ma guarda che puoi andare a fare la spesa e muoverti nel tuo comune, basta che rispetti le norme di sicurezza.

it was always on after school and loved by kids and adults alike in the 70s and 80s. italy in general has been one of the most pro-anime countries out there since the beginning

Between Corona and Lupin, I think this thread was particularly designed to summon Italians.

I know but I think they have it now since copyright expired. Too late to become popular though.

I criminali stanno già evadendo dai carceri, lo stato è al collasso, sto aspettando che le razzie abbiano inizio.

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It pisses me off that corona is associated with Italy now, fuck chinks. It all started because they eat literal shit.

Vivi al sud? Spero non succeda mai nulla di simile qui da me, sennò comincio a combattere pure io porca la madonna.

they will truly end this world

It's still associated mostly with China. Do Americans even know about it?

Google evasione Foggia.

"Coronavirus is a hoax"
D. Trump

Meanwhile WHO declared pandemic.

Italy surpassed Korea and is now 2nd place. Feeling pretty proud to be honest.

Lo so che cosa è successo, e spero la polizia capisca che per prenderli tutti bisogna fare fuoco e ammazzarne qualcuno.
Proprio in questo paese del cazzo doveva partire l'epidemia.

How can you fuck up even harder than a country that has a literal corona death cult?

At least the infected count is now zero in the North, the measures are being effective.

98% survival chance death cult kek

Dosen't that just kill old people? Kind of bullshit to me how I might get laid off from my job in the future since we cover events and they're closing events due to coronavirus.

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I mean there weren't new infected registered today.

Me, god willing.

It's all going to disappear till summer like the last time.

I can't believe it took out lupin as well

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It better, I've got a trip planned to Italy.

>Zeni rubs his face all over Lupin’s cadaver
That’s gross, man. No wonder he got it.

He lost his only reason for living.


A lot ot africa is fucking empty anyways. Not many ways for a virus to spread far there besides by plane.

Italy and France got a lot of dubbed anime and translated manga in the 60s and 70s.


muslims dont wash properly

you know what lupin needs, another stealth game that's like gta.